I can't use my whip!

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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I can't use my whip!


I had shoulder surgery on Feb 16th...............It's is going to be a while before I can crack a whip again. I may try my other hand, but I am sure I will injure myself.
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by Canuck Digger »

I wish you a prompt recovery and a speedy return to cracking!

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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by Indiana County Jr. »

Sorry to hear that mate, don't rush it on the shoulder, let it heal. I try to alternate just to build strength in my left arm, plus my right looks like Popeye's forearm compared to it..... ;)

Crack On! :whip:
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by HarryStreet »

You have my sympathy, I had shoulder surgery last September and spent two months in a sling, with another two months of physical therapy.

Luckily, it was my right shoulder and I'm left handed. But it was still very frustrating.

Depending on the nature of your surgery, take it easy, and do all the exercises the physical therapist gives you, religiously. Trust me, it may ****, but it really helps with recovery.

Best of luck to you.
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by bobm2004 »

Sorry to hear that and here is hoping for a speedy recovery. But lets not forget about nor lose sight of the real victims here-your whips. They will be neglected, unused and probably aching to crack. To help rectify this horrible, tragic situation and as a complete 100% unselfish act on my part, I will provide a temporary foster home for your whips and see to their care, regular feedings of pecards and most importantly they will get regular exercise. We all know that a cracking whip is a happy whip. So I will take on this burden for you and make room in my heart and schedule to lend a hand. So when do you think you can ship them................................................. :D :whip:
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by Dalexs »

Depending on the injury, you could very easily make a case for cracking whips as a form of physical therapy!

In fact, I have 2 PT friends who I could probably convince into writing you a precription for it
so its covered by your insurance! :[
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by Indiana County Jr. »

Man! Sign me up for that prescription package! I can just see it now....

Crack at least two hours before bed after eating. Do not crack after midnight

Do not use while operating heavy equipment until you are comfortable with your dosage

Ask your doctor about what a whip can do for you......

Side effects may include: welts, blisters, marks.... if you show any signs of the following; increase practice immediately!
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Re: I can't use my whip!


I am three weeks out of surgery for a torn labrum.............My physical therapist about killed me this morning, but my range of motion is better then expected at this point...........I will be in a sling for another 2 weeks while everything is healing............I hope to be able to start using my whip again towards the end of April, but no telling....
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Re: I can't use my whip!

Post by raider 57 »

Sorry to hear of your shoulder injury, DOHERTYJAX. I can relate.
I had a serious posterior shoulder dislocation about 10 years ago in a cycling accident. Hurt like the Devil!!Immobilized for 3 weeks. :-0
Took me almost a whole year to regain my full range of motion. Even after 6 months couldn't lift my hand above shoulder height. :x My tennis and raquetball games suffered too.
So believe me I was very frustrated. But over time I regained my strength and arm mobility. TAKE IT EASY for a while! Don't over do your cracking, and be sure to do any strengthening and range of motion exercises as prescribed. Ask your phys. therapist questions about your whip work.
I still get quite sore if I fail to do a slow "warm up" before multiple cracking combos. I also find some of the fancy cracks are simply beyond my flexibility now.
Understand, I'm no expert, but I can attest to the ability of the body to heal itself. But joints can take a long time. Give yourself at least a year to mend fully and don't rush the recovery. If you don't reinjure, you can be almost as good as before.
Good luck, and crack carefully!! :whip:
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