1. Peter Botwright patterned the LC jackets based on a Lee Keppler-made Raiders jacket (which the latter designed based solely on close study of production photos and the film itself).
2. In the mid-to-late 90s, Peter Botrwight claims to have made the early Raiders Westeds based on "original patterns". However, this is disputed –even refuted- by some because of fact number 1.
However, the following is also true: the Lee Keppler jacket and the early Westeds are very different. For example:
Wested: Inseam attachment of side straps to back panel.
Keppler: Exterior "X box" attachment to the back panel.
Wested: Side straps connected to the lower portion of the pocket hand warmers
Keppler: Side straps higher up and a few inches from the cargo pockets theselves.
Wested: Large, more rounded cargo pockets.
Keppler: Smaller, more angular cargo pockets.
Then we delve into another area. As you can as we can see from the following pictures on the left you have a Martin Grace stunt jacket and on the right a 1999 Radiers Wested. As we can see, the above Wested jacket specs are "part and parcel" to the Martin Grace jacket.

Another shot of the same jackets (ignore the Raiders promo pic on the right)

Conclusion: Clearly, the early commercially-available Westeds in the 90s were not patterned on the Lee Keppler or Last Crusade jackets. They are based on some other patterns that are shared with the Grace jacket (and the Bantu Wind) jacket dating from production on Raiders.
If this is the case, then which pattern were the early Wested's based on? Early Radiers prototype patterns?

The Martin Grace jacket is very telling: To me it says this: Peter did have this "original pattern" even if he was specifically asked by LFL to replicate the Kepler jacket for LC production. He obviously reverted to these old patterns for his early Raiders Westeds.
Any thoughts? Ideas?
Cheers, guys!