Anyone using Obenauf's?

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Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by lantzn »

What about Obenauf's to care for leather? I saw it at our local Cabela's sporting goods. It doesn't have any petroleum based products in it. ... eba55f2614
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by 191145 »

Yes! I use Obenauf's and will use nothing else. I have a tub of Pecard's that I tried on a number of things years ago, but just wasn't impressed. Mostly I use Obenauf's 'Leather Oil', sometimes cutting it with naptha (lighter fluid) for better penetration and cleaning on my several leather jackets. 'Leather Oil' does not permanently darken even delicate lambskin and does not make leather 'greasy'. This reminds me that I have several pairs of boots that need treating with the more 'waxy' product, 'Heavy Duty LP' (leather preservative). Obenauf's is not Pecard's under another name and is a premium product. I invite you to review the Obenauf story and see for yourself. ... 9c745d9fac
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by lantzn »

191145 wrote:Yes! I use Obenauf's and will use nothing else. I have a tub of Pecard's that I tried on a number of things years ago, but just wasn't impressed. Mostly I use Obenauf's 'Leather Oil', sometimes cutting it with naptha (lighter fluid) for better penetration and cleaning on my several leather jackets. 'Leather Oil' does not permanently darken even delicate lambskin and does not make leather 'greasy'. This reminds me that I have several pairs of boots that need treating with the more 'waxy' product, 'Heavy Duty LP' (leather preservative). Obenauf's is not Pecard's under another name and is a premium product. I invite you to review the Obenauf story and see for yourself. ... 9c745d9fac
This kind of shows it's not Pecards in another package like others have implied. Since Pecards has been available since 1902, this statement would be mute.

"As word spread and demand for Obenauf's LP (Leather Preservative) grew among ranches, loggers, bikers, boot companies, and anyone with leather, it was apparent that we had a product that was not otherwise available."

I'll stop by and grab some. Thanks
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by 191145 »

I recently picked up a US WWII .45 holster at a bargain price because it was very dry. My Obenauf's Leather Oil (cut with naptha) really is doing a fine job on it and flexibility is restored without darkening. Definitely get the Leather Oil for fine leathers like jackets.
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by lantzn »

191145 wrote:I recently picked up a US WWII .45 holster at a bargain price because it was very dry. My Obenauf's Leather Oil (cut with naptha) really is doing a fine job on it and flexibility is restored without darkening. Definitely get the Leather Oil for fine leathers like jackets.
How much Naptha are you cutting with when treating jackets?
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by InLikeFlynn »

Just a quick note to those of you who want to use Obenauf's. I used it exclusively for years after my stint fighting forest fires and found that with prolonged use it will cause leather to lose it's structure, meaning that repeated use on a nice boot will cause the boot to go soft and floppy in areas that it should not be. It is great stuff and I recommend it but now I only use it on items where the structural integrity is not as important.

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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by Weston »

I love the stuff! Works very well and smells like honey.

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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

InLikeFlynn wrote:Just a quick note to those of you who want to use Obenauf's. I used it exclusively for years after my stint fighting forest fires and found that with prolonged use it will cause leather to lose it's structure, meaning that repeated use on a nice boot will cause the boot to go soft and floppy in areas that it should not be. It is great stuff and I recommend it but now I only use it on items where the structural integrity is not as important.

Apologies for reviving an old thread, but lately I've been doing research on Obenaufs, as I'm really fond of the fact that it lacks petroleum, but am trying to find out more before I pull the trigger.

With Pecards, I only apply it to my jackets, so I can't really say what effect Pecard would have on boots. However, I've noticed that my leather footwear do tend to go soft/floppy over time, and I've never used Pecards on them, only boot polish. Which makes me wonder if what is being described is maybe just the result of Flynn's boot 'breaking in'?
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by RaidersBash »

sounds good. i've wrecked a lot of gloves reaching into the fire to move logs while camping... :-k
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by InLikeFlynn »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:
InLikeFlynn wrote:Just a quick note to those of you who want to use Obenauf's. I used it exclusively for years after my stint fighting forest fires and found that with prolonged use it will cause leather to lose it's structure, meaning that repeated use on a nice boot will cause the boot to go soft and floppy in areas that it should not be. It is great stuff and I recommend it but now I only use it on items where the structural integrity is not as important.

Apologies for reviving an old thread, but lately I've been doing research on Obenaufs, as I'm really fond of the fact that it lacks petroleum, but am trying to find out more before I pull the trigger.

With Pecards, I only apply it to my jackets, so I can't really say what effect Pecard would have on boots. However, I've noticed that my leather footwear do tend to go soft/floppy over time, and I've never used Pecards on them, only boot polish. Which makes me wonder if what is being described is maybe just the result of Flynn's boot 'breaking in'?
Hello, glad to see activity on this thread. When I said "soft and floppy" I do not mean the softening of leather as it gradually breaks in over a long period of time. It is hard to explain unless you have seen it, and I doubt one would see it if one was not wearing their boots daily and using Obenaufs as a water proofer over a long period of time.
Since I have stopped using Obenaufs on my boots I have not had another pair do this. I am not knocking Obenaufs, I love the stuff and use it quite often on all my leather gear and I would have a hard time recommending anything better, I just do not use it as a water proofer on my boots or shoes. Used sparingly as a conditioner it is great. The best thing I have found for waterproofing leather boots is Ome Daiber's old stand by Sno Seal which I used for years and years and went back to after dropping Obenaufs. The strange thing is that it has some of the same ingredients as Obenaufs but it does not negatively affect the structure of the leather.
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by RaidersBash »

I know I've personally have ruined some leather goods by over-treating...the leather almost rots in a way from having just too much stuff in it...

not saying at all that's what is going on in Flynn's case, just saying what I HAVE done...

but in regards to Sno-Seal, I thought that was not a deep penetrating conditioner...that it stays more superficial on/in the leather, and the reason for the need of more frequent treatments...

idk...just some thoughts
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by bullit »

Hey Guy's this thread has my ears pricked up, as I use Pecards and as much as they say it doesn't darken leather, I find that it does and Im not keen on having a very very very dark brown indy jacket!
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Re: Anyone using Obenauf's?

Post by Michaelson »

All products darken leather when used. Thing about Pecards is it slowly evaporates from the surface. You'll find your jacket slowly goes back to the same color it was when you began.

Regards! Michaelson
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