Bittersweet first post

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Bittersweet first post

Post by TreasureHunter »

Hi, my name is TreasureHunter and I'm a Indyholic. Although I've been reading this forum for a couple of months of and on, this is my first post. I first became interested in this site for the Diary section, but later became enamored with the jacket.

After diligently reading all of your posts and doing LOTS of research I finally decided on the jacket I was going to get. A Wested dark brown goatskin with all the recommended adjustments, plus a zippered grail pocket.

Then, the day before I was going to order I read IndyDawg's raving review of the US Wings jacket. I had initially decided to get this, prior to learning of the Wested jacket, but thought heck...why not get the Wested? Well, IndyDawg (and the other great US Wings reviews) convinced me that that was the way to go (for the first jacket anyway, cause I realize I'll probably own a couple of these eventually).

So, this morning I get up and tell my wife "honey, I've decided on a jacket and I'm going to order it today. She paused, kinda curled her lip and then said, "I can't believe you're going to make me say this." Of course I grimace and figured I'm about to get a lecture about spending money on a leather jacket I probably don't need. But, I was wrong!

"I thought I told you not to buy ANYTHING before Christmas!, she says. "I was trying to surprise you, but now I have to tell you. You might be getting a jacket for Christmas." :shock: We'll my jaw dropped and I was speechless. She was obviously very disappointed that I had ruined her secret, but happy to have stunned me.

I finally stammered my disbelief that she would encourage my obvious obsession with this "hobby." She said she knew how much I wanted it and wanted to do something nice for me.

Well anyway, here I sit feeling like an inconsiderate dumba**:roll: for ruining her surprise while simultaneously doing summersaults inside thinking about my eagerly awaited present. Which one did she order? The goatskin, or the VIP, or maybe the distressed cow-no, no, no...probably the VIP..or maybe the goat. :D

So, sorry for the long intro post, but I had to tell someone and you folks are the only ones I figured could understand. Thanks for listening. Any advice you might have for making up for spoiling her present would be appreciated. :-k


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Post by indybill »

Welcome Treasurehunter. Sounds like your wife is definately a keeper!
I'm afraid mine can only quietly tolerate my illness. :wink:

Figuring out how to appease the upset wife is like searching for the
Holy Grail. If you do happen to find it you're just as likely to be shot
at, stabbed, crushed by a tank, and burned to death as you are likely
to be successful. But if you do figure it out please share; I'll put it in
my 'angry wife' diary for future reference. :lol:
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Post by Cassidy »

Welcome Treaure Hunter.
Any advice you might have for making up for spoiling her present would be appreciated
If you figure this out on your own, bottle it, write it down, do whatever it is you have to do - you'll be a millionaire overnight!

My approach with my wife is Indyish - if I tick her off I just tell her that she likes the way I do business, or that I'm a scientist and would hate to predjudice my results, so I'll tell her in the morning.

Needless to say I'm familiar with most infomercials now, from the comforts of my couch at night.

However, Wested or US Wings, for your first jacket at least you won't be dissappointed. Good on her, and good on ya.

Take care, and welcome once more!

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Post by TreasureHunter »

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Cassidy, I think you might be onto something with the "I think you like the way I do business," angle. I'll put that on my list of possibilities. Though I might wait until I open my present. She may have exchanged it for a lump of coal by then.
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Post by FLATHEAD »

One thing you may want to consider. If your wife ordered the
Wings jacket some time ago, and by christmas it has been more
than 30 days, Wings will NOT take your jacket back for a refund
or exchange!

If I was you, I would ask your great wife if you can try on the
jacket before its too late. Wings does not have good customer
service, and you could be in for a huge hassle if you don't find
out now if the jacket fits. Wested has one of the best customer
service department in the world. You can return a Wested just
about anytime if it has not been worn yet. They know that a
person will order a gift way in advance of a holiday. But with
Wings, you will be out of luck, and stuck with a dud.

You don't want to be stuck with a jacket that is too big, too
small, or might have some faults in it, and then not be able
to return it because it has gone past 30 days.

Also tell your wife to absoluetly DO NOT remove the tag that is
hung on the jacket when it arrives!! If you remove this, then even
if the 30 days has not gone by yet, Wings will not take the jacket
back no matter what! This is written right on their receipt when
you get the jacket. So make sure she does not do that!

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Post by TreasureHunter »


Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be sure to mention those details to her. It would be a bummer to end up with a jacket that didn't fit the bill.
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Re: Bittersweet first post

Post by Dalexs »

TreasureHunter wrote:
Any advice you might have for making up for spoiling her present would be appreciated. :-k
Jewelry usually does the trick. I suppose a gift certificate to a spa would work too.

One thing I learned having a birthday within 10 days of xmas...
NEVER buy anything I really want until after the fact.
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Post by Cabinetman »

Your wife is not upset. Maybe disappointed, but it will be short-lived. I would wager that you are feeling far more down about it and having a harder time with it then she is. Let it go. She probably has.

Take Flatsy's advice on the jacket inspection. If all is well, then wrap it up nicely, and put it under the tree. If not, then you both will be glad this happened and you'll be able to take care of the return or exchange.

Regarding presents, Christmas is just another day. No, no, no. That is not a poor attitude. Christmas should be every day of the year, every day of our lives. Many buy what they need or want either for themselves or as a gift just about anytime they feel the urge, anytime of year. Actually, giving because you really want to is far more important than an obligatory response to a holiday. Mrs. TreasureHunter was so tickled to be able to do this for her husband. Really all that happened was her anticipation didn't get to run its course, but it's no less special of a gesture.

Just keep lovin' her like crazy, like she does you. You can kick yourself about it if you have to, but you'd do better to love yourself and let yourself be loved. Then maybe like in March, or something, just do something out of the blue. Even something as simple as flowers on the dining room table is very nice. Or, you her a new car :D .

My very best to you all this holiday season, and every day.

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Post by TreasureHunter »

You're probably right Cabinetman. No need to get bent about a blown surprise. It happens all the time. No doubt she'll forget all about it when she sees my face after opening the present. Then later she will regret buying it after I've been wearing it 24/7 for about 6 months, including to bed!

Dang, can't wait! How many days to X-mas? Eight?...well, I can probably wait that long. \:D/
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Any advice you might have for making up for spoiling her present would be appreciated.
You could take her out shopping and buy her a few outfits and then take her out on the town to go dancing in one of her new outfits!
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Post by Spatterdash »


Forget flowers, candy, a nice dinner, even washing dishes.

Get her some new shoes, then wash her feet for her. This is why I am still happily married.
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Post by auntsugar »

You've got one heck of a nice lady there, buddy. It took my wife 2 years to come to terms with my addiction.
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Post by Fedora »

Do like I did. Sneak around and open it early and get a peek. They tell me steam is the way to go. :wink: Fedora
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Post by TreasureHunter »

You've all got some excellent ideas, except for perhaps the feet washing thing (it wasn't that big of booboo :) ). I think between a nice necklace or earrings and a New Year's Eve dinner I should be in the clear.

I'll let you know how it all turns out, with the jacket and the lady. :wink:

Thanks for the advice!
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Post by Michaelson »

I've personally owned an example of each of the Wings but one, and that is his 'roo leather. Of all of the jackets, my absolutely favorite was the VIP, hands down. NOBODY offers as soft a cowhide as that version, as it's French naked cowhide, and is from the belly of the animal, so it doesn't have the large graining as other cowhides. If I were ordering a Wings today, I'd get another VIP with no qualms. Congratulations, my friend. Sounds like you've got a 'keeper' there. (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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