After diligently reading all of your posts and doing LOTS of research I finally decided on the jacket I was going to get. A Wested dark brown goatskin with all the recommended adjustments, plus a zippered grail pocket.
Then, the day before I was going to order I read IndyDawg's raving review of the US Wings jacket. I had initially decided to get this, prior to learning of the Wested jacket, but thought heck...why not get the Wested? Well, IndyDawg (and the other great US Wings reviews) convinced me that that was the way to go (for the first jacket anyway, cause I realize I'll probably own a couple of these eventually).
So, this morning I get up and tell my wife "honey, I've decided on a jacket and I'm going to order it today. She paused, kinda curled her lip and then said, "I can't believe you're going to make me say this." Of course I grimace and figured I'm about to get a lecture about spending money on a leather jacket I probably don't need. But, I was wrong!
"I thought I told you not to buy ANYTHING before Christmas!, she says. "I was trying to surprise you, but now I have to tell you. You might be getting a jacket for Christmas."

I finally stammered my disbelief that she would encourage my obvious obsession with this "hobby." She said she knew how much I wanted it and wanted to do something nice for me.
Well anyway, here I sit feeling like an inconsiderate dumba**:roll: for ruining her surprise while simultaneously doing summersaults inside thinking about my eagerly awaited present. Which one did she order? The goatskin, or the VIP, or maybe the distressed cow-no, no, no...probably the VIP..or maybe the goat.

So, sorry for the long intro post, but I had to tell someone and you folks are the only ones I figured could understand. Thanks for listening. Any advice you might have for making up for spoiling her present would be appreciated.
