Let's just compare the hats from the front view.
First is the Raiders. And I think this basically represents what most see as a Raiders fedora. And I use this pic because the front crease is high, as you can see if you watch this sequence.

Here is the TOD fedora and pretty much represents what we see during the film.

And the LC fedora.

To me, after looking at the TOD and LC fedora, again, these appear to possibly be the same block used for both hats. Some of the LC fedoras appear to be shorter. Less than 4 1/2 inches at the front crease. Some of the TOD fedoras appear to be taller than the LC.
Now, personally, I just can't see how the Raiders fedora could have been used for the TOD or TLC. The latter hats just don't have the straighter sides that we see in some of the Raider hats. And, I just have to think that if the TOD or TLC would have been as straight, we would be able to see some hats in those two films that resembled the Raiders fedora more than they do. When we do see tapered hats in Raiders it is due to the back being dropped down low, like in the Temple scenes. But, this is my opinion. Even the first pic above of the TOD fedora, while crisp looking, has none of the straightness we see in some of the Raider fedoras. I can see more taper even in this pristine looking hat, than in the Raider fedoras. Opinons? All are welcomed. Fedora