In the upper left pic:
1. The left eye bash travels back almost to the center of the bow. This is unique for this hat. The other bashes stop in front of the ear some even "half-way" between the eye and ear. This bash causes a certain effect I'll show later.
2. The back of the hat drops lower that the front or center. This angle is really looking up toward the hat. Not dead level. Even at this angle though, the back of the hat is clearly seen lower that the front. Note the appearance of "rverse taper" at the back of the hat. I think this is an illusion. A later picture will show this. This looks this way because of the angle of the hat to the camera.
3. The rear left "flip" of the brim is apparent. Like the fin on a Chevy. Notice the quick dive off to the back of the brim.
In the lower right pic:
1. The back left "flip" has gone away and you now have the long arc that works its way from about the eye to the brim position at the back of the hat.
2. The center bash from this angle looks shallow. Especially at the very front. It appears to match the top of the hat at the front. The deepest part is in the middle of the bash. Note the uneven depth along the right side of the center bash.
3. This leads to a unique Indy thing. The very back of the center bash. I notice a sudden drop to the bottom of the center channel. The very back of the cener bash is more of a "u" shape than a "v".

In the left pic:
1. As Indy turns, I see the transition spot for the rear flip as it approaches the front of the left brow. The brim edge become flat. to then lead around to the front of the hat.
2. The left eye bash is a long sided triangular shaped bash. I see taper toward the top and as the top os the bash makes its way to the bow, it produces an angular long side going back down to the front at the ribbon. The bash clearly starts abobe the ribbon at the front.
3. This show a clearer example at what the back of the center bash does. It has a short angled brop the the bottom of the channel. Note the small shadow on the inside of the channel just before it drops to the bottom of the channel.
In the right pic:
"A" and "B" shows how far back the left eye bash travels on this hat. Right to the back of the center knot of the bow. Right down Indy's ear. This is a "hat height" side view.
1.The back side profile of the top of the hat shows a long drop to the rear. Lower than the front. Meeting at a definite point that leads to.....
2. The very back of the hat. It drops straight down to the brim. I think this is what causes the "illusion" of reverse taper. This is the visual effect of a straight line. Note, in contrast, to the front of the hat. Note the slow rake up from the top of the ribbon to the top of the hat. Doesn't look straight up to me.

The top pic:
1. Moment of truth. The turn is revealed. The prominent right side favor of the brim.
2. The upper right eye bash is pointed , "angular". It even has a "tapered" look to it.
3. The upper left eye bash has the same look as the right side. This is due to how far the bash goes back. It produces a taper look to it also.
4. The left rear flip is evident hear. You can see how it plays out toward the front and drops off sharpl toward the back.
5. This is the transition point for the brim as it makes the flip down for the turn effect of the front. The narrower brim width is move forward due to the turn causing this spot to happen on the brim. Right and left side of the front of the hat do their own things.
The bottom pic:
1. The right "heavy" side of the brim. Pure turn. What makes this hat different than most is there is not a channel. You know the one. You see it on the Raven Bar hat, Well of Souls....
2. The dent that goes under the ribbon on other hats is not as evident here. A small shadow shows where it eventually will be. Just not now.

3. Squarish looking top of the bash. Taperish looking
4. Squarish top of the hat. Taperish looking.
This is my second favorite bash style. It clearly shows the beginning of all the little things we see in Indy's hat. It is just at the beginning stage on this hat.