I will post some "after" pictures when I´m done. In the meantime, here go the "before" shots":
Thanks Todd!


Moderator: BullWhipBorton
Fenris, here is your answer straight from Todd in another post (comprehensive whip list):fenris wrote:Is this the prop whip that Todd offers or is he offering another type of whip?
Puppetboy wrote:For a time, we made 8' whips with a rubber core. We called them "deluxe" whips because they were very good crackers.
At the same time, we had 8' and 10' whips with rubber cores we called "prop whips" because they were not suitable for cracking.
We no longer have either. Our current 10' "prop" whip is all leather. It is a totally useable whip, but not well balanced or easy to crack. Really not up to par for the whip crackers. We are out of the leather 8' "prop" whips.
Our latest whips are cowhide, very tightly plaited with two plaited bellies and two bolsters. We don't need to call them "props" anymore. They are good crackers. The only shortcoming is that the leather really needs conditioning right out of the box, and the handle needs to be weighted better. But you can crack it 24/7 if you'd like.
We will be adding 4', 6', 10', and 12' whips of this type (with conditioned leather) in the near future. Prices haven't been determined. Someone posted a YouTube video of a kid doing some mean cracking with one of our 4' whips that he purchased from Robert Dante.
I hope this clears things up.
Hi blueoakleyz.blueoakleyz wrote:Very disappointed.. I just bought one a few months ago. Or one of the prop ones
I still can't put it back together yet either.