Yeah it is a pretty close look in general, but it's just too bad it's made of polyester... that can get uncomfortable after a while, not to mention anything of it's inaccuracy to begin with.
There's a lot of folks here who don't have the dough for the real deal and a lot who really don't care. Close Enough™ counts for many of us here. Some wear the gear as a costume, some wear it to live in.
I prefer French or Italian officer's shirts for the feel and the price, but neither have the front pleats. That doesn't matter to me at all. Heck, sometimes I'll even wear a navy blue officer's shirt.
yeah.. these are just uniform shirts like we wear at the P.D.... (and while they are cheap... it stinks wearing them... they are just uncomfortable)... as for the name being similar to "5.11" gear... I'd say its totally unrelated... these are under the name 911 simply because they are obviously intended for emergency services use..... I'd save your money and just pay the extra 20 bucks for Todd's... if you buy one of these you will most likely regret the purchase... trust me...
Definitely a good budget close enough for the price. Especially since we've got a good number of Canucks here on COW, it's good to have options in CAN, so you don't have to purchase from the states and get charged extra on shipping/duty/whatever.