The closest current match is the Berkshire Chase Savile Row Panto 14k gold filled in Chestnut color, with 1/2 covered cable Curl sides. These were identified by Indiana Ken as available from
Phone (US): 011 +44 208 985 5466
Phone (UK): 020 8985 5466
My wife recently went to London on business, so I posted on the contact page for and an extremely nice gentleman named Peter responded and helped me with sizing information. Based on my current eyeglasses size, pupil distance and temple measure from screw to "tip of ear", we settled on a 47mm (lens hight) x 20mm (nose bridge) x 165mm cable (temple sides).
My wife had an adventure getting to the Algha factory by taxi, and the factory sales office is 5 floors up (stairs!). She said it was right out of Harry Potter Diagon Alley (apropo as Algha also makes Harry Potter's spectacles!).
She paid $129 pounds or about $246 dollars (a bit higher than others posted, but picking up in person may incur taxes mail order does not). Peter was wonderful, even drove my wife a distance to the tube (subway) station.
Here's what they look like:

They come with a nice Saville Row case, and Peter added some spare screws and nose pads.

The cable sides are actually like springs. I bent the end tips out a little so they don't dig into my ears (Peter says Americans do that). Pretty snug and comfortable. They are old style hinges, though - not the spring loaded comfort hinges many frames have today.
On the return flight the airline actually misplaced my wife's luggage

Incidentally, Peter said the movie Indy specs were 45 or 47mm, so I may have Harrison's exact size.