Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

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Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by sallah4 »

Have any of you guys ever had to defend yourself with a whip? I know it is a strange question but it just popped into my head and wandered if any one has had to.
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Re: Question

Post by binkmeisterRick »

There was a thread in the whip section a while back about using the whip as a weapon and whether or not it would be effective... :whip:
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Re: Question

Post by djd »

There was that doorman on the Indyfans dvd who said he had...
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Re: Question

Post by whipitgood »

To paraphrase a line from DEATHPROOF “Yeah, you know what happens to (Moderator edit: please refresh yourself with the rules regarding language: ) who carry whips? They get shot!”
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Re: Question

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, if I had to, I would use the handle as a club. In my hands, that would be much more effective than trying to whip a guy.
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Re: Question

Post by ravencrow »

Anthony Delongo shows hoe one would use the whip for self defense it's pretty cool
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Re: Question

Post by whipitgood »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Well, if I had to, I would use the handle as a club. In my hands, that would be much more effective than trying to whip a guy.
That or try to choke a guy with it.
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Re: Question

Post by raider 57 »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Well, if I had to, I would use the handle as a club. In my hands, that would be much more effective than trying to whip a guy.
I agree Chewbacca. A good rap on the noggin' with the handle knot. Just like a blackjack.
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Re: Question

Post by EvilDean »

ravencrow wrote:Anthony Delongo shows hoe one would use the whip for self defense it's pretty cool
Anthony DeLongis shows us how to fight with a whip in a movie, not irl.
but yeah, it looks awesome ;)

let me ask another question, if you got in a fight and had the whip ready, would you hit yourself or your "enemy"? it's kinda stressful, and shocking, to get in a fight for many.. as you may know.
but i still carry my whip around just for the heck of it :D
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I'd most likely do more damage to myself than my attacker! :oops:

That, and to use a whip of 8' or 10' lengths you need lots of space to be at all effective. I always think to the scene in TOD when Indy chokes his attacker in his bedroom. I'd need a bedroom the size of a soundstage (hee-hee) to be able to do a wrap like that.


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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Indiana Joosse »

I think it really depends on what you are used to. Indy is used to using his whip all the time, so that's what he resorts to during times of stress. Almost like a reflex.

Me, I'm more of a sword type guy, as I have been trained in fighting with a sword when I was still doing medieaval re-enactment. Now I don't carry a sword with me, but I do know that when people came after me I have been known to grab just about anything I could get my hands on and handle that like a sword to defend myself.

Or when a guy once came at me with a metal pipe, I found that I resorted back to my icehockey reflex of pulling is shirt over his head, pinning his arms.

However I would only use my fists against unarmed opponents and I would never, NEVER start a fight. [-X

Allways finish one though.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Hollowpond »

Someone once said that the best self defense with a whip is to do your best combo and then give the whip to your assailant and watch them beat themselves silly. :whip: :cry:

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by EvilDean »

Hollowpond wrote:Someone once said that the best self defense with a whip is to do your best combo and then give the whip to your assailant and watch them beat themselves silly. :whip: :cry:


yeah, it's on
Perhaps the most amusing method for self-defense using a whip goes as follows. First do your most impressive and stylish multiple crack routine to keep your attacker at bay. Then pretend to accidentally drop your whip. Now stand back and watch while your attacker picks up your whip and injures himself with it!
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by knibs7 »

Indiana Jeff wrote: I'd need a bedroom the size of a soundstage (hee-hee) to be able to do a wrap like that.


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Wait, you mean that wasn't a REAL room at Pankot Palace? :shock: :lol:

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by IndianaBravo »

It seems to work well with canines. During a hike thru some ruins, we encountered a couple of wild dogs barking furiously. A couple of cracks from my Del Carpio sent them packing! :whip:
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Hollowpond »

Perhaps the most amusing method for self-defense using a whip goes as follows. First do your most impressive and stylish multiple crack routine to keep your attacker at bay. Then pretend to accidentally drop your whip. Now stand back and watch while your attacker picks up your whip and injures himself with it!
Yup...thats where I read it. :TOH:
IndianaBravo wrote:It seems to work well with canines. During a hike thru some ruins, we encountered a couple of wild dogs barking furiously. A couple of cracks from my Del Carpio sent them packing! :whip:
It also works on bears! My whip sent some black bears running in a field near my house (my truck was very near by...there was a distinct plan 2 :Plymouth: )

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by purewhips »

Yeah I used the whip in a fight. All I really did was swing it at him to distract him then it just turned into a good ole street fight. I did whip his ###. :whip: naw just kidding. As a whip pro I would never use a whip in a fight. Not enough room to do anything. I would use the handle like someone else said and do a few tech like delonges does.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by purewhips »

You know putting in a little more thought into this I don't think I could actually wield the whip to crack at someone. I mean when a fight is about to start, I don,t think that I would be able to even remember how to crack the whip in a state of anger like that. And I can crack a whip in almost any tight space.

Hey this ain't right you got me thinking about how to do this. Lol this is funny. Now you could use the sound of the crack to drive them back. Cause for a person that doesn't know about whips they might think that it might just hurt a little if struck in the face. #-o

Ok well I just read the whole thing and someone already posted about crack routines to keep them at bay. ](*,)

Guess for my defense I carry my knife. If I need more then Pick up the nearest object and let it fly baby!

ok enough fun I'm tired. It's 9pm and I should have gone to bed at 730pm since I get up at 2am everyday for the bread job. Part of my route is in a not so safe area and it can get scary with some of the people walking the streets. Luckly noone has ever gotten into the back of my truck while I am in there. If so I would use a french bread to beat them with. :rolling:

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by whipitgood »

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Weston »

purewhips wrote: Now you could use the sound of the cr Luckly noone has ever gotten into the back of my truck while I am in there. If so I would use a french bread to beat them with. :rolling:

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Honestly, when else was I going to get to post this?

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Canuck Digger »

Weston, cool little drawing there! Do you do it professionally now?

Honestly, unless you have actually trained a LOT in using a whip as a weapon, meaning à-la DeLongis (and even then, I'm not sure just how effective it would really be), I don't think most people could manage much more than a crack or two to try and keep the opponent at bay. But if your opponent is determined enough, he will quickly see that a whip has limited possibilities and will undoubtedly lunge for you in a rather short amount of time.

But I suppose there is always the possibility that he will be scared enough of it to back down...

But if you have no fighting training of any type, then your best bet is to keep it in your jacket and run like the dickens.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by hollywood1340 »

Why is everyone so into the "crack" I'm discovering it's close to medium range the whip just gets more and more effective.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Weston »

hollywood1340 wrote:Why is everyone so into the "crack" I'm discovering it's close to medium range the whip just gets more and more effective.
Because, as we all know, "crack kills"!

Just kidding. I don't think the crack is the most reliable defensive quaility of the whip, but, man, if you connected with it at the outset of the engagement, your opponent would be delirious, possibly incapacitated with pain!

Thanks Canuck, but unfortunately I am in fact a blue-collar, trade-type working stiff, though I do maintain a studio at home and hope to make the transition someday when the kids are older.

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Canuck Digger »

I don't mean to belittle your present occupation, but you certainly had potential... You might want to rethink your relationship to the pencil (if not the pen...). Sometimes life sends us on our merry way, but sometimes it's not an evil thing than to remember our former aspirations, especially those with God-given talent...

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Marhala »

I can't believe what I'm about to say, but if I ever HAD to fight with someone, and I had the advantage of a whip... I'D AIM AT THE EYES!!!! :twisted:

Oh, G-d, what am I thinking!!! :[

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by EvilDean »

Marhala wrote:I can't believe what I'm about to say, but if I ever HAD to fight with someone, and I had the advantage of a whip... I'D AIM AT THE EYES!!!! :twisted:

Oh, G-d, what am I thinking!!! :[

is it a drunken barfight or a lifethreatening situation? a barfight, no whip to the eyes, and archenemy in a life or death battle, go for the eyes! ;P
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Man, you ever been in a barfight? The guy's gonna try to kill you. You do what you gotta do.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by EvilDean »

scottyrocks6 wrote:Man, you ever been in a barfight? The guy's gonna try to kill you. You do what you gotta do.
i live in sweden, so i have no idea.. but in that case, aim for the eyes haha

but seriously, i've never seen the meaning of fighting(not talkin about war here people).
but if a guy tries to fight you even after some whipcracks, they're just stupid

on another note, if you have to, use a 6ft whip or shorter ;)
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Texan Scott »

somewhat related...when I was working in the oilfield as a student during the summers, we'd be traveling down a dirt, oilfield road, when the boss would suddenly stop the truck, jump out and take off his belt, and would whip a snake with it. He had an eagle eye for spotting snakes, which is not easy, given their coloration. He would sometimes kill them with his belt if the snake did not get away. I often thought he would have been a natural with a whip.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Indiana County Jr. »

Oddly enough,
I did successfully defend myself against two neighborhood bullies and ran them off with it.... Of course I was only 14 at the time..... :anxious:

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by kooniu »

sallah4 wrote:Have any of you guys ever had to defend yourself with a whip? I know it is a strange question but it just popped into my head and wandered if any one has had to.
yes I did 8)
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Columbiana Jones »

Haven't actually used it, but I carry it around in my truck with me just in case. Earlier this year I had stopped at a grocery store on the way home, and on my way back out to the truck, a very assertive pan-handler type guy just would not leave me alone, even after my cold stare and growl to "walk the other way, man." Although he never got closer than ten feet from me, as I opened my truck door, I did grab the whip (still coiled) and I held it up for him to see it (ready for action, if need-be). He just threw his hands up and walked the other way. I would have cracked it in that parking lot if he'd come any closer and had gotten aggressive.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by JMObi »

Regarding snakes, I worked at a cattle station (ranch) right after a few seasons of good rain and there was a plague of snakes. I saw the stockmen kill a few. They would try to get the whip to crack right at ground level which isn't easy to do accurately. A whip normally cracks higher up in the air. If it cracks higher up, the highest energy level is long gone once the tip hits at ground level.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Ejlaw »

If I'm going to defend myself, and a whip is in my hands, I'm going to feel more comfortable than if it wasn't in my hands. I think most people realize that a whip is dangerous, and a few quick cracks in succession could stop the fight before it begins. That being said, to be effective in a fight, I think you need to 1) Be real good with the whip and 2) have the presence of mind to be able to execute those cracks in a stressful situation. That would probably take some training, but it can be done.

Anthony DeLongis wrote somewhat extensively about whips as weapons in his Black Belt articles, and I think he's right in his thesis that the whip is an effective weapon when trained properly in the use of it. :whip:
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Probably the best way to defend yourself with a whip is to wrap your fist around the handle and use it to displace the energy release that results when the fist comes in contact with its intended target. Allows a harder punch with less pain to the fist.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Paul_Stenhouse »

I have against several dogs in my life. No contest there, as they don't want the opportunity to experience a sonic boom 12 inches from their nose. Also, one other time in New Zealand against an unruly sea lion that had decided to make Warrington Beach it's new home (the only one on the whole beach). The sea lion wasn't too impressed with my skills.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by Strider »

Like Paul, I have used the sound of a whip to scare off oncoming dogs who got a little over zealous. Never hit them with it, just the crack is enough to stop them, usually. I've also cracked the whip once in a situation where a few guys were coming to lay the beat down, and the sound was enough to buy us some time to beat a hasty retreat.

Let me think. That was at Comic Con 2007, I believe. I was looking for my friends in the parking lot of the mall we'd parked at so we could ride the trolley to the convention center. They weren't making it easy on me, and to paraphrase my conversation, it sounded like this: "God dangit! Just where in the heck are you bunch of rowdy guys!?" What I actually said was far worse. Well, some group of chicks heard me talking like that (I care :roll: ), and decided they'd sic their boyfriend(s) on me. By the time they found me, I had found my friends, and they were coming toward us. I pulled the whip off of my belt, while my friend was begging me not to do this, and cracked the whip twice. One circus crack, one overhead crack. They sounded like cannon blasts in the enclosed parking structure. They hesitated, and my friend Fred hauled my butt out of there quick-fast-in-a-hurry.
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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by DarenHenryW »

Ejlaw wrote:If I'm going to defend myself, and a whip is in my hands, I'm going to feel more comfortable than if it wasn't in my hands. I think most people realize that a whip is dangerous, and a few quick cracks in succession could stop the fight before it begins. That being said, to be effective in a fight, I think you need to 1) Be real good with the whip and 2) have the presence of mind to be able to execute those cracks in a stressful situation. That would probably take some training, but it can be done.

Anthony DeLongis wrote somewhat extensively about whips as weapons in his Black Belt articles, and I think he's right in his thesis that the whip is an effective weapon when trained properly in the use of it. :whip:

Never done it myself, though I was on traveling by train through a rural part of Eastern Europe last summer and I pulled my belt off my pants to keep it ready when my traveling buddy and I realized we were sort of all alone in a compartment next to a couple of local travellers that didn't look too friendly. Nothing happened of course, and I know that I was just being paranoid, but I was pleased to think that I could use my belt as a pseudo-whip in a moment's notice if need be.

Other than that, a whip is handy to scare away pesky animals near my home at night.

And having been to visit Anthony DeLongis a couple of times, I can tell you that he feels very confident about the whip as a real weapon. If anyone saw the Extreme Marksmen episode with him (here's his edited clip) he says, and I quote, "Short of gun, I can hold my own against just about anything."

The bottom line is, you can use the whip in a number of different ways, not just as a whip. It's an effective close range weapon as well as long range.

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Re: Question (ever had to defend yourself with a whip?)

Post by DarenHenryW »


I know that Athondy wanted to see HF use the whip a bit more creatively in the KOTCS, but sadly it was out of his hands by that point.

Even just they was he uses it in TOD when defending himself against the Thugee in his room, wrapping it around his neck at close range, it would be nice to see a bit more of that, not merely him cracking it, swinging on it, and wrapping from long range. More close range whip work, I think, would be really sweet. It would put a bit more of the Bond back in him, I think. And it doesn't have to be totally in an Eastern Martial Arts style, like something Jackie Chan might do, but it could just show off his ingenuity to use it more the way Anthony can.

HF? Are you listening? :D

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