Worth posting again...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Worth posting again...

Post by Fedora »

Dakota, whom has fell off the earth, once posted this sequence of filming and I thought the new members might be interested. Thanks Mike!!
Dakota Ellison wrote:
For those of you who wondered how many hats were worn by Harrison Ford in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", here's a breakdown of the scenes in the order they were filmed:
1. La Rochelle, France
The submarine and the Bantu Wind (Hat looks good, but this after distressed by truck chase? First new hat.)
2. Elstree Studios, England
Imam's House (Hat on table is prop, probably never worn. Has wrong kind of dent, almost teardrop. Second new hat.)
The Temple (Peru)(This could be same hat as Bantu Wind. Front pinch looks sharper here, though.}
The Map Room (wore arab turban here)
The Well of Souls (possibly the same hat in remaining studio scenes).
The Catacombs
The Raven Bar
The Bantu Wind Cabin
The Bantu Wind Hold
The Altar (wrath of God scene)
3. The Rickmansworth Masonic School, England
The College Classroom,Lecture Hall, and Government Office
3. Tunisia
The Tanis Digs
The Flying Wing (last hat worn in England distressed or new hat distressed?)
The Truck Chase (same hat as flying wing?)
The Procession
Sallah's House
The Arab Bar
Foot Chase and Street Scene (same hat as truck chase?)
4. Hawaii
The Temple Exterior(new hat. 3rd new hat? 4th?)
The River (possibly diferent hat for river swim)
The Opening Shot(same hat as Temple Exterior)
All this is from "The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark" by Derek Taylor and the Collector's Album. Missing from both sources is the
scenes outside and in Indy's house (but I imagine they were part of the Masonic School location) and the scene on the steps of the government offices and the scene in San Francisco with the China Clipper.

Dakota also did the research and came up with the list of locations occupied by HJ, during much of their history. If I can find those, I will post it as well. All of this is great info. Fedora
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by CairoIndy »

And we mustn't forget..the Bantu wind 're-shoot' has to be squeezed somewhere in there! ;)
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by Michaelson »

It would be under #1.

Regards !Michaelson
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by CairoIndy »

Michaelson wrote:It would be under #1.

Regards !Michaelson
Not really..Dakota's list is a list of scenes in the order they were actually filmed and the re-shoot was not the first scene filmed(that was the La Rochelle location stuff,as we know)so the re-shoot doesn't belong under no.1.
We're told the re-shoot was done at Elstree so it probably belongs somewhere in the middle of the list.
If this is going to be a comprehensive list then it needs to be up-dated(in the light of new info) to include the re-shoot(especially as we're told it's the re-shoot footage we actually see on screen).
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by Michaelson »

Good point!

I stand corrected....or sit, as it were. :-k ;) :TOH:

Regards !Michaelson
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by CairoIndy »

:tup: :TOH:
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by Digger4Glory »

Thanks Fedora for reposting Dakota's breakdown of hats. I loved it! :clap:
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Re: Worth posting again...

Post by knibs7 »

I thought the last shot was in Tunisia after the truck blew up :-k

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