Moderator: BullWhipBorton
I think it's perfect for some reason, prolly uncomfortable, but yeah.. opinionsmoses wrote:Hmm not overly keen on the square knob.
isnt it just the foundation that matters for a rounder knot? cant really see how that would be to charge extra, please explain cause i might be lost int raslation somewhere(although so far the whole topic has been very clearlouiefoxx wrote:Making a rounder knot is a bit more work. For the money Gus's whips are the most SA you'll get.
If you want a rounder knot get ready to spend a few more bucks.
might be more work than it sound like with leather, but i still think it sounds weird... but i'll take your word, cause i know you know what youre doing ;D (followed some of your bullwhips.org post to make my first nylon whip(with changes obviously) thanks for those posts ;D)louiefoxx wrote:To make a more can shaped knot you pretty much just tack lead or leather in place. for a round knot you have to build up the round shape on top of the leather or lead that's the "main foundation".
Or you have to make the leather or lead taper smoothly to a round shape. I don't use that method because I always seem to cut myself smoothing out the tapered piece of leather or lead.
Building it up from can shaped to make it more round requires extra materials and time and that should equal extra cost.