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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Rikimaru »

It's always great that the item your posts are about, are pictured with other articles of gear. Makes it stand out more :)
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Cannuck_Indy_Fan »

that is an excellent piece, someone spent some time putting that together when it was made ... and i agree with Riki, basically looks like you keep visiting Indy's home and snapping pictures ... how'd you get to be so friendly with him? ;)



Was that one made in Sheffield?
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by enigmata_wood »

I have one just like that that came down from my grandfather. From back in the day they didn't just make tools, they made art.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Cannuck_Indy_Fan »

Yah exactly, even the tape measures are nice to have just to look at ...
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by enigmata_wood »

There's really little point in posting a photo Michael, it's exactly the same make as yours!
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Burke Vader »

very cool...does he actually use a tape measure in any of the movies? Don't recall
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by tgalahad »

Tundrarider wrote:
Burke Vader wrote:very cool...does he actually use a tape measure in any of the movies? Don't recall
No. Not on screen, anyway... ;)

I just figured that it would be an essential tool of the archaeologist. :dig:

Thanks for posting, Burke. :D

Michael :TOH:
Hi all,
I think he used a measure device of some sort in the Well of the Souls, ROLA.
I will go back and do some research. I saw a few of these on auction sites.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by enigmata_wood »

off on a tangent [excuse the cryptic pun] Ebay have some good reproduction thodolites
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by enigmata_wood »

Tundrarider wrote: BTW, everyone, I'm still open to discuss the type of tape measurer Indy might have carried. :D Is this it? Or are there other types out there? :-k
Michael :TOH:
I think it's likely he would have a plum-bob with knots every foot, for measuring the depth of deep shafts, and a folding yard rule for deep narrow vents etc.. Also a pocket inclinometer and trigonometry tables for estimating heights of distant objects when a Nazi theodolite wasn't within 'borrowing' distance. A slide rule would be handy for all that calculating.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

1930s Lufkin
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?li ... d=34117005

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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Burke Vader »

Tundrarider wrote:
Burke Vader wrote:very cool...does he actually use a tape measure in any of the movies? Don't recall
No. Not on screen, anyway... ;)

I just figured that it would be an essential tool of the archaeologist. :dig:

Thanks for posting, Burke. :D

Michael :TOH:
No prob...nice to get to know some of y'all...love the kinda detail you delve into for accuracy....kinda like I do with Vader and 501'st stuff.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Solent MKIII »

Glad to have you on the forums, buddy. :TOH: I just popped in "Raiders" to check, and Indy definetly uses a tape measure in the map room right before scribbling the distances in his notebook. I just can't see wether it's a contained measure, or just the tape itself ( like the ones used in garment making ). I would tend to lean toward the former as I don't see Indy taking up sewing in his spare time. [-( Image

- Tundrarider, I want that Pullman blanket!
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by tgalahad »

Tundrarider wrote:Good digging, guys! :dig: tgalahad, I'm interested to see what you find.
:dig: Hey Michael, "Their digging in the wrong place" :-k after a more careful viewing of the scene in the map room the "measurement tape" is clearly already in place when Indy arrives. This makes sense because the Nazis had already been there and calculated the distance (incorrectly, their staff was to long). :clap:
At 9am as the sun fills the chamber the exact location is revealed to Indy and just before he leaves he uses the "measurement tape' which the Nazis had left behind, to recalculated the exact position of the ark.
So it would appear that he did not actually use any device other than what he found on site, such a resourceful guy. But hey Michael, that is still a really cool looking tool that I am sure he would carry, and so my search begins. :lol:
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by davidd »

A quick search... or "searches"... of Everyone's favorite online auction site turns up some fascinating Indy-esque measuring tools. I particularly like a brass war-era tape marked "Bundles for Britain." There are quite a few vintage measures listed right now, and different ones turn up depending on your search terms. I did four searches, and then clicked on the sub-category "tools, hardware, & locks."

These are the simple search terms I typed in:

vintage measure

vintage measuring

antique measure

antique measuring

There seem to be plenty of old measuring tapes out there, although, of course, patience is a virtue when it comes to finding one in excellent condition; because of the quantity available, I don't see that we'll need to start any bidding wars over them. ;) Anyway, it's fun just to look.

Fascinating topic, thanks for bringing it up, Tundrarider!
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by twilekjedi »

Cool! They definitely don't make 'em like they used to in this case. What a beautiful instrument. Is it very heavy?
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by sithspawn »

I was watching the extras on the Indy 4 DVD and they had a short about Indy's home. Among the things on the set was a tape measure that looked very similar to what you guys have shown.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Digger4Glory »

This is why I love COW, you guys are really great when it comes to finding these little treasures and sharing them and your thoughts :TOH: ! I never really gave it much thought about Indy's tape measure until now. Very cool guys!
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by DanielJones »

To my eye it looks to be a Land Surveyors cloth tap measure. Looks to be marked out in 10ths of a foot instead of inches. If that is the cast, then Indy would have used one of these for sure as Archaeologists back then did train in the field & used the same tools as a Land Surveyor, essentially doing the same thing. Measurements to locate.


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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Michaelson »

That is a true surveyor's tape.

To answer your question, yes, he could have used something like that, and they're still used for grid work, though marked in metrics.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by DanielJones »

Tundrarider wrote:Good point, Dan. On the back of the cloth tape are the "Link" measures. Wasn't sure what this meant so I looked it up. :P

"Link: A unit of length used in land surveys, named for the links of the chain formerly used by surveyors. There are 100 links in one (1) chain. One (1) link is equal to 0.66 feet, 0.04 rods, 0.01 chains, or 0.20 meters."

LLS would have known this!!! :TOH:

Michael :TOH:

Yep, that be the real deal there. My boss has one but it is a metal tape from back in the day when he was a chain man. I believe he even still has his chain & pin set as well. The cloth tape was used in more temperate weather when accuracy wasn't totally necessary as the cloth is more susceptible to temperature stretching or shrinking the tape. The cloth tape gets it close enough.


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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by djd »

Well, you inspired me to get one myself (thank you ebay!) - also picked up a nice Zeppelin carried letter (couldn't find one from 1938 so settled for a 1937). Figured it's look ok in the Grail diary somewhere
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

I just bought this one off eBay in the US.

Great vintage quality leather covered metal case 50 foot tape measure.
Tape is canvas/linen with re-inforced leather ring end.
Marked: Keuffler & Esser Co. New York - Dartmouth
Measures 4 1/4" diameter x 5/8" wide tape.

My "Dartmouth" tape can be found in this catalog on page 512 (539 PDF).
1913 Keuffel & Essers Tool Catalogue


Here what a nearly new looking Dartmouth looks like! Sweet!
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by djd »

Don't have it in my evil grasp yet but this is a picture from the seller-


Zeppelin letter -


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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by tgalahad »

I just picked this up from ebay,
Wasco 25' cloth made in Conn, USA
Now I can can measure my head correctly and place my order for a Henry :lol:
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

Here's a couple decent looking tapes in the UK;
Item number: 200414647283
Item number: 150395423142
Item number: 380187020709
Item number: 200414595845

VERY nice in the USA
Item number: 290377741862 BUY IT NOW
Item number: 270497023993
Item number: 350247580923
Item number: 290369857012 MINT! 1952 (Indy 4)

Checkout this cool plumb!
Item number: 250545358131

Nice leather with steel tape in Spokane WA $10!

What type of rulers would you imagine Indy carried in his bag? We should start a tool category thread.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

tgalahad wrote:I just picked this up from ebay,
Wasco 25' cloth made in Conn, USA
Now I can can measure my head correctly and place my order for a Henry :lol:
Excellent, the cloth tape looks in great shape. So many have worn out numbers the first few inches.
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1913 Keuffel & Essers Tool Catalogue

Post by lantzn »

I came across this cool catalog online and dropped it in my archive.
The leather covered tape measures are in there as well.

1913 Keuffel & Essers Tool Catalogue

It's HUGE and takes awhile to appear in your browser.
You might want to right click the link to download first.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by RCSignals »

Tundrarider, you've made eBay sellers of vintage tape measures very happy. They've probably never had such action. :lol:
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by RaidersBash »

tgalahad wrote:
Tundrarider wrote:Good digging, guys! :dig: tgalahad, I'm interested to see what you find.
:dig: Hey Michael, "Their digging in the wrong place" :-k after a more careful viewing of the scene in the map room the "measurement tape" is clearly already in place when Indy arrives. This makes sense because the Nazis had already been there and calculated the distance (incorrectly, their staff was to long). :clap:
At 9am as the sun fills the chamber the exact location is revealed to Indy and just before he leaves he uses the "measurement tape' which the Nazis had left behind, to recalculated the exact position of the ark.
So it would appear that he did not actually use any device other than what he found on site, such a resourceful guy. But hey Michael, that is still a really cool looking tool that I am sure he would carry, and so my search begins. :lol:
So the trick then will be to find a vintage german tape? I bet Indy would have taken it with him in case he needed it again later. Germans make nice stuff. Plus, he would for sure like to delay the germans if they wanted to go back to retake measurements... "Okay, do we have everything...who has the tape measure...?" "Oh, don't worry sir, I left it in the map room so it would be ready for us." DOH!!!

maybe a better preserved version of this german military tape
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by RaidersBash »

Tundrarider wrote:Isn't that just the way it is with this hobby? Just when you think you found the perfect prop, we realize it isn't and we're off on a new quest. :?


Yeah...we're pretty nerdy. Ain't it great :whip:
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

RCSignals wrote:Tundrarider, you've made eBay sellers of vintage tape measures very happy. They've probably never had such action. :lol:
I was thinking the same thing. Most of these tapes are selling for less than $30 and I bet we see it double in the next couple weeks. :rolling:
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

3 hours left and no bids on this nicely detressed tape with good tape. $15

Item number: 120503142949
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

Tundrarider wrote:Good point, Dan. On the back of the cloth tape are the "Link" measures. Wasn't sure what this meant so I looked it up. :P

"Link: A unit of length used in land surveys, named for the links of the chain formerly used by surveyors. There are 100 links in one (1) chain. One (1) link is equal to 0.66 feet, 0.04 rods, 0.01 chains, or 0.20 meters."

LLS would have known this!!! :TOH:

Michael :TOH:

Hey Michael, nobody bid on it, so I went ahead and purchased a tape just like yours with the "Link" markings on the back side of the tape. Here's the picks.
eBay Item number: 130349442397
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by Toht »

Tundrarider wrote: I realize that we analyze this character to the 'nth degree. I don't believe George of Steven created their character to withstand such scrutiny. They make highly entertaining films and though we enjoy that aspect, we also crave some authenticity.
Tundra, I think Lucas' early work is great BECAUSE it doesn't get into too much detail. It creates worlds and then lets people's imaginations fill in the gaps which leaves a much more lasting impression on the audience. This website is proof ;) Take a director like James Cameron, he gives you everything, tons of detail and he has to have an explanation for every little question... still makes great movies, but doesn't capture the imagination in the same way.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by DanielJones »

I know what you mean. Like the scene in Raiders where Indy is at the Tanis dig and is using the surveyors transit. Back in the day I didn't know any better, now I look at that transit and it is all wrong to me. Major parts are missing and the optical tube is attached upside down. then the cross hairs they show are way off. Along with that he didn't even take the time to set it up on any control or bother to level the instrument.
But, I have to look past all that & not get caught up in the mineutia of details. It's all just a fun adventure. :D

Cheers! :TOH:

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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

DanielJones wrote:I know what you mean. Like the scene in Raiders where Indy is at the Tanis dig and is using the surveyors transit. Back in the day I didn't know any better, now I look at that transit and it is all wrong to me. Major parts are missing and the optical tube is attached upside down. then the cross hairs they show are way off. Along with that he didn't even take the time to set it up on any control or bother to level the instrument.
But, I have to look past all that & not get caught up in the mineutia of details. It's all just a fun adventure. :D

Cheers! :TOH:

So the question begs, did you buy an identical transit and set it up exactly like in the movie, every last detail. hahaha
We're a crazy bunch.
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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by DanielJones »

Nah, I'd want a functional one and to find a good useable antique in my area is next to impossible. I couldn't butcher a wonderful instrument like that just to be SA. Even if I found a junker cheap I'd want to fix it up an make it work right.
But yes, we are a crazy bunch, but I don't know who is worse, us Land Surveyors or we Indy Fans. I have the blessing of being both. :lol: ;)

Cheers! :TOH:

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Re: Indy's Tape Measurer? Is this it? (Pics)

Post by lantzn »

Here's some pics of both my tapes together. Both are 50 ft.

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