
Discuss technique for prolonging the life of your gear or giving it that aged look

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by djd »

Nice job! I just lightly sanded mine in places and then applied a bit of pecards. It looks kind of similar but yours is super
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Ranger36 »

Wow, it looks fantastic!! I love the personalization you do with your gear!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Venky »

Stop beating up on your gear! Next thing you will be throwing dirt on it, heck probably just roll around in it for a while. ;) Before I give you any more ideas, that looks fantastic! Keep it up Michael. :TOH:
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by matt black »

I love the way you put your own personel touch on all your gear Michael. Your full gear shots are amazing because of it. The belt looks fantastic. I use the same method on my bag straps.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by jasonalun »

Michael, I have to say, I know next to nothing about belts, and particularly Indy's gunbelt, but seeing these great pics sure makes me want to have one just like yours. I particularly appreciate the helpful info passed on from Wade on how to distress leather belts. I would have had no idea how to do something like that before I read this. Thanks a bunch! I'm getting closer to getting a gunbelt (I have to admit that was one of the pieces of gear I never really cared about, along with the pants and shirt - I was strictly a hat guy, later got into the jacket as well), and when I do, I know where I'm going to get it, and what to do if I want to add my own personal touch to it. I may just leave it all in Wade's expert hands, though. Attractive, informative pics - thanks, Michael!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Alright, ALRIGHT that's IT!!!

Outstanding work Wade (and some great 'fine-tuning' work there, Michael... THANK YOU for posting these shots!)
I'll be honest, I was already pretty sold on buying some of Wade's new stuff... but Michael, you possess an amazing ability to really show off someone's work (Gear) that just makes it "shine" in a way that a person doesn't always see...
These pictures have simply won me over! And as a result, I've made some decisions:
I find I'm forced to "re-adjust" my schedule for financing my other big project and push it back a little in order to sooner order both a Raiders Bag Strap and Raiders Gunbelt from Wade.
I just CANNOT do without these wonderful leatherworks of Mr. Egan's... and again Michael, it's been you "showing off" his goods that was the "gauntlet" being thrown down!
(Don't feel too bad, though... I wasn't putting up much of a fight!)

Wade, you'll be hearing from me in a couple of days!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by RCSignals »

Looks great Michael. We are lucky to have so many vendors who accept our 'custom' requests.
As with all your gear you have made that 'yours'. The way it should be.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Wade Egan »

Excellent distressing Michael! Looks like it should, ready for battle.
Distressing is something that anyone can do, but it does take some skill to do it well, as we see here with Michael.

If you're not into doing it yourself and still want this look, it's no problem for me to do the distressing for you.


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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Good to hear (read) Wade...
Because that's exactly what I'll be asking of you!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by djd »

This distressing technique also works well on holster flaps.... Give a decent well used look :)
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well, I'm verrry excited...
Last week - and as a DIRECT result of the inspiration I've received HERE in THIS Thread - I had the pleasure of exchanging a few e-mails back and forth with Mr. Wade Egan (who proved to be every bit a wonderful guy to deal with as I'd been led to believe)...
I'm happy to report that I've now sent him payment for
1 of his "The Raider" Gun Belts WITH an Attached Whip Holder (and with the distressing discussed in the posts above... provided by the very capable Wade himself)
1 Streets of Cairo Strap ("Deluxe Pre-Aged" darker & more variegated finish) WITH 1 of his New Raiders Strap Slider Buckle

I tested his patience by first sending Wade a bunch of shots of my waist plus a measuring tape and a number of notes about what I was looking for... he PASSED with flying colors by NOT telling me to "buzz off!" or saying "I DO know what I'm doing, y'know!"
I'm REALLY l ooking forward to the end result and I'll definitely be posting photos once they arrive... and while I might post a few in the General Gear Section (seeing as how they're Gear which will arrive pre-distressed and not by any method I'VE developed)... but I will also let you know here in this Thread - hopefully, with your blessing Michael - once I get a chance to DO so.

All the Best,
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Got them YESTERDAY, actually Michael...
:D :D :D
They're beautiful! (Although, really... were we expecting anything other than that from Wade?)
But the thing is, I won't have a chance to snap (and post) some pics until this weekend...
So, I didn't mention it yesterday because I figured that if I started to mention it, I'd start to gush about them and heap lotsa praise on them and then, before you know it, I'd be a guy who gets one of THESE:


So... pictures ARE coming... but not until this weekend.


And Wade is a GENIUS!
(just sayin')
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by RaidersBash »

Mitch LaRue wrote:... but Michael, you possess an amazing ability to really show off someone's work (Gear) that just makes it "shine" in a way that a person doesn't always see...
I second that! Michael your pics are always fantastic and so professional looking. I'm sure it has raised the bar for everyone to try to make their photos "more like Mike's".

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by generalFROSTY »

Mike is def the inspiration for my gear (aside from the actual movies of course!).
I agree that it is fun to distress your own gear a little and make it more 'personal'. I look forward to adding more of Wade's offerings to my gear.
Mike's gunbelt turned out so well I may have to emulate him once again!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by generalFROSTY »

Michael, you and I need to have a beer sometime. Wish you lived closer...but then again NO town is big enough for TWO gearheads!
Would you recommend doing any light sanding on Wade's gunbelt? I have seen in many photos and on his website that a brand-spankin'-new belt looks very 'black'. I certainly don't want a 'new' looking gunbelt and would prefer some brown distressed coloring to show through, similar to the jacket.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

What a gorgeous picture...
Michael, with your permission, I think my monitor just found it's new desktop!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by generalFROSTY »

Michael, you need to start making tutorial videos... :D
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by BendingOak »


If there is anyone's gear i would want. It would be yours. Fantastic job.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by generalFROSTY »

BendingOak wrote:Tundrarider

If there is anyone's gear i would want. It would be yours. Fantastic job.
I second that!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well Michael, don't forget:
Through all of your own effort in reading through all of the varying opinions and conjecture here in these forums, YOU sure did a fantastic job of separating the "good" advice from the "great" advice (either that, or you're just one of the luckiest sonovaguns I know!)
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Well, it's been a crazy, non-stop insanely busy weekend... yet I still managed to get these photos taken.
But my compromise of getting these posted tonight is that I'm going to go very short on my notes...
short for ME (you're welcome!)
I'm sure it goes without saying that I love these amazing pieces of Gear Wade has made!
For those of you who hadn't read my previous mention of this, I'd ordered one of Wade Egan's "Raiders" Gun Belt with Attached Whip Holder (distressed as discussed in the posts above) and one of his "Streets of Cairo" Straps ("Deluxe Pre-Aged" darker & more variegated finish) with the New Raiders Strap Slider Buckle and recieved them both this past week...
These photos are meant to illustrate how well (I think) they work with the Gear I've already got.

First, here's a couple of LINKS to some photos:
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... C04705.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... C04707.jpg

First PHOTO:

2 more LINKS:
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... C04714.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... C04726.jpg

PHOTO # 2:

PHOTO #3 (with natural, outdoor lighting):

PHOTO #4 (alternate natural, outdoor lighting):

PHOTO #5 (my attempt to create one of those wonderful "Gear Collages" that our own Tundrarider makes look SO easy! I really like the way these kinds of mixes show off the varying textures and individual characteristics that different pieces of gear can have... as well as how some of them match-up so well):

Another LINK (specifically, showing how well - I think - Wade's Strap and Whip Holder match my holster):
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 4682-1.jpg

PHOTO #6 (showing some of the amazing detail and craftsmanship on the back - or "underside" of the belt buckle - I'm just in awe of WADE's skills!):

Last LINK (more cool textures):
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 4690-1.jpg

I hope you like what you see.
Please feel free to let me know.
All the Best,
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by rover smith »

Outstanding Mitch, everything looks great :clap:

One thing though, those gloves could do with a trip down the Well Of Souls ;)

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Michael, thanks so much for your entertaining - and always encouraging - words... I'm so glad you liked what you saw... but have no fear that I'll be replacing my "Tundrarider Gear" Desktop with a "Mitch LaRue" version:
As nice as the Gear is, I've always felt I'm still missing the Pistol to round it out (for me that would be a Smith & Wesson "Bapty" Replica... something that, frankly, I've wanted for many a year)...
So, your beautiful Webley rounds out your Gear Shot in a way I certainly can't manage any time soon... With this in mind, I'm more than happy to let my Tundrarider Desktop stay right where it is thankyouverymuch!

rover, thanks for the nod.
(And I promise I'll bump "dirtying up my gloves" to the top of my Gear "To Do" List!)
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Wade Egan »

Glad you got all your gear and like it Mitch! It was a pleasure. Just saw your last post and wanted to let you know that I have Bapty S&W replicas as well as the Suitcase versions. They're unfinished now but if you like I can finish one for you just like in this photo. I'm going to be putting magnets into the frame so that the cylinder can open up and reveal dummy shells. Should make this the best resin replica around. :TOH:

Here she is:


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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by generalFROSTY »

Wade - the gun looks fantastic! Certainly on my 'to buy' list.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Wade, yer breakin' my heart!

I would dearly LOVE to own one of those gorgeous replicas (and I would've been getting it as Finished as possible, believe me)
I'm fairly certain getting it over the border to my address here in The Great White North might present more than it's share of headaches!
I would really appreciate someone proving me WRONG about this (sincerely)... but I think it would be problematic...

BEAUTIFUL work though, Wade... my HIGHEST compliments!
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Wade Egan »

So far I have had no problems getting these into the UK and Canada as long as they are unfinished. I pack the parts in different bags inside the package and the gray color of the unfinished version seems to pass muster with customs. You could check your local customs office to make sure though. I painted one orange, too, to make sure and it got there no problem and it did.

It's not that hard to finish these S&Ws. They are very nice casts with little work that needs doing.

Sorry to create a ](*,) moment for you, but I'm really stoked on these S&Ws!

: )

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pics!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi Wade,
First of all, please don't think there's a need to apologize for my ](*,) moment... my reaction was directly proportional to the degree to which I'm :shock: , :notworthy: and =P~ about this gun!

You SHOULD be really stoked about these S&Ws! They're outstanding!

I'll admit that I hadn't considered the steps you might be able to take in order to comply with (or sidestep) some Custom issues that may well be imagined on MY part!

I'll also admit that despite the reassurance of those more skilled than I, I've never been a fan of finishing (assembling/painting/distressing) props. I've just always preferred letting those who have those skills do the deed.
(I guess what I really need is to order one of these kits and then offer up my home and hosting skills to some skilled replica Artist - like yourself - to come and stay for a working visit for a week or so while we divide their time between them working on my S&W and me showing them the Town/City/Province...

...but I guess that's not too likely to happen.

Despite my earlier comment (and reservations) regarding the Customs Issue, I've come to think that I'll have to look into this.
Thanks for the info, Wade!

(Oh...and sorry for helping to get this thread a little Off-Topic, Michael... but after all, it IS still "Wade-Related", right?)
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by tekors »

Great method of tweaking your belt...
the hammer is just a great idea... :tup:
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by tekors »

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by Abner's diarist »

Hi, Michael

Have to say as a relative newbie that your gear-related posts are always educational and inspirational. I was just wondering, with the hammer-weathering technique, do you 'beat' the whole length of the belt or only the end that feeds through the buckle?

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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by baddates1 »

Is there anything most of us have at home that can substitute Pecards(Michaelson will hate me for this)?
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by Eundercoffler »

Anyone know if Wade is still selling gear? I can't seem to track his site down.
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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by Indiana Jeff »

No, Wade has been out of the gear making business for over a year.


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Re: Distressed, slightly tweaked Raiders Belt from Wade (Pic

Post by Eundercoffler »

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