Magnoli Pants - CS Color

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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Photoss »

Why didn't you just post this in your old thread? :-k

Or this one?
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Bruce Wayne »

Golden rod in cotton is perfect.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by maboot38 »

IndyRiv wrote:Well, the only answers I have is that I am still getting used to the format of this site. I've only been a member for a couple of weeks now, so am still a newbee. Also, I figured people would notice a new thread and get more involved - thus, faster results.

Will try to do things more properly in the future. Thanks for paying attention to my other threads.
For future reference, instead of starting a new thread when you want to talk about the same thing as an old thread, you can just do what is called "bumping" the thread.

Simply post a new post to the old thread, and it will immediately be moved to the top of the new post list. That means that anyone who is looking at recent posts will see it. There is no need to start a new thread just because people aren't noticing your old one. Just use this "bump" trick from now on and you should be all set.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Photoss »

IndyRiv wrote:as you said, it only comes in cotton.
Wait, where does it say this?
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Photoss »

IndyRiv wrote:Hey Photoss,

In my last response, I was responding to both you and user Bruce Wayne. He said that Golden Rod only comes in cotton. If it sounded like I was saying that you were saying that, I do apologize. Will be more precise about whom I'm talking to on here next time.
No no no! I knew you were responding to him, no worries! :TOH:

I was looking at Magnoli's site though, and it looks like one can have Golden Rod pants in wool. (It just says that cotton is "recommended") ... -p-39.html 8-[]
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

It's tough one to call between color and fabric, but I'll share my own experience-based conclusion with you. When it comes to color, only one will ever make you happy. The only way to get that color is from the supplier of the film. (even then, from scene to scene, you'll find reasons for doubt, as you must realize by now). No amount of "close enough" is ever going to cut it. If you focus on fabric, you will probably find satisfaction faster. There is nothing better, I think, than having a pair of Indy trousers that drape just so, behave properly, and feel like you would expect them to feel on you. At that point, the color being a little off just doesn't seem so bad anymore. (Raiders color was my dream, but I abandoned it for "no idea which film" khaki Noel Howard's in wool.)

So, I wouldn't touch the custom cotton ones with a 10 foot whip! :lol: If I want cotton trousers, I'll buy from LL Bean or Dockers or whatever. Going the extra mile of custom Indy trousers warrants at least the wool blends, but the wool will feel better... feel "right" if you will.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Based on the discussion, it looks like Todd's will be the darker Raiders color. See, if you only compare CS and Raiders, Magnoli's dark khaki (and just about everyone else's, including cotton offerings) looks more Raiders than CS. But if you start comparing the first three films, those khaki colors are actually better for ToD or LC. The Raiders color is the rarest of the breed in terms of color. Thus, many are hoping Todd will produce a Raiders color.

As for the whole goldenrod thing... I've never seen Magnoli's goldenrod in person, but I find the film shows different colorations in all four movies, scene to scene, and TV to TV. I actually have seen shots in Raiders that look more gold than anything I've seen in CS. Could just be the TV's adjustments, though. This is another reason why the color of all Indy gear is so often debated and rarely satisfied fully. The best thing to do is pick a specific scene in a specific movie to emulate. At least it narrows things down.

I wish you great luck in your hunt. :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Tundrarider is completely right about how small samples can look different, and how the surrounding colors can change how you see them. One good way to get a better idea is to place a swatch up against the shirt you intend to wear with it (if you have it already). The relationship of colors will do more for making the outfit look right than quibbling over exact shades.

I did recommend the Dark Khaki for CS, but that is part research-based. You see, I have the wool blend, which I've heard looks a tiny bit lighter than the wool. I also know from discussions on the board that the CS gear choices were supposed to look as much like LC as they could manage. Now, a lot of people like Magnoli's Dark Khaki as an LC color, so it stands to reason it would do well for CS. Not everyone will agree, so what your eye tells you trumps my opinion. You have to please yourself. If you see some other color, get that. You'll be happier in the long run.

I happen to think that the stone color shirt with the Dark Khaki trousers is a good CS match. But if I have one of the darker shirts, like a Raiders, Dark Khaki is going to seem too light.

For example, look at these two pictures;

Both look like the same color shirt, but they are not. The first one is much lighter than the second. The pants in the first photo are even lighter than Magnoli dark khaki (and a bit greener). The second pic I'm wearing pants that border on light brown.
So you have a sense of the difference in shirt colors, here they are close to each other. The front/lowest shirt is from the first pic above, and the back/highest shirt is from the second pic above. ... 0940_o.jpg

Believe it or not, I do not have a single picture of me in my Magnoli pants on me! ](*,) I still can't figure out how that happened. However, here is a shot of the pants I'm wearing in the second pic above, with the dark khaki Magnoli blends on top of them. Dark Khaki won't seem so dark after you look at this!
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

IndyRiv wrote:I did some more research on the stills I had mentioned and still believe the two colors I mentioned are more correct. That's not to say that "I'm right" and "you're wrong", just that that's what my eyes see. After looking at your pictures of the Dark Khaki Magnoli pants, I am not impressed with the fabric color. This, again, is just my honest personal opinion.
And it is always best to go with what speaks to you, after doing your homework. You have chosen wisely. :TOH:
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by nicktheguy »

Button fly conversion is a tricky thing - I would (if it were me) take them to a tailor to have that kind of a switch done. But then, I am not so hot with a needle and thread.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Photoss »

It also appears that Eastman's belt loops are thicker...

Nonetheless, they look like a great pair of pants.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by binkmeisterRick »

A button fly is an entirely different setup than a zipper fly. It's not a simple thing to just convert from one to the other. A button fly also requires more material. At that rate, the conversion could cost you near the same as the pants. Honestly, it's not like folks are going to notice if you have a zipper or button fly unless you forget to close it. ;) If you are specific in wanting a button fly trouser, you might be better off just looking for a pair that has one already.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by RCSignals »

B(r)ink is correct. It would not be an easy conversion

Really, what's wrong with a zipper fly? Can you tell watching the movie the pants have a button fly?
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Indiana G »

RCSignals wrote:B(r)ink is correct. It would not be an easy conversion

Really, what's wrong with a zipper fly? Can you tell watching the movie the pants have a button fly?
come on RC.....when us folks are looking that close to his gear.....YES :lol:

with my OC disorder, i can see that most button flies (such as 501's) do give off more of a layered look than their zipper brethren.......more 'junky' look'n...:lol:

okay, i'll stop now before canyon comes over and grills me on this subject......this site is still PG right?
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by RCSignals »

IndyRiv I'd say go with 100% wool. The colour will be harder to pick

Button fly or not is up to you, but most people won't notice.

(Every time I read Goldenrod my mind screams 'yellow' )
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by RCSignals »

A button fly isn't a big deal, my only point really was if you like the Eastman's don't let the zipper fly deter you.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by RCSignals »

I suspect adding only 2" to your thigh measurement would not be a baggy look.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I didn't have a specific aim when I got mine. I just loosened the tape around my leg until I thought it was enough room. But, I suggest you send an e-mail to Magnoli to get his advice. If that fails, find a local tailor and get yourself measured. Explain the fit you need and the specific measurements. A couple of bucks for his time should do.
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Re: Magnoli Pants - CS Color

Post by WinstonWolf359 »

Do you have a pair of pants that fits you well?

Use the measurements you get from those pants, perhaps adjusted to fine-tune the size to make them a little more "Indy" and send those to Magnoli.
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