Todd's Standard question

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Todd's Standard question

Post by JeffB »

I am looking to get my first Indy jacket and am drawn to the Todd's Standard due to price and accuracy.

My question is: Will this hold up to daily wear? I mean I don't plan on getting dragged behind a truck or anything, just daily wear to the office, errands, out on the town, etc.

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Travner Ravenweird »

As someone who has worn mine as often as possible since aquiring it in June (Thank you unseasonably cool summer, even though there was never a good day to go swimming!) and is looking at it right now tossed on top of my junk here at work. I would have to say yes.

You could even add "filling up woodpecker holes on the side of the house on a brisk fall day" to your list.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by alphared6 »

I've had mine for a year and a half, there abouts, and its held up great! Took it with me to Disney World last Nov and when it got warm I removed it, waded it up and stuffed it into my GI Map case. Today, all broke in, it looks great and has worn quite well!
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by JeffB »

Thanks, thats what I wanted to hear.

I started questioning the durability when I saw posts called "strongest and toughest hide..."
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Weston »

Here is a shot of my boy and I taking a break from chores a few weeks ago. I wear my Todd's standard constantly to work, but on that particular day it experienced splitting and stacking 2 cords of firewood, removing an iron stove from the old shop and relocating it to the barn.

Later that day, I gutted a deer and helped my uncle hang the carcass in his shop. It was well past dark when I got back to the house and when I turned on the kitchen light I could see that the jacket was covered in soot, dust, rust, blood, and pine pitch. So, I tossed it in the sink, scubbed it down with a rag, and hung it in the laundry room to dry. After all of that, there is nothing to show for it outside of a few barely noticeable scuffs.

When I first put my Coyle's jacket on, I thought it was so light and fragile that it would go to shreds on me in a stiff breeze, but time and use have proved otherwise.

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by RCSignals »

Now that's a great testament Weston
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Connecticut Jones »

I don't give my jacket the beating that Weston gives his...yet. Like Weston, I will wear the jacket for all sorts of chores and outdoor activities, such as hiking with the kids and in general, being a kid with them (climbing on big rocks, sliding down hills etc).

When I decided to order the jacket, I had concerns based on what people have posted, but after many PMs with Weston, I decided to go for it. The past year has had the jacket serve me well, and, it just looks better with use. While the jacket is thin and light weight, we need to remember that it is still a leather jacket (thanks to Weston for reminding me of that). I wouldn't try getting dragged behind a truck with it, but for everyday adventure, I think it is a good choice.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Raskolnikov »

RCSignals wrote:Now that's a great testament Weston
And a great picture too.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Weston »

I'm glad you found my suggestions helpful, Connecticut!

Thanks for the compliments guys. It's hard not to take a good picture with the little blonde daredevil involved.

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Puppetboy »


What a fabulous picture! Can I use it? Is someone in your family a professional photographer?

I can't tell you the feeling I get when I see that picture. One of my jackets, not on a hanger, or spread out on the floor and photographed like a specimen, but being worn and well loved in real life. That is so gratifying. That's the kind of picture that I want to show people and say "Look! He's wearing my jacket!" Sure, it's nice to hear "most SA pocket snaps" or "he was the first to use the 'K' stitch", or this or that, but that picture is where it's at for me. Thanks for sharing.

I wear a prototype of our latest pattern revision. It's made of deerskin, and has been unstitched and re-stitched here and there - its a mess. But I wear it all the time. I love to wear it. I just don't feel right without it on. I'm disappointed when it's too warm to wear it. I hope others feel the same way.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Wulfgang »

Puppetboy wrote: I'm disappointed when it's too warm to wear it. I hope others feel the same way.
Well this Todd's owner does! I recived my jacket in June and have worn it everyday I could since then. It's big enough to wear a sweater under, so I have a feeling it's going to be a 3 season coat for sure. I've worn it to the office, to museums, to zoos, with casual clothing and with dress clothing..I wear it all the time. I found it a little light at first, but my jacket..well the only way to explain it is..thickened up a little. It feels a little heavier after five months of constant wear (I should add: I have worn it in the rain and have applied a coat of leather conditioner) It's a jacket that has served me well in daily use so far. I highly recommend a Todd's standard! :)

Great picture Weston!!

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by whipcracker »

I wear a prototype of our latest pattern revision. It's made of deerskin, and has been unstitched and re-stitched here and there - its a mess. But I wear it all the time. I love to wear it. I just don't feel right without it on. I'm disappointed when it's too warm to wear it. I hope others feel the same way.[/quote]

Deerskin? Wow, what would that feel like. That must be very comfortable Todd. Any pictures of THAT one? :D
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Weston »

Puppetboy wrote:Weston,

What a fabulous picture! Can I use it? Is someone in your family a professional photographer?

I can't tell you the feeling I get when I see that picture. One of my jackets, not on a hanger, or spread out on the floor and photographed like a specimen, but being worn and well loved in real life. That is so gratifying. That's the kind of picture that I want to show people and say "Look! He's wearing my jacket!" Sure, it's nice to hear "most SA pocket snaps" or "he was the first to use the 'K' stitch", or this or that, but that picture is where it's at for me. Thanks for sharing.

I wear a prototype of our latest pattern revision. It's made of deerskin, and has been unstitched and re-stitched here and there - its a mess. But I wear it all the time. I love to wear it. I just don't feel right without it on. I'm disappointed when it's too warm to wear it. I hope others feel the same way.
Todd, PM sent!

My wife took the picture. She is not a professional, but like many amatuer enthusiasts that put their heart into something, she is very, very good. I think she's better than some that make a living at it.

I feel the same way. These jackets are meant to be lived in and enjoyed, not coddled.

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by conceited_ape »

Don't baby it. Seriously.
I've had mine for over a year now, wear it most days a week and have distressed the bejesus out of it.
It holds up like a champ and is my current favourite (I've owned many others).
And yes, indulge in the irony that the cheapest Indy jacket available is also the most screen accurate off the rack. It's correct in ways that other vendors still don't get right.

Basically, you can't really lose.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by theman »

The first of mine was Last year's standard model and was excellent, and I believe the current new sizing is even a better/truer fit for me. That being said, there were some small detail problems that weren't right and being addressed on the next run of Todd's Standards. I think once that happens and and production is thoroughly sorted out you won't find a better more accurate ROLA in the sub $400 range.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Inbanana »

Well, I was putting my shoes on to head out the door today... when I heard a "POP". Just got back and looked everything over quickly and I noticed that the lining had split open at the shoulder... and I also just now noticed that the stitching is coming apart at the pocket corners. Its not the most expensive jacket, so its not like its the end of the world or anything, its just a little surprising since I haven't even worn the jacket that much... I definitely haven't abused it.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by theman »

Did you purchase it within the past couple of months? If so I'm sure Todd will take care of you on that. I've seen some excellent "better than new" repairs he's turned out around here. Won't hurt to email him on it at least...
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Inbanana »

Nah, I bought it when they first came out (almost a couple of years ago I think)... but I haven't worn it much. I think Halloween last year was the first time that I wore it, then maybe a few more times in the spring, and then again just recently... I'll probably just end up taking to a tailor locally, but its not like its falling apart or anything, so it might be awhile before I do that. Its just that the liner is bothering me now...
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by indyclone »

well my standard is still very nice and keeping me pretty warm now that we are in the middle 30's , degrees wise here in chicago . don't know how it will do once it gets below freezing. i bought my jacket in feb. of this year and i have worn it quite a bit during the spring and pretty much everyday since fall started and its still holding up well . so i'm happy with my choice to buy the standard from todd's . :D
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Mountaineer »

I wear my Standard every day, it's only "break in action" being in the last week, when the temps have been HIGHS in the low-mid 30s.

That daily wear has translated into a great deal of character developing in the jacket. It looks great, wears great, and has not let me down in my travels.

Be it part of my work attire, weekend relaxing or an evening out with the wife, the jacket goes and looks good in each situation.

Thanks again Todd for the great stuff at great prices.
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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by rgeary »

I got my Todd's Standard for my company Halloween party.
It has been my best friend ever since.

I distressed it to get rid of the "new" appearence, dusted it all up for that one day but after a good
cleaning and coating of Pecards it is perfect again!

I used to wear sweatshirts or pull over sweaters in the fall and spring but now I wear a button up shirt and just
grab my Standard Jacket.
Here it is Dec. and I am still grabbing this jacket over the heavy ones because its so easy to wear.

I am thinking of getting another one because I am afraid all my artificial aging could have shortened its life but so
far it is holding up well.

It's just a great jacket
Just what the "Doctor" (Dr.Jones that is) ordered.

Thanks Todd and company

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Re: Todd's Standard question

Post by Fox Harrison »

But as mentioned in several other posts around here...make sure you get the right size, buddy! Todd's run about a size smaller than expected, in my experience. I'm 5'10, 175 pounds and a 42" chest. I figured that would put me in the 'medium' category. Todds Medium is tight as all heck on me. I thought it would stretch out a little, which it has, but the shoulders have never really adjusted so I'm always concerned I'll rip it.

But as for the leather and feel of it? great, love it. So light and comfy. :)

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