
Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by soulman »

O.K. so I thought I had it settled in my mind that I would simply wait for my G&B Expo to arrive then judge it's overall fit to see if any changes need be made. But I woke the other night with one word in my mind; Shrinkage!
In response to my last post it was mentioned to me that the sleeves would shrink a bit. I'm now overly stressed as to how much? I ordered a 46 reg. and according to the G&B size chart the sleeves will be 34 1/2 in. long. Which seemed to be fine as when I measured my arms length following the directions on the chart I measured in at precisely a 34 1/2. Now when i'm standing upright the tape comes to about half an inch above the first knuckle of my thumb. Is this going to end up too short?

Can anyone help me sleep alittle better by letting me know about how much the sleeve will actually shrink?

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Post by Michaelson »

Shrink is not the correct term. They'll 'ride up' in the elbows from the usual 'crinkling' that the leather does when you naturally bend your arms. You'll have about an inch to an inch and a half ride up from the length, but that's length you can pull back down if you need it from the elbows when your arms are straight. Usually, though, jacket makers take the ride up into consideration when making your jacket, and your sleeves will seem a bit longer than you usually wear them when you first get your jacket. After you bend your arms a few times, or after the first couple of wearings, you'll discover they'll be the perfect length. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Shalimar »

I'd have to agree with Michaelson onb this one based on my exp w/leather
and Shrinkage is an evil topic :roll:
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