I recently made an annoucement in the vendor section about my OLD CUSTOMERS and having just checked my email, I found one from my good buddy Rick5150, who was one of my first customers, IF not my very first. He had just returned from a mountain climb and as always, he takes one of his ABs along. Don't know when I made this one, but the color has faded out nicely. Rick doesn't take his hats with the turn, but he wears them well. I don't think he would mind me showing off his AB, doing what I designed these hats for from the get go. And being a backpacker myself, having taken many trips in my life, mostly soloing, like Rick does, this endears old Rick to me. A great friend whom I have never met. He has his own jacket site, and knows as much about film jackets as anyone does. As you can tell, Rick takes care of his hats. So without further ado....check out Rick's AB.

Love this shot....

And once he conquered the mountaintain....thumbs up.

Rick, is living the adventure, a real Indy like character in his own right. Fedora