my hat got noticed today

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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my hat got noticed today

Post by kwh »

i went to see a dermatologist today for extremely dry skin. the doctor said i needed a stronger lotion to put on. he prescribed one for me. i wore my hat in today. i had it on a hook on the back of the door where i was being examined. we was getting ready to go,and the doctor said, that's a nice looking hat. it's from the raiders of the lost ark isn't it?. i smiled and excitedly said yes. i told him that i got this hat from a friend on the internet. i explained the differences between this hat and the new ones. and that the guy that i got this one from. my friend had bought a new one from a hat maker that made the hat for the last indy movie . this hat i got from him didn't fit him right. but the new one he has does. so as i put on my herbert johnson hat. and was heading out. my doctor said, is your bull whip in the car? i said no, but i'm working on that one. lol :TOH:
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by maboot38 »

Nice. Good eye on your doc's part.
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by DR Ulloa »

I love reading these stories. What a great doctor!

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Hollowpond »

I love it when people can make a compliment on your hat, acknowledge the Indy connection, and not be a jerk about it. Great story!

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by sallah4 »

Finally someone who knows a good hat when they see one. I usually get the rude remarks.
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Holt »

wow, what a cool doc.

hey, next time tell him about COW. maby he wants to take a peak. never now right ;)

and its obvious that he has an interrest in Indy since he can tell which movie the hat comes from.
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by fenris »

sallah4 wrote:Finally someone who knows a good hat when they see one. I usually get the rude remarks.
I was buying a couple of Indy action figures the other day. I was wearing my costume (that's all I have right now) Indy fedora. Problem was I was standing right beside a life-size bust of Freddy Kruger... the sales lady said, "Hey, you have the same hat!" I didn't know whether I should laugh or get mad... I just pointed to the Indy pin and mumbled, "Indiana Jones!"
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by mrkaboom »

That doc sounds like an indy fan screaming to get out of the closet! I love it when i hear stories like this and the person isnt a tosser about it. Ive only worn my AB Fed and indy shirt once on a hike and didnt get too much stick (well the sheep cant talk) but wonder if i would get any kind commnets if i wore it out in the big wild world.

Thanks for your story it made me smile and was an enjoyable read.

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Fedora »

Speaking of Doc's...I have had many buy the CS fedora. Even one in my own town, bought one. They may represent my largest vocational customer base. The last one was bought by my mom's surgeon in Birmingham Alabama.

And good story there you shared. Fedora
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Maybe the doc's already here.

"Is there a Doctor in the house?"

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by DR Ulloa »

Umm...Hello! :lol:

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by indyclone »

i was wearing my coyles downtowner while shopping, and as i was checking out the girl at the register said she liked my hat , she also asked " if it was from raidrs of the lost ark" i said yes it was , she said how she loved the movie and that she had yet to see the fourth one , i told her that she should and then she asked how much was the hat i told her 100 bucks , she asked where i bought it from and i told her online from todds costumes , she said she would try to remember that as she would like to get one for her boyfriend who was a big indiana jones fan. well i told good luck and hope to see her again .i smiled and she said goodbye . its always nice to know women are into the hat :D
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Kredepops »

indyclone wrote:i was wearing my coyles downtowner while shopping, and as i was checking out the girl at the register
So was she hot? I mean since you were checking her out? :lol:

Sorry man, that was a bad joke :)... Nice story though! It seems like alot of 'ordinary' people appreciate a nice fedora when they see one :)
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by enigmata_wood »

A nice anecdote there.
Something I notice with the fedora - which I wear every time I leave the house - is I get called 'sir' a lot more, I get prompter/better service in shops and restaurants, I'm remebered as 'a regular customer' and I seem to have more walking room on the pavement now.
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

I've always found that talking loudly to myself while waving my arms around can gain some additional space in a crowded environment. That, and carrying a whip and a pistol...

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by gwyddion »

enigmata_wood wrote:A nice anecdote there.
Something I notice with the fedora - which I wear every time I leave the house - is I get called 'sir' a lot more, I get prompter/better service in shops and restaurants, I'm remebered as 'a regular customer' and I seem to have more walking room on the pavement now.
It's either the hat, or the Queen knighted you when you weren't looking :-k Somehow my vote goes to the hat because you'd probably would have noticed the fanfare :P

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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by enigmata_wood »

gwyddion wrote:
enigmata_wood wrote:A nice anecdote there.
Something I notice with the fedora - which I wear every time I leave the house - is I get called 'sir' a lot more, I get prompter/better service in shops and restaurants, I'm remebered as 'a regular customer' and I seem to have more walking room on the pavement now.
It's either the hat, or the Queen knighted you when you weren't looking :-k Somehow my vote goes to the hat because you'd probably would have noticed the fanfare :P

Regards, Geert
Not to mention the sword waving close to my ear. As Noel Coward once said to an overly familiar employee, "my FRIENDS call me Noel, YOU can call me sir' !
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by indyclone »

Kredepops wrote:
indyclone wrote:i was wearing my coyles downtowner while shopping, and as i was checking out the girl at the register
So was she hot? I mean since you were checking her out? :lol:

Sorry man, that was a bad joke :)... Nice story though! It seems like alot of 'ordinary' people appreciate a nice fedora when they see one :)

yeah she was cute , but im married and she was a tad young for me --- but i can fantasize hmmmmm................?
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by indyclone »

enigmata_wood wrote:A nice anecdote there.
Something I notice with the fedora - which I wear every time I leave the house - is I get called 'sir' a lot more, I get prompter/better service in shops and restaurants, I'm remebered as 'a regular customer' and I seem to have more walking room on the pavement now.

yeah people do remember you , when i wear my hat to the local walgreensor cvs store they know me
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by generalFROSTY »

sallah4 wrote:Finally someone who knows a good hat when they see one. I usually get the rude remarks.
Is this common when wearing them out?
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by enigmata_wood »

It happens rarely. But it's always from the sort of person whose look tells you straight away they are ignorant fools whose opinion wouldn't matter to oneself anyway. I just ignore it unless the person is doing it loudly to bluster for his mates, in which case I'll reply with a similar comment. His mates will then laugh at him.
If he's wearing a hoody or shell suit I'll say, "and I'm going to take fashion advice from a grown man in a romper suit?"
If it's a wool skull cap it's, "and this from a man with a tea cosy on his head?"
If his clothes are very garish, "No need to shout your clothes are loud enough".
If he says something like, "look, he finks he's bloomin' crocodile dundee [etc.]" my reply is "look, he thinks his opinions matter".

But If it's a good natured dig about Indy I just tip my hat and smile.
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Re: my hat got noticed today

Post by enigmata_wood »

Long John Tinfoil wrote:I've always found that talking loudly to myself while waving my arms around can gain some additional space in a crowded environment. That, and carrying a whip and a pistol...

an excellent way to always have an empty seat beside you on public transport is to smile invitingly but manically to everyone who gets on!
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