I have been observing and reading here at COW for over a year now, a member since June and this is my first post. My first fedora was from Delmonico Hatters which turned out to be rather innacurate and not very durable. (I'm pretty sure it was a Dorfman Pacific) It has been distressed, re-shaped in a Raiders style, and regulated to display in my classroom.
In September of 08 I purchased an Akubra Fed 4 Deluxe Brown and shaped in LC/KOTCS style, and have been in awe of this hat's durability and character it has gained since I got it. Its been through several dunkings, and a hot North Carolina summer at a special needs camp.
Since the Fed 4 Brown I have purchased all of the Fed 4 colors some Deluxe, some standard, and a Henry, shaped in KOTCS style.
I'm also waiting for an AB Deluxe from Steve also Styled in KOTCS whish I ordered back in March.
Anyone else gone a little Fedora crazy like this once they purchase they're first??