Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

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Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

In my opinion, Tony Nowak has finally completed the Indy jacket circle.

Nowak began with the end, that being Indy IV. He backtracked to the middle with Indy I. He leapt upon Indy III, and finally returned to the beginning with Indy II.

Or did he?

Was that really the beginning of Indy's jacket? (in terms of Indy-verse canon)

I waited for someone to ask this very question aloud, but that silence was never breached. I suppose I'm just too much of an Indy-geek, but I pondered this night after night (well, actually just about an hour). We know that Indy began his adventures in Indy II (Temple of Doom), but was this his very first jacket in the fictional Indy-universe?

We know that in the Young Indiana Jones chronicle, which is 'cannon', he went without anything resembling what would later become his trademark leather jacket...

But what about the in-between years?

Of course, this was never covered in any film medium. No, the answer would not be found there. Where would it lie? With someone forever linked to the most iconic images of Indiana Jones:

Drew Struzan


Those "missing years" that I mentioned earlier would be covered in the novels released not too long after the release of Indy I, and they would of course be illustrated by who else but Struzan. What did Indy look like as a younger man? What would he wear? Struzan would attempt to answer these questions with his covers:


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am almost certain this project has never been attempted before. At least not on these boards. So it seemed only logical to me that the best man to translate the look of the beginning, would be the man who gave us the answer to the end.

And without any further adieu, I present to you, Tony Nowak's Indy 0. Also known as: "The Struzan"



As promised, here are the photos of the jacket being worn: ... ront-1.jpg ... r/pose.jpg ... side-1.jpg ... r/back.jpg
Last edited by Castor Dioscuri on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Holt »

this IMO is very cool. it shows that Indy changes his look. changes jackets after the wear out. changes his shirt, the bag. holster.etc. he is just a human that changes his clothes just like the rest of us. with this the character of Indiana Jones becomes more real if you know what I mean.

I love the look of the 'sky pirates' Indy

its different but it is still Indy.

of course my favorite is of course the raiders look and LC... but its different and its cool.

and BTW. great jacket. congrats.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Michaelson »

It also makes one wonder what Struzan's inspiration jacket was to make the illustration? Did he have one hanging in his own closet he based his cover art on? :-k

Things like this remind me of how the Webley ended up in Indy's holster in both film and books. The coveted Webley .455! I once asked Rob McGreagor WHY Indy suddenly ended up with a Webley when we had originally seen him with a Smith and Wesson.

Answer? Rob had seen one in a gun store before he started work on Last Crusade, thought it looked sexy, and decided to write it into the story. That was it! It's taken on a life of its own ever since! :lol:

Anyway, VERY nice jacket and interpretation of the cover art. It appears that the 'canon' continues to evolve at the hands of the fans, as the next step will be that the film jackets evolved from THIS iteration now. :M: :tup:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by McFly »

Pretty cool! What's your source for that patch on the right arm? And what does it say?

Also, what kind of hide is that? Looks really great! :o

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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Insomniac »

I own a jacket that has the same pockets and color as the Strutzan!
It could have been the jacket he based it off of!
I might post pics if anyone is interested!

Btw if it's any major correlation my name is Drew.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by crismans »

Terrific idea! And very well executed as well. That looks like CS cowhide. Am I right or off base?

Anyway, a fantastic idea and it's a great looking jacket.

Does this mean I have to get one of these as well as a ToD to have my Nowak collection complete? :-k :o
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Insomniac »

Heres mine and his... Image
They look a little alike.

More in person!
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone! Tony really knocked this one out of the park, and I'm really grateful for such a wicked jacket.

Also, Crismans and Tundraraider are both right. The leather is indeed a darker CS cowhide, and the patch was Tony's logo, by personal request. I'm not sure he was too thrilled with the idea, as I recall that he was pretty humored when I mentioned last summer that Belstaff had a shoulder patch on their Indy IV jackets.

Why the shoulder patch? Because I've personally become so enamoured with Tony's work that I just had to ask for one to proudly wear. And I thought since that shoulder was never shown on Struzan's "Indy 0" illustrations, I thought it would be a fun "what-if" idea.

I'll be sure to try to add some pictures of it actually being worn later tonight to the first post too.

Holt Thanks for the congrats, and I agree that it really is cool to see a different side of Indy, and that he adds on to his look now and then (i.e: Mystery of the Blues Indy). That was one of the deciding factors and justifications for me to get this jacket... Different, yet still completely Indy.

Michaelson I've been wondering the exact same thing. It certainly looks nothing like the 'train fighting' grave robber from Last Crusade that assumedly provides Indy's wardrobe inspirations. Maybe Struzan was going for that 20's, 30's biker look? Or maybe, and most likely, he had one sitting in his closet. I for one would like to know what he would think of this project... :lol:

I really treasure the compliments, though take none of the credit (that goes to Tony), especially coming from Michaelson, mentor to every gearhead! ;) Who knows? Maybe Indy V may feature this jacket? :shock:

Tundraraider Thank you sir! Looks like these last couple weeks were a good one for the both of us as far as jackets are concerned! ;) As for your questions, it is in my size, and I'll try to get some photos ASAP! ;)

McFly As a longtime admirer of your jackets, I really do appreciate the kind words! The patch simply is a darker version of Nowak's logo, and the hide is a darker CS hide.

_ Thank you _! You don't know what this means to me coming from you, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. Perhaps I might try a zip on the next go... :D

insomniac I knew Drew was reading this... 8-[] :lol: Kidding, but that is a wicked looking jacket that you've got, and I can see what you mean!

Crismans It is indeed a fantastic jacket, and thank you! :) Hopefully, Tony will be able to talk you into getting one of these as well... that way at least one of us will be able to round out that Nowak Indy collection! ;)
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

Interesting project Castor, and nice jacket.

that's CS cowhide? and yes, what is the patch on the sleeve?

May we see the back of it?
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Holt »

I think TN should make two different jackets.

the ''sky pirate'' and ''the dance with the giants'' jacket are different from each other.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by knibs7 »

Pretty cool!

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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by WhipDude »

Indiana Holt wrote:I think TN should make two different jackets.

the ''sky pirate'' and ''the dance with the giants'' jacket are different from each other.

Nice jacket. I really like it and the only difference I would have, personally, is a darker color. But very nice nonetheless. I'd like to see some more photos of it including some of you wearing it.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Tibor »

Castor, what does the back look like?
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

A 'Castor'... If only that will be the case, _, one can only hope! :) However, after reading what you said, especially coming from a Indygear legend (and I mean this sincerely without sarcasm), I feel for the first time that I've actually found my Chachapoyan idol! :TOH: And I too am simply amazed by Tony's final product!

RCSignals & Tibor Thank you, and like I mentioned earlier, the patch is Tony's logo. I'll be sure to get some pictures of the back of it (though the back really is more of the same) soon!

knibs Speaking of 'cool', I had Tony put in a slightly heavier lining than normal so it could double as a winter coat! :P

WhipDude Thanks Whip Dude! Come to think of it, it would look more "paper"-accurate if it were a darker color, but I am just too in love with the CS hide to have gone with a darker color! But, maybe the next gearhead that orders a 'Castor' could be do just that? :mrgreen:

Holt As for the differences, I suppose you could always view this as a "continuity-error" thing, and that they are meant to be the same jacket? Just like how multiple jackets were used in each movie, some with slight differences... To use an example, Last Crusade had multiple jackets used, but they were all meant to be one and the same, yet had slight differences between them for the eagle-eyed (i.e: collar pointiness, collar stand, etc, distressing). It's possible! :P
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by crismans »

Now who wants to get that tiny crowned hat on "Dance of the Giants" to complete the look? :lol:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Hmm, I might have to get AB to make me that mini-fedora! :P
And just to let you guys know, I've added more pictures to the top of the thread! ;)
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Mark Raats »

Michaelson wrote:It also makes one wonder what Struzan's inspiration jacket was to make the illustration? Did he have one hanging in his own closet he based his cover art on? :-k
Drew's Indy jacket was hanging on the side of a very elegant display cabinet with his buggered Fedora and whip in his studio - the last time I saw it..

Strangely enough right above it was a colossal stuffed head of a Buffalo - the rest of the jacket maybe? - LOL..
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Insomniac »

Tundrarider wrote:Thanks for posting pics of you wearing the jacket. :tup:

It takes on a "life of it's own" when being worn.

You certainly have an "Original" Tony Nowak Original there! :notworthy:

Michael :TOH:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by CM »

Now all we need is someone to finally commission a Raiders concept illustration - been talked of before but never done.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Baldwyn »

What a cool cool jacket!!! Some really nice real world features too. Please do NOT get a Staff of Kings jacket. There's something that really bugs me about the idea of that one! :) Congrats on a great idea, and Tony's execution!
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Insomniac »

Baldwyn wrote:What a cool cool jacket!!! Some really nice real world features too. Please do NOT get a Staff of Kings jacket. There's something that really bugs me about the idea of that one! :) Congrats on a great idea, and Tony's execution!
I think this might be a bit too far out for my liking!
I think this is your reason to buy a "new" Indy jacket!
No excitement can compare with the first jacket's arrival!
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

_ wrote:A Struzan or a Castor - either name fits, my friend. That's how a gearhead makes a mark on the hobby, and in my opinion it's the most original idea I've seen that also nails the spirit of the hobby. I am floored by the details and complete execution of that jacket. Kudos and highest regards... :TOH:

My vote is for a 'Castor'. Far easier to remember for one thing
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by McFly »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:McFly As a longtime admirer of your jackets, I really do appreciate the kind words! The patch simply is a darker version of Nowak's logo, and the hide is a darker CS hide.
:o :oops: Wow, really??? Thanks a lot! I've never really thought of my jackets as much more than standard.

Thanks for answering - and clearing up that question about the patch. I thought it was a Nowak patch but didn't think he'd put it on the shoulder. Makes sense that it was something you asked for, and I kind of like the idea too. Makes it more original!

I love the distressing and the back of that jacket. Looks very well worn-in, and kind of ToD/LC!

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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by nephilo »

Cool idea!!! Veeeery nice jacket!!! :clap:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Hollowpond »

CM wrote:Now all we need is someone to finally commission a Raiders concept illustration - been talked of before but never done.
Thats EXACTLY what I've been thinking. I would want one in a deep brown that has been lightly distressed (just not LC distressed). The only thing I can't figure is how you would work the zipper on a jacket with a collar like that :-k , traditionally jackets of that sort have buttons. Oh well, that's what Tony is for I guess.

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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Wow! Awesome idea and beautiful work!!

I love my Wested Raiders circa 2000 and have never heard the Siren's Song for another jacket. "Maybe a Raider's in black" I think from time to time. But then seeing this face almost melted off. :Dietrich:

So, the Stuzan in black. Hmmmm....


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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by SpeedRcrX »

Nice jacket Castor, Tony talk to me about your jacket just a few days ago and was hoping that you post some photos.

He was every excited about it !
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Kt Templar »

The part where the collar hits the body looks like a normal Nowak CS.

The Sky Pirates one actually seems more like the Surrogates jacket. Something to do with the collar stand, or lack of.

Nice enough looking repro tho.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Mike »

During my LA layover visit with Tony on Sunday, he was very excited about this, showing me the covers as his latest project. He made me promise not to say anything ahead of time to steal Castor's thunder. Its good to see the actual jacket and I think it rocks. Tony was unsure of the name "Struzan," so I explained it to him and the books they came from. I also left him with a copy of Army of the Dead since it had his CS jacket on the cover.

Please do show some pics of the back and maybe some in natural lighting.

Congrats on a great idea and a pretty sweet looking jacket!
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by crismans »

Kt Templar wrote:The part where the collar hits the body looks like a normal Nowak CS.

The Sky Pirates one actually seems more like the Surrogates jacket. Something to do with the collar stand, or lack of.

Nice enough looking repro tho.
That settles it! I'll have to get one. :D

And maybe the Castor Struzan? It has a Kaiser Soze ring to it. :-
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by whipcracker »

I think we need some action shots....
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Raskolnikov »

Ideas like yours, Castor, are what amazes me most about true gearheads. Honestly, I know that many around here will continue giving us more information about Indy's jackets, and I do appreciate them for that. But this is something completely unexpected, true creativity...
Congrats to you and Tony for all of this and for your beautiful and unique jacket!!! :clap: :clap:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Michaelson »

crismans wrote: That settles it! I'll have to get one. :D
What was that thumping noise I just heard? :shock:

Were those more 'crisman' jackets being tossed in the COW classified section? :-k

:lol: ;)

Hope you DO get one, old friend. I think it would suit you well!

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by crismans »

Michaelson wrote:
crismans wrote: That settles it! I'll have to get one. :D
What was that thumping noise I just heard? :shock:

Were those more 'crisman' jackets being tossed in the COW classified section? :-k

:lol: ;)

Hope you DO get one, old friend. I think it would suit you well!

Regards! Michaelson

I'm all out except the ones I want to keep! :shock: Time to start unloading my wife's jackets on the 'Bay! :lol:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Michaelson »


I hear you brother! :M: :tup:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Hatch »

Does anyone have pics of the 'original concept drawings ' Struzan did when the were beginning to work on 'Raiders'. and develop 'the look'... that has always appealed to me ........Castor, this was a great idea and I know you'll treasure being 'first on the block'........ :clap: edit Steranko did the original concept drawings.........see below
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by indy89 »

Wow! Now there's something I never thought I'd see! Awesome jacket, Castor!! :TOH:
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Mike »

Hatch wrote:Does anyone have pics of the 'original concept drawings ' Struzan did when the were beginning to work on 'Raiders'. and develop 'the look'... that has always appealed to me ........Castor, this was a great idea and I know you'll treasure being 'first on the block'........ :clap:
Drew did not do the initial concept art for Raiders, that was Jim Steranko.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Hatch »

Mike,Thanks for refreshing by memory......all those S named artists ran together on me.... :#:...........still wonder what Tony could do with it, another cool concept......
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Baldwyn »

Hatch wrote:Mike,Thanks for refreshing by memory......all those S named artists ran together on me.... :#:...........still wonder what Tony could do with it, another cool concept......
There could always be a Steranko-Hatch jacket :)
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Baldwyn »

_ wrote:
Mike wrote:Drew did not do the initial concept art for Raiders, that was Jim Steranko.
Of all people, Disney used this art as the concept for their jacket for the production run for 1999. Their interpretation of the collar resulted in what sorta looked like a suit, if you take my meaning? It had snap cuffs, two way patch pockets and an inner pocket. It would have been a cool jacket except for the balloon cut, cheesy rubbery cowhide, and map lining. I owned one very briefly, but quickly exchanged it for one of the Disney Coopers they were still carrying in back stock.
Oh, I think I remember what you're taking about! If I recall, it was lighter in colour? I always thought it was a bomber jacket with a map lining, never made the connection to the Steranko artwork. Cool.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

_ wrote:
Mike wrote:Drew did not do the initial concept art for Raiders, that was Jim Steranko.
Of all people, Disney used this art as the concept for their jacket for the production run for 1999. Their interpretation of the collar resulted in what sorta looked like a suit, if you take my meaning? It had snap cuffs, two way patch pockets and an inner pocket. It would have been a cool jacket except for the balloon cut, cheesy rubbery cowhide, and map lining. I owned one very briefly, but quickly exchanged it for one of the Disney Coopers they were still carrying in back stock.
Interesting how it sort of resembles the Rebel without a cause long before the production and quest for the actual jacket was this art work done?
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Great idea.
Great project.
Great outcome.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by CM »

RCSignals wrote:
_ wrote:
Mike wrote:Drew did not do the initial concept art for Raiders, that was Jim Steranko.
Of all people, Disney used this art as the concept for their jacket for the production run for 1999. Their interpretation of the collar resulted in what sorta looked like a suit, if you take my meaning? It had snap cuffs, two way patch pockets and an inner pocket. It would have been a cool jacket except for the balloon cut, cheesy rubbery cowhide, and map lining. I owned one very briefly, but quickly exchanged it for one of the Disney Coopers they were still carrying in back stock.
Interesting how it sort of resembles the Rebel without a cause long before the production and quest for the actual jacket was this art work done?
Well I guess that's because pretty much every short zip up jacket has a kind of "Rebel" look to it - it's the McGregor anti-freeze jacket they used, designed in the early 1950's - a nylon version of the classic short leather bike jacket. We come full circle. ;) My Dad remembers fifty years ago when every short zip up jacket was called either a James Dean or an Ike jacket.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

yes it's a classic style still not uncommon today.
There seems to be controversy whether it was in fact a Macgregor anti-freeze but does seem to be true that Moss Mabry based it from a jacket some one on the lot was wearing (which may have been a Macgregor anti-freeze.) it does seem Moss Mabry styled and even made the jacket worn in the movie. Some think the 'Rebel' pre-dates the Macgregor stye, who knows. just more UFI ;)
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by CM »

RCSignals wrote:yes it's a classic style still not uncommon today.
There seems to be controversy whether it was in fact a Macgregor anti-freeze but does seem to be true that Moss Mabry based it from a jacket some one on the lot was wearing (which may have been a Macgregor anti-freeze.) it does seem Moss Mabry styled and even made the jacket worn in the movie. Some think the 'Rebel' pre-dates the Macgregor stye, who knows. just more UFI ;)
The old Mabry story... My money's on McGregor, but it wouldn't be the first time a film has copied mall-type clothing to make sure the star looks just right. In the early days, Elvis had his otherwise ordinary shirts tailored to make his shoulders look broader... Perhaps Mabry was trying to make Dean look taller...

The question remains, why is the film jacket virtually identical to the Mc?

Back on topic.... When Wested's Peter said he used a James Dean as the Raiders base, he simply meant a short, zip front jacket with a shirt collar - he wasn't speaking an SA perspective.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

Could be. I don't think either way it was an absolute original design of Moss Mabry.
Although I read the Raider jacket story as Peter used the pattern for his James Dean jacket replica as a base.
The costume designer, as well as Peter have also said the Raiders jacket was based on an A2 without knits, which is also a short jacket with zip. The front length of most 'regular' (all the originals were Regulars) A2s is about 23", same as the front length of all the Ford sized Indy jackets. Certainly the description of the Wilson was an A-2 without knits, only rejected after buying a few because Nadoolman didn't like the leather.

Never-the-less, Castor's jacket is unique certainly now that is more than a book cover drawing.
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Fortune and Glory »

A great idea for sure. Congrats on another great Nowak! The man's work is peerless.

To me personally, the ultimate non-canon indy jacket would have to be the STERANKO version from the conceptual art. Everything about those images is cool, jacket included. Would love to see one of those...

(And knowing these parts, I soon will.)
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by Hatch »

I'm wondering about the ? back of a 'concept' Steranko.......wonder if it would look good with a 'Surrogates' half belt and shoulders etc to give it more of a 30's look......what do you guys think ??
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Re: Indy 0, by Tony Nowak (a.k.a. "The Struzan")

Post by RCSignals »

Do any Steranko drawings show the back? If not you can do what you like, but I suspect an "action back" was always part of the plan.
Heck do what you like anyway, it would be a jacket based on a concept drawing
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