Nowak began with the end, that being Indy IV. He backtracked to the middle with Indy I. He leapt upon Indy III, and finally returned to the beginning with Indy II.
Or did he?
Was that really the beginning of Indy's jacket? (in terms of Indy-verse canon)
I waited for someone to ask this very question aloud, but that silence was never breached. I suppose I'm just too much of an Indy-geek, but I pondered this night after night (well, actually just about an hour). We know that Indy began his adventures in Indy II (Temple of Doom), but was this his very first jacket in the fictional Indy-universe?
We know that in the Young Indiana Jones chronicle, which is 'cannon', he went without anything resembling what would later become his trademark leather jacket...
But what about the in-between years?
Of course, this was never covered in any film medium. No, the answer would not be found there. Where would it lie? With someone forever linked to the most iconic images of Indiana Jones:
Drew Struzan

Those "missing years" that I mentioned earlier would be covered in the novels released not too long after the release of Indy I, and they would of course be illustrated by who else but Struzan. What did Indy look like as a younger man? What would he wear? Struzan would attempt to answer these questions with his covers:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am almost certain this project has never been attempted before. At least not on these boards. So it seemed only logical to me that the best man to translate the look of the beginning, would be the man who gave us the answer to the end.
And without any further adieu, I present to you, Tony Nowak's Indy 0. Also known as: "The Struzan"

As promised, here are the photos of the jacket being worn: ... ront-1.jpg ... r/pose.jpg ... side-1.jpg ... r/back.jpg