Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

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Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

No, been there done that.
Yes, I'm a gearhead, am I not?
No, and I don't think I ever have either
Yes, but only to one party, I also have an alternate costume
Yes, and I'm going as a trick-or-treater chaperon
No, I will be another Indiana Jones character
Total votes: 125

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Looking good, Tuck! And on the weight loss,too! :tup: ;)
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Strider »

Thanks! :TOH: :D
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Solo4114 »

Indy's always a crowd pleaser, so I'll likely go with that for the party I'm attending.

My costume isn't SA, but it's a heck of a lot better than most Indiana Jones outfits you see out there (IE: bushman hat, striped dress shirt, docksider shoes, el cheapo $5 costume "whip" which is little more than 2 strips of leather twisted around themselves, etc.).

I've got my akubra Federation, my 2001-era Wested, a WPG bag, alden #305s, and then just a pair of LL Bean khaki trousers, LL Bean shirt (forget the name of the color), my belt and inaccurate holster holding my HFC .38 airsoft revolver (I'm not carrying a real -- even unloaded -- firearm around the streets of Philadelphia), and my 8' bullwhip. I'll probably get a new whip holder this year, maybe an artifact (fertility idol? staff headpiece? grail? Sankara stone?).

Oh, here's a fun tip for you if you really want to mess with people at parties. The first year I ever did an Indy outfit (1998), I took a tape recorder and recorded a tape of the Indy theme looping for like 20 min. Walk into a party, hit the "play" button and turned the volume up loud enough that people would hear it but soft enough that it could be mistaken for background noise. Subliminal messaging at its finest. People thought I had a REALLY authentic costume that year. ;)
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by sallah4 »

I am in the process of buying a penman from a friend in England.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

More Spiders done!

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by maboot38 »

Nope, I was Indy last year. Why would I wear the same costume again? That would be lame. Pretty soon it would be "Dan's coming to the party. $100 says he dresses up as Indy again."
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

MORE SPIDERS!!!! (Bigger, too!)


This is gonna be a GREAT Halloween!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

Tundrarider wrote:Awesome pic, MadKidJedi!!! \:D/

Are you posted anywhere in a full gear shot? :-k

Michael :TOH:
Yup! Here ... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39074&start=200 ... about 1/4 of the way down the page. From Dragon*Con '09 over Labor Day weekend this year. Besides my inaccurate boots, I'm pretty happy, but.... eh... whaddaya gonna do on a budget? My gear has seen some upgrades since, most noteably an un-used and un-issued screen-perfect MKVII straight outta England. The one in these pix is the Canadian version. A little "yellower" than SA with only one vent hole, but otherwise, a fine bag. Got a Todd's Downtowner on the way right now... should be here with a few extra days to break it in before Halloween... Will invest in Todd's "Alden clones" eventually to fix the boot thing.

Again, my fedora is a vintage thrift store find of about 10 years ago, and other than being just a wee bit small for my large noggin' (hey, it's tight so it NEVER comes off!), it's Beaver, crushable, and pretty doggone good for the mere $40 I paid way back when...!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

Tundrarider wrote:
MadKidJedi wrote:Yup! Here ... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39074&start=200 ... about 1/4 of the way down the page.
WOW! Awesome gear and you really pull off the look! :whip: (Even more credit is due, as you did it on a budget! ;) )

Thanks for sharing! :D

Michael :TOH:
Michael; Is this an older pic of you by any chance...?


Henry Jones Sr. is my friend Jay, Marion is his (recently wed) wife Gina, and Willie is my FaceBook friend Katie... Thought that Jones Jr. looked a bit like you, perhaps before your "reduction"?
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

Long John Tinfoil wrote:Hmmm. :-k

That would work on the jacket too...

LJ - Yes... yes, it would work on the jacket, too...

Long John Tinfoil wrote:... Now, where to get some tarantulas...

Here's the best I could find... so far...!
...even more spiders!


I've got 4 more I can add, with magnets enough for all...
...should I do even more....??

YIKES! If I do do more, it'll be done differently! I just took these four off my jacket (a Todd's) and the super-glue had an adverse reaction to the finish on the leather...!!! Kinda puckered. And the depth of where I set the magnets in thhe spiders also had something to do with the marks. Not to worry... some Pecard's seemed to take care of the mess...
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

Tundrarider wrote:Now that we have established my identity, you are more than welcome to delete that picture! :oops:

Michael :TOH:
Really? I will if you want me too, but it's a GREAT group shot!!!!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by BOINKFFD »

Yes, I will be going as Indy this year. Its the first time I have had enough gear to come close.In the past ,it always been a SW character.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by indyclone »

last year was my first year i dressed as indy i had non screen accurate stuff my bag was a newer army surplus bag with tan strap , dorfman hat,safari shirt, texas lottery indiana jones jacket , ---------i had taken my son out trick or treating as he was indiana jones too ,
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

I went as Indy in CS last Halloween, but I think this year I'm gonna go as Indy in LC.



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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by maboot38 »

knibs7 wrote:I went as Indy in CS last Halloween, but I think this year I'm gonna go as Indy in LC.
Kyle, you're a cheater. Just because you know where area 51 is......

Actually, I think I'll be going as Indy again this year. Not because I don't have another costume....I do....I made a full, 99% screen accurate X-wing pilot uniform, but I don't think I'll actually wear it because I really don't feel like going out of my way to dress up, and to me, Indy gear is just a touch above normal clothing.

I'll just wear my pants and shirt while my kid and my buddy's kids trick or treat, and then I'll throw the rest of the gear on while we stop by the mandatory costume party.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

maboot38 wrote:
knibs7 wrote:I went as Indy in CS last Halloween, but I think this year I'm gonna go as Indy in LC.
Kyle, you're a cheater. Just because you know where area 51 is......

Actually, I think I'll be going as Indy again this year. Not because I don't have another costume....I do....I made a full, 99% screen accurate X-wing pilot uniform, but I don't think I'll actually wear it because I really don't feel like going out of my way to dress up, and to me, Indy gear is just a touch above normal clothing.

I'll just wear my pants and shirt while my kid and my buddy's kids trick or treat, and then I'll throw the rest of the gear on while we stop by the mandatory costume party.
This is a military warehouse. I've never been here before in my life. :[

Ya I agree with you maboot38... I have a 100% complete SA Jack Sparrow costume, but Indy, like you said, is just so comfortable and more practical. It just feels like wearing everyday clothes (which for me ARE everyday clothes ;) )

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

Tundrarider wrote:Wow, Kyle...we could be related! :-k



Michael :TOH:

WOW we really COULD be related! Those pictures are awesome side by side! Oh and one more thing...
Don't call me Junor! :lol:

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween

Post by inuvuwow »

McFly wrote:
First, you wrote:Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?
Then, as a suggested answer, you wrote:No, been there done that.
And I agreed with you!

I've done it before, yes. That's one reason. Also I'd like to try and wear some of my other outfits that I've been working on. This year I'm going to wear my WW2 Class A uniform!

Next year... Ghøstbusters! Image


Hey, Shane... maybe E.T. will have a "Ghostbusters" contest we can enter!!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by raider 57 »

Well, I may do so again this year after all. I got a line on a possibly fun party.
Halloween IS on Saturday this year!!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I voted in the "been there" category. I've done Indiana Jones for the past two years, and it's time for me to break out my investment in the Man with No Name outfit. I sure hope it cools off some by next weekend. At 5:16 p.m. Arizona time today, it is still 87 F (30.55 C).
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Band Director Jones »

While I won't being dressing up on Halloween (I have tickets to the Spurs game), I will probably dress up as Indy for the school's halloween dance on Friday the 30th. Of course, it depends on my band kids. If they can collect mine and my wife's weight combined in canned goods by Thursday, then I will dress up.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Photoss »

I was thinking about going as indy, but recently discovered I will be inside disneyland instead... 8)
(and unfortunately, adults aren't allowed to wear costumes inside the park...)
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

Photoss wrote:I was thinking about going as indy, but recently discovered I will be inside disneyland instead... 8)
(and unfortunately, adults aren't allowed to wear costumes inside the park...)
I wore mine inside Disney and no one said anything to me.

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

knibs7 wrote:
Photoss wrote:I was thinking about going as indy, but recently discovered I will be inside disneyland instead... 8)
(and unfortunately, adults aren't allowed to wear costumes inside the park...)
I wore mine inside Disney and no one said anything to me.

Disney World didn't have a problem either :-k
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Photoss »

Well I was told that adults couldn't wear costumes in disneyland on Halloween itself, only california adventure, but I found this, hmm...

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 823AARSrFC

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

I guess I'd have to agree with the Disney employee on the yahoo answer. If you want to wear it that bad, just pay the extra fee. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by enigmata_wood »

well, I finished my Mola Ram costume today and I think it looks truly creepy! I'll post photos as soon as possible. My brother suggested I could make money as a singing telegram - delivering bad news!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

Please do take pictures!

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

My final pre-Halloween package arrived today from Todd's... so it was "picture-time".


I'd have gone outside... but it's kinda pouring... maybe later.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by knibs7 »

Great looking stuff you got there! :D

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Holt »

I agree. you wear it very well.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by rebelgtp »

Nope by the looks of it I will be on the road all weekend so no parties for me. Though I will be wearing my fed.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Mark Brody »

I'm gonna try limiting Indy to at most once every other year. I did it last year, so I'm doing the Spirit this year.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by jnicktem »

If I end up not having to work for Halloween (probably will) I will of course be Indy!

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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by jasonalun »

Wow, MadKidJedi! You look great in that gear. Is that a Todd's jacket? I know the hat is the Downtowner. As others have said, you wear it well. Looks like a guy can't go wrong outfitting himself with all Todd's Indy gear...Todd just needs to get those pants going. ;)
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by enigmata_wood »

I promised photos of the Mola Ram costume I completed on Wednesday. In real life the colours are a bit warmer -the 'bone' is more ivory coloured.
The pashwara is not SA, nor is it intended to be - I couldn't bear to walk around in 7 yards of double layer wool even if I could afford it, so this is sewn 'in the manner of' from light cotton and ribbon piping, so I can get into it quickly. it took a day to make.
The headdress is made entirely from papier maché and took a lot longer. I wrapped my hat block in cling film and built it up round that for a good fit. the horns are modified plastic horns from a toy plastic viking helmet. to keep it light I bulked out the papier maché with loosly crumpled baking foil. The jaw bones are wired inside for rigidity.
The necklaces are made from conkers picked up in a park and papier maché 'claws'.
The severed heart is an old bath spounge, wraped in rags and painted with acrylics.
The observant among you will already have noticed the costume is made for a southpaw.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

jasonalun wrote:Wow, MadKidJedi! You look great in that gear. Is that a Todd's jacket? I know the hat is the Downtowner. As others have said, you wear it well. Looks like a guy can't go wrong outfitting himself with all Todd's Indy gear...Todd just needs to get those pants going. ;)
It is a Todd's... gussied up with some very real dirt, but was purchased from eBay pre-distressed. It was hard to do, but I took some of the same very real dirt, and dusted my Downtowner with it last night before adding the spiders to it, and very real spider-webs from the basement. The effect was perfection. Of course, I will have pics to show y'all at some point.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by twilekjedi »

*covering heart* OMG, enigmata_wood, that is just scary awesome!!! :twisted:
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

MadKidJedi: Great looking Indy gear there. I concur, you wear it well.

jnicktem: Your Indy is coming along just fine.

enigmata_wood: Super job on the Mola Ram costume, too! Obviously, a lot of thought went into that one, working all those parts, making the headdress and necklace parts.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by jnicktem »

Thanks Indiana MarkVII!

A quick break-down of my gear in that picture:

Hat- Penman LC
Jacket- Wested LC Cowhide
Shirt- Noel Howard
Pants- Oak Creek "close enoughs"

I really have no need for the other gear, like the gun belts, holster, whip, etc... I am pretty happy with what I got. And if I ever need a whip or a Mark VII bag, my dad has both!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by twilekjedi »

Yeah, Dean, you'll have to show the Gear in full decorated mode dirtied up with the spiders & webs and stuff. Looking good!

jnicktem, you've got some quality, choice Gear pieces! It's probably good that you have more self-control with your wallet than most of us here. :BD:
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by MadKidJedi »

twilekjedi wrote:Yeah, Dean, you'll have to show the Gear in full decorated mode dirtied up with the spiders & webs and stuff. Looking good!
Ask... and you shall receive.


Fake spiders, real webs. Real dirt on clothes. Fake gel blood. Dirt on face and neck effect provided (yummily) by real hot fudge sauce! (Bonus for the girlfriend!)
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by djd »

LOL! Great!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

LOVED this stuff, MKJ!
Thanks for showing us these shots!
GREAT work!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by twilekjedi »

Indiana Jones and the Office Cubicle of Doom! :lol: You look great, Dean!

No events planned for us this weekend, but if we get any trick-or-treaters at the door Monster will be greeting them in this:

Captain Katanga

Monster wishes everyone a BOOtiful Halloween!
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

twilekjedi, that is so funny! I was laughing out loud, and I'm still grinning ear to ear. Happy Halloween to you and yours, too.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Strider »

MKJ, I have done the same thing with my hats in the past concerning spider webs. I told my wife this, and it GROSSED her out so bad that she got the shivers. I used to walk around Escondido at night looking for spider webs, and when I'd find one, I'd simply plink the spider off the web with a well-placed finger flick, and then walk hat-first into the web. Looked GREAT, as does yours! :clap: Bravo for having the cojones to do this.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by jnicktem »

twilekjedi wrote: jnicktem, you've got some quality, choice Gear pieces! It's probably good that you have more self-control with your wallet than most of us here. :BD:
Thanks! And I am not sure about the self-control part... in substitute to the gun belt, holster, etc... I just get more hats, jackets, and shirts! :shock: Although, I have been downsizing. Instead of having 5 shirts I am down to 2, instead of having 5 jackets I am down to 3, and instead of having 7 hats I am down to, well.... 7.
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Solent MKIII »

Great gear, MKJ! :tup: The spiders and webs came out looking really good.
twilekjedi wrote:Image
Excellent job on Monster's costume, TJ! The captain's hat looks good, but the knitted white turtleneck just cracks me up - that was great! Image
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Re: Will you dress up as Indiana Jones for Halloween?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Bunny + Captain's Hat = cute & funny (and there's nothing wrong with that...)


Bunny + Captain's Hat + White Turtlenck Sweater = Brilliant & Inspired