Where do you wear your complete gear?

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Indiana Jake »

With Halloween coming up I thought I might ask -Where do people wear their complete Indy gear? An earlier post here prompted me to ask this question. Halloween seems like such an obvious choice, as most of us are quite invested in our outfits. If you wear it complete somewhere else, please share. Here is a list from what I've read or done so far. Maybe I'm looking for an other excuse to get dressed up.

Indy summits, Halloween, Comic book conventions/Comic-Con, appropriate film screenings, personal photo shoots, 4th of July parades,......where else?

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by knibs7 »

I've worn mine on hiking/camping trips, visits to the CS shooting locations, personal photo shoots, and sometimes just at school or around town just to get a reaction from peopole :lol:

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by twilekjedi »

Well, I can say that I or my husband have done all of the above (in the original post) except for the parade. In addition, I've been to one fund-raiser for a local hospice program in full gear. I have also worn my gear on outdoorsy vacations sans gun & whip.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by djd »

Only around the house (!) or if we're going out for a hike in the forest ...
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Summits. That's pretty much it. I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I've been involved with this hobby, oddly enough. :-k
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by gi_canuck »

Lets' see... EVERYWHERE for like past 2 yeas!! haha. (Working for a I.T. Company) ... till my girl friend put a stop to it... She was amused at first, but the look got old pretty fast for her. Still wear them when I am out with my guy friends though...
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Risu »

Pretty much just to summits and conventions. I don't like to do the Indy thing for Halloween because I think it would get boring. This year Indy is my backup-backup-backup costume. Gordon Freeman fell through, Han Solo is on the edge of the cliff, and barring any peculiar postal screw-ups my Dexter costume will be ready to go. If all those go wrong, Indy it is.

I have started to wear my AB on a daily basis since i got it, I'd be crazy not to. And of course the Aldens because shoes don't get more comfortable than those.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Jens »

At work ... sometimes. ;)
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Farmboy »

I've worn my complete gear for Halloween once, about three years ago. Other than that, I usually wear the whole get-up a few times during the summer at the YMCA camp where I work. The kids range from age 7 to 15, and they LOVE IT. (They call me 'Mr. Jones'; I politely correct them--"That's Dr. Jones to you, sonny." ;) )
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Darth Indiana »

various parts are everyday wear, but i've only worn my full gear (in public) once, at the KOTCS midnight premier. no, make that twice; i wore the whole thing again at the "normal people" premier the next day(or later that day, if you like).
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Complete gear...never, except Halloween once. Other than that it is for display only. I'm not Indiana Jones, I'm Dan. I never understood wearing a costume to go to Walmart to buy a DVD, but to each their own.

Now components of the gear I wear quite a bit. I wear the jacket just about every day, and the hat a couple times a week, and the boots very often. Put it all together and wear it out all the time, and I might as well move into my parent's basement ;)
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Soup »

maboot38 wrote:Complete gear...never, except Halloween once. Other than that it is for display only. I'm not Indiana Jones, I'm Dan. I never understood wearing a costume to go to Walmart to buy a DVD, but to each their own.

Now components of the gear I wear quite a bit. I wear the jacket just about every day, and the hat a couple times a week, and the boots very often. Put it all together and wear it out all the time, and I might as well move into my parent's basement ;)

:rolling: :roll: :TOH:



Oh yea,same here, wear all the items at different times, just never fully together.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by enigmata_wood »

Never, apart from a very occasional fancy dress party. honestly it's a bit sad isn't it to dress exactly like a fictional character in real life? I might do it for a bet though or for a summit. However I use the practical parts of the gear, with other clothing, quite a bit. It's good gear that's it.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

enigmata_wood wrote:Never, apart from a very occasional fancy dress party. honestly it's a bit sad isn't it to dress exactly like a fictional character in real life?
:lol: ...that made me laugh. I think there is a time and place for everything, but I've noticed that Indy and his gear work best when period specific, or when he is in the field. He pulls it off well when he is the throwback adventurer, and everything around him is supposed to be the 1930's, etc. I think you can mix articles of the gear into your daily attire and get away with it, shirt boots and belt, for instance. Put that hat on, and you're nailed.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by donovan »

i wear indygear everyday-work,rest ,play- indy jacket,loose fit trousers (never jeans),redwings/aldens and i'm good to go.if its hot i loose the jacket and put on a tilley hat.it's become my wardrobe.but each to their own. :)
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by ravencrow »

i wear variations of it most places ..cause i like dressing in a thirties style. plus in Calgary we have a heritage park and i like to dress up when i go there ..better effect, helps with the illusion.
i also work for a night club, and on every Sunday we have a theme night so when ones come up that suit the costume i go for broke.
comic cons
Halloween (my son dresses as mutt)
premere for Crystal Skull
and camping
i think that's it

Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by whipwarrior »

I've worn my full gear for:

many Halloweens
2 public screenings of Raiders
the premiere of KOTCS
hiking in the Mojave Desert
meeting my best Indy friend in San Francisco (round 2 coming up next year!)
sometimes watching the movies at home (KOTCS last night - Webley IN holster the whole time!)
personal photo shoots
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by RaidersBash »

bits and pieces every day. all of it for the first time (minus bag and gun belt) to the Long Beach aquarium last week with my girl Image, just to see the response. funny, no one said a word. a few people looked at me like they weren't sure if i was serious or wearing a costume, so i think they opted to say nothing. usually when i wear just the hat, someone will make a reference to Indy, but that day...NOTHING! :)

besides that, any time i can, but full gear is reserved for such events as movie screenings or costume parties

oh yeah, and when i went to Todd's to pick up some stuff:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by sallah4 »

I use my jacket every day, shirt once a week, boots(when I get them) and my hat.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Luke Warmwater »

I'm going to the last day of the Maryland Renaissance Festival in full gear. I always get a great reception.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by agent5 »

I'm amazed at how many of you have the guts to walk around in a costume outside of conventions and Halloween.
Once I wore my hat/jacket to a screening of Raiders and was let in for free because I "dressed up in costume". The next night for the second screening I wore full gear and a different guy was working the door. I didn't get in free and I was ridiculed several times on the street since it was like, June.

I resign my gear for Halloween and convetions only. It may be a functional costume but when you put it all together it's still just that - a costume worn by a movie character and people DO recognize it. If I'm to wear my gear in daily life I always keep it separate.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Michael, most of the costumes at Ren Fairs don't actually fit into the time period! :lol: If you were to look at the majority of them from a truly historical point of view, they're all over the map as to what's wrong with most of them. I've worn full Indy gear to ren fests, too, and each time I go I dress in something else outside of the time period. I always get a good response since folks are there just to have fun. :TOH:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by djd »

Tundrarider wrote:
Luke Warmwater wrote:I'm going to the last day of the Maryland Renaissance Festival in full gear. I always get a great reception.
Hey Luke, Thanks for posting that. I always kinda wanted to "gear up" for our Ren Faire in Escondido. We always go in costume, but I'm ususally in my Hospitaller Knight outfit or Aragorn (Strider) outfit. I even tried out my Spartan costume there :shock:

Michael :TOH:
I wore my Spartan outfit to a Haloween party a couple of years back. When you have bare legs you suddenly realise how much of other peoples wee goes up your legs when you use the urinal! Gross.

It's a bit cold here for Spartan outfits normally... it's definately not a costume for the shy! :shock:

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Luke Warmwater »

Tundrarider wrote: Never saw a Stormtrooper cruising around a Faire! :shock:
You've never been to the Maryland Renfair. About a dozen of the fair workers are members of the 501st Legion and on the last day of the Fair (the Day of Wrongs) they all turn out in armor.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

I just don't get it. Don't think I ever will.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

I have worn complete gear (close enough) to Halloween parties, which is mostly common, and I have also worn the gear to dig season 4 at Tal el Hammam. In fact, I prefer to wear Indy's verion of the gear, which is essentially work clothes, as opposed to the modern day choice of nylon, et al articles, which are much hotter. Through the process, you learn that the gear is practical, as everyday apparel for an archaeologist, and for manual labor, such as digging. Also there are some very good reasons why these articles are worn...it is taboo in the Middle East to wear short sleeves and shorts for anything but bathing or pool use. Also, it is a good idea to be covered from the dreaded agressive mosquito in South America and the seemingly more agressive biting fly in the Mid-East. Indy might have worn his jacket as a protective covering when treking through the jungle, in light of foliage, barbs, etc. It was also practical for when the sun went down. The jacket is most nearly a cross between an A-2 and a throwback, safari/Archaeologist jacket.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Yes, dressing as Indy in those circumstances I get. It is dressing like Indy to your local Pizza Hut or craft fair that I don't get.

"Oh, Saturday a bunch of us are going bowling. Sharon is coming, and Mike and Christine, and Stephanie, oh, and Bob will be there dressed as Indiana Jones."

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

Boot, I couldn't see you wearing full gear to a business meeting and then expecting people to take you seriously? :P In fact you have enough trouble wearing your hat around the HOUSE! :lol: Why? Because you are in 'their' environment, so you have to respect their rules and mores and methods of conducting business, not the opposite. I still defer to the notion that Indy never wears his gear in everyday situations. He wears his gear when out in the field....if you truely want to be SA about it? ;)

Disclaimer: However, to each his own! ;)
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Texan Scott wrote:In fact you have enough trouble wearing your hat around the HOUSE! :lol:
So true, so true! I still can't win that battle!

That "To each his own" disclaimer applies to everything I say as well.

I totally get wearing PARTS of the gear as practical wear. I guess what I really don't get is just the general dressing up like Indiana Jones just for the sake of it. I wouldn't go grocery shopping dressed as Wolverine or make a trip to the laundromat in full Dumbledore robes, so why would I go to the movies dressed as Indiana Jones?

Anyway, that's just my thinking on it, and why I would never do it. Everybody gets their rocks off in their own way. True, I wear a Patriots jersey to Gillette and a Sox jersey to Fenway, but that is in support of your favorite team, and sometimes they need it. Indy movies generally don't need help from the audience, so the whole Indy fan to sports fan comparison holds no water.

Well..why do I even care? I don't, I suppose, except that because of the Indy fans who put a whip on their belt before going to borrow Dan Brown's newest book at the library is why when people find out I have a complete Indiana Jones outfit, they think "Oh, you're one of those".

Like I said, not trying to offend anyone, just ranting tonight. Keep on keepin' on gearheads!
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Holt »

I wear the jacket everyday.

the full outfit? NEVER. its too reconizable and I would feel like a fool im sure...

I could aswell do the total superman outfit or batman when going to town. same thing and same effect on people...
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

maboot38 wrote:True, I wear a Patriots jersey to Gillette and a Sox jersey to Fenway, but that is in support of your favorite team, and sometimes they need it.

....NOW the skeletons come out of the closet! ;) :lol:

Just kiddin' as usual!

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Texan Scott wrote:
maboot38 wrote:True, I wear a Patriots jersey to Gillette and a Sox jersey to Fenway, but that is in support of your favorite team, and sometimes they need it.

....NOW the skeletons come out of the closet! ;) :lol:

Just kiddin' as usual!

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Strider »

I believe the last place I wore my full gear to was the church Halloween festival LAST year. The time before that was at the Indy IV premiere. I don't count the couple of times this year I have donned it to take pics for Mitch's "full gear" thread.

Where I would wear it:

1.) Conventions. Comic Con, Defcon, CONistoga, D*Con (if I ever went to that) etc.
2.) Halloween parties, but then with caution. I'd switch it up from year to year. If I was going to multiple parties on the same day, then Indy would be one of the ones I would wear.
3.) Costume contests.

That's about it. I haven't worn my full gear for any real outing all year.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Mighty_Draw »

Ohhh, lets see I wear mine to the gym, when I go in the pool. You know, the usual.

Kidding of course. I have never worn all my gear at once to date. I've worn hat and jacket, or hat and bag but that's it. I feel odd without a hat but I'm careful about wearing any fedora and a leather jacket. Except the other day I was downtown getting lunch and it was raining and I always wear my grey federation in bad weather, as I don't worry about damaging it and I hadn't taken my A2 off because of the rain. I go in to a taco place, order, sit down and while I'm eating with a friend this guy behind me is humming raiders march on and off for 20 minutes. It hadn't crossed my mind that day yet, that my ensemble equaled Indy despite the wrong jacket and wrong colored hat. Silly me! Live and learn I guess. :whip:

Its also time for a jacket that isn't brown and leather!
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by indyclone »

well i wear my shirt once a week and jacket and hat everyday, other than that i have have worn my complete gear on free comic day to pass out comics at a local shop , comic convention and to see karen allen at the showing of raiders of the lost ark in naperville illinois in sept . but hope to wear the pants more often when they are made available (hint hint) by a certain costume company ---lol
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Photoss »

indyclone wrote:well i wear my shirt once a week and jacket and hat everyday, other than that i have have worn my complete gear on free comic day to pass out comics at a local shop , comic convention and to see karen allen at the showing of raiders of the lost ark in naperville illinois in sept . but hope to wear the pants more often when they are made available (hint hint) by a certain costume company ---lol
Certain costume company...?
;) :D

I'll usually wear some of my gear hiking, but I've never worn all of it at once.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by indyclone »

Photoss wrote:
indyclone wrote:well i wear my shirt once a week and jacket and hat everyday, other than that i have have worn my complete gear on free comic day to pass out comics at a local shop , comic convention and to see karen allen at the showing of raiders of the lost ark in naperville illinois in sept . but hope to wear the pants more often when they are made available (hint hint) by a certain costume company ---lol
Certain costume company...?
;) :D

I'll usually wear some of my gear hiking, but I've never worn all of it at once.

well now that todd has let the cat out of the bag that he is working on selling pants in the future --- i will be wearing those alot out when i order my pair , :D
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Luke Warmwater »

Here I am at Maryland Rennfest yesterday:

and a kilted stormtrooper:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by beaverlid »

I wear my fedora year round. I generally have on my Aldens as well. That about does it for me. But I am a firm believer in doing what makes you happy. If you want to wear partial or full gear do it. You only live once and you gotta do what makes you happy and not live to please others.

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by PSBIndy »

Were the "Free CreditReport.com guys" there at the Renn fair? :D
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Remind me never to go to a Renn fair. Yikes.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Ronski »

To think, I almost went to the MD Renn Faire, except I got aggravated because of traffic and just walked around Annapolis instead.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by BOINKFFD »

I wore all my gear for the first time this past weeknd. Its was my buddys annual Halloween party. My Wested gets worn quite often during the cooler months.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by wild_weasel »

Presently I'm a contractor in Afghanistan and plan of getting a couple Indy shirts and Mk VII bag for everyday wear here. Once I get home I’d like to have the entire outfit for Halloween parties and to wear to the local gun show.

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Strider »

Thread necro!
maboot38 wrote:Remind me never to go to a Renn fair. Yikes.
Wait, what? Why not? I go to them whenever I get the chance. Lots of fun.
Ronski wrote:To think, I almost went to the MD Renn Faire, except I got aggravated because of traffic and just walked around Annapolis instead.
Seriously, why all the Ren Faire hate? They are awesome, people. Awesome.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Canyon »

Wow, I must have missed this thread the first time round. ](*,)

I usually wear my complete gear either at Indy summits, both in the UK and US and also and movie conventions. I have also worn my gear to the showing of Raiders that me and Mike went to in the summer of 2009. :D

Tundraraider, wow! You certainly have more guts than me, as I would love to wear the gear to more places, however, saying that, I have worn the gear more than once in public, mainly London, during the UK summits. ;) I know there are some that think that it is sad that some wear the full gear in 'normal' situations, but I think if you are someone who feels comfortable doing so, then why should you stop what you love doing?

I swear that one of these days I'm going to wear the full thing whilst wandering around the streets of New York City, cos everyone knows that all New Yorkers are completely crazy (just kidding, John, and anyone else from NY). :lol: :anxious: :CR:

BTW, me and Mike have been meaning to go to a renasance fair for some time now. Perhaps he could wear Indy's SoC outfit and I can wear the SoC Marion outfit. :lol:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Because Indiana Jones and Star Wars have nothing to do with them whatsoever. If I went and saw someone dressed as that, it would kill it dead for me.

That's just my opinion though. I don't see the Indiana Jones - renaissance connection. I thought people went to those to immerse themselves in a time period, not watch a parade of homemade fanboy costumes.

Don't mind me though, I'm just a crabby old purist. Heck, I don't even like cream in my coffee.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Or in front of the Draft Board.


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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Canyon »

maboot38 wrote:Because Indiana Jones and Star Wars have nothing to do with them whatsoever. If I went and saw someone dressed as that, it would kill it dead for me.

That's just my opinion though. I don't see the Indiana Jones - renaissance connection. I thought people went to those to immerse themselves in a time period, not watch a parade of homemade fanboy costumes.

Don't mind me though, I'm just a crabby old purist. Heck, I don't even like cream in my coffee.
Maboot, I understand where you are coming from.

One thing though, my 'fanboy' costume, or indeed 'fangirl' is not homemade. :P
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by nicktheguy »

Not everybody who goes to a renaissance fair is in period clothes maboot. The Indy clothes are closer to regular wear than other costumes - I could see it being odd if you showed up at a renfair wearing a vader outfit or x-wing pilot - but with Indy you could be just another regular clothed spectator - and renfairs have plenty of jeans and t-shirted spectators too. I've never heard any renfair participant complain about that - though it would be very cool to go to a renfair where wearing period clothing was mandatory - I would love to see that one day.
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