Moderators: Mike, Cajunkraut, Tennessee Smith
You are a cruel cruel man! LOLIndiana Jeff wrote:Just sell it back to him at twice what you paid. That way he can have sellers and buyers remorse!
Indiana Jeff
Ahh... you twisted my arm CammerCammer wrote:No, you should post pics when you get a chance to do so. We all love the looks of these, and the one that I sent to you was one of the best that I have seen. It's definitely worthy of some good photos.
My only source was diligence and ingenuity. It took me six months to find three of them. I scoured military surplus shops (online and local), emailed people, watched Ebay (big $$), etcetera. Now I have sold them. But I am looking for more.Magnum wrote:Does anyone still have a source for these bags? I'd definitely like to get one but I'm not quite sure if any sources are still available that we know of. I'd appreciate it if anyone could let me know if they have a line on another bag. Thanks.
I don't think that any Nazis are going to be messing with you! That's a pretty serious look.Tundrarider wrote:Cammer, If it's any consolation, I'm takin' real good care of your pack!Cammer wrote:Now I have sold them. But I am looking for more.![]()
Mike, was this taken on your way to the Post Office or to work?Tundrarider wrote:Cammer, If it's any consolation, I'm takin' real good care of your pack!Cammer wrote:Now I have sold them. But I am looking for more.![]()
Just to be safe, I think you should address him as 'Michael'. He doesn't appear to be in an informal mood...maboot38 wrote: Mike, was this taken on your way to the Post Office or to work?
I bought one of those about a year ago. It was not what I wanted in a bag. It is an inexpensive reproduction of the real thing that would not stand up to anything beyond use as a prop. If I were to compare them and rate the original German military pack as a "10" on a 1 to 10 scale, this bag would rate about a 4 or 5 in my opinion. The straps are "pleather" and stretch with any weight in the bag, the vinyl bottom is a light weight plastic-vinyl and is nothing compared to the durable military grade flexible vinyl that is used in the base of the real pack, the stitching is lightweight, the color is off and definitely more brown as the picture shows, and the canvas is a lighter weight than even what was used in the Mk VII gas mask bag. Every component in this bag is of lower quality than the real thing.Sakis wrote:Overall, how would you rate this bag?
No. The straps on the original were made from real leather and the bottom from a very heavy thick vinyl. It had to serve the demands of military routine at least.Castor Dioscuri wrote:But the straps on the original were pleather weren't they? For all we know, these may be the same bags used for the film!![]()
It is very close, but you can see from some of the close ups, as well as how the pack is colored, the way the fabric lays, etc., that this is not the same pack. You can also see how the leather straps on the film pack are thicker than the reproduction bag.Castor Dioscuri wrote:But the straps on the original were pleather weren't they? For all we know, these may be the same bags used for the film!![]()
This is it?IndyRiv wrote:I thought I'd share my outlet for the repro bag I recently bought. If you go to Ebay and type in "German army rucksack" and then scroll down to International sellers, there should be a picture of the bag. It cost me, with shipping, $60 to the US; however, I haven't gotten it yet so don't know what the quality's like.
I'll see if I can remember to chime in once I get it.
Hope this will help all of you satisfy your desires for the bag somewhat.
Best of luck!
I might be able to find more of those backpacks (the original ones, of course), if enough people are interested (it's easier to convince the military surplus retailers I have at hand to look for more than one issue ... plus it could decrease the price).RaiderZee wrote:I ended up getting on of the last ones from Jens: night and day difference.
With all due respect, I think this would be more than a lot effort and quite a challenging work, sind the straps on the modern versions are broader than the leather ones and quite heavily sewn on the pack. But I would be the last one to talk you out of experimenting when it comes to the gear of course.In all honesty, if I couldn't get an original, I'd get one of the later BW versions and replace the webbing and plastic clips.
Jens, you can put me down as interested if you look for these again.Jens wrote:I might be able to find more of those backpacks (the original ones, of course), if enough people are interested (it's easier to convince the military surplus retailers I have at hand to look for more than one issue ... plus it could decrease the price).
I'm due no respect with this one, since I never tried to fix up a modern pack! I was just thinking off the top of my head. There's just no way I would mess with the repros. Of course, I have no need to: I have one of your rucks!Jens wrote:With all due respect, I think this would be more than a lot effort and quite a challenging work, sind the straps on the modern versions are broader than the leather ones and quite heavily sewn on the pack. But I would be the last one to talk you out of experimenting when it comes to the gear of course.
yeah, I know you had some er "troubles" the last time.Indiana Jeff wrote: but don't break your back on it.
Are you back yet Jens? I'm also interested and would like a pack for this summers outings.Jens wrote:Don't worry, I try whatever is necessary.
Glad to see, that there is still so many interest in this piece of gear. I'm right on the doorstep to leave for two expeditions, but as soon as I'm back (might be around mid March) I will look into it.
If you need to know any details or have othe rquestions, feel free to PM me in the meantime.
Kind regards,
Jens wrote:Yes, I am indeed. And I already started going through my sources to get more backpacks. I'm pretty sure I should be able to provide some results within the next two weeks or so. Until then I start to collect the names of those who definitely want to obtain a rucksack. I think I could pull 5 or 6 backpacks this time.
1. lantzn