I hope you can help me out here.
I'm preparing to order a Tony Nowak Jacket.
It's going to be a Tony Nowak RAIDERS Jacket.
But WHICH leather?

I honestly don't know.

I don't mean "I can't choose" (although THAT dilemma may yet come) - I mean I remain uncertain of exactly HOW many different leathers there are in which Tony currently offers this model of jacket (and moreover: WHAT they all look like.)
Now before you say "Well, do a search, there's a lot of great info out there" please believe me when I say "I know. I agree and endorse this practice. I'm NO stranger to the Search Button. I've quite literally spent hours and hours (and even a few more hours after that) entering numerous search parameters into that very useful little tool here at C.O.W..."
But I am running into some confusion.
For the most part, it's brought about by the fact that some info seems to now be outdated, some photos of different hides are either taken from a distance (that doesn't give us a really great look at the texture of the material) or is downright blurry and lastly, sometimes what appears to be the same leather is referred to by slightly different names.
In November of last year, binkmeisterRick started the fantastic "Tony Nowak Leather Comparisons" Thread... in it were fantastic photos of various jacket styles in various leathers (they included leathers like "shrunken lamb", "Raiders cowhide", "Raiders lamb" and "Raiders flat/matte lamb" .)
I thought it was Perfect.
But now we're living in a Tony Nowak world that also includes:
"Standard goatskin"
"Special Dark Goatskin"
"(Cow?) 747"
"Holy Goat"
"New Nowak Goatskin"
"Vintage Shiny Goat"
"Non-Shiny Vintage Goat"
"Happy Cow"
(the option of different mixes of grainy and striated parts)
...and maybe other leathers I've never even heard of...
And to be honest, my head is spinning.

So, my request of you is this:
If you are a proud member of the Brotherhood of Nowak Owners, please make a small PHOTO contribution to this Thread not only to help me out, but the many other people out there likely also looking to be better informed about these seemingly amazing jackets.
Please post a thread showing a couple of shots of your jacket (maybe one showing the entire length of you jacket and one showing a close-up of the grain of the leather) and identify the name of the leather. Write a few words about it, let us know if you asked for anything unusual to be done... or even if you're showing us something that Tony no longer makes.
For example, send something like this:
"Here's 2 shots of my TN Raiders in Shrunken Lambskin. I asked for it to be striated."
If a bunch of you fellas could post just a few shots and we get enough variety, hopefully we'll have a great (and current) thread that shows some of the latest stuff Tony is offering.
And please know that while I intend to order a Raiders Jacket, I certainly don't mean for this thread to be restricted to RotLA jackets... it's the LEATHER I'm hoping we can focus on.
If you've got a sharp looking TN Last Crusade Jacket - or whatever - and it's in a leather Tony's offering that you want to show off... please: Go for it.
Also, please know that I AM aware that I can try to contact Tony in some fashion and get a very current list of which leathers he is - and insn't - offering.
But to be honest, I don't want to get on the phone with the man and sound like a much of a dope as I currently feel like... one who doesn't even know what his Top Three leather choices would be even if Tony asked him!
I'd like to get prepped before I'm doing that and that's why I'm asking for a little bit of help from you in my education on this matter.
Thanks in advance for you (hopefully) help with this, guys!
I'm indebted to you.