Hello everyone GI here. I had an opportunity to teach some more people the art of whipcracking!! It wasn't as extravagant as the outing I had at a local camp ground last year, but the people I taught the whip cracking was very impressed. I'd say they were as giddy as a "school boy" to hold a REAL whip and actually were able to crack it. It so happens that I was at a birthday party of one of my friends and I guess he told his friends about me and my hobbies. A couple of curious friends of his asked me if I have a real whip and I said "You know what, I have a whip in my backpack right now, I'll show it to you... No, I can top that, I can actually teach you how to use it!!" (I had my del carpio 8 footer from the practice the night before still in my backpack) I whipped it out... Got outside, showed them the ever popular "Cairo Flash" and wowed them for a bit. They were genuinely surprised about how loud the whipcrack sound was. I proceeded with teaching them some basics about how to properly hold the whip and whatnot... First crack I taught them was the "Circus Crack". Luckily, all the people there I taught were able to crack it without whipping themselves. After each of them cracked the whip, it was already getting too dark. However they were having so much fun, they insisted me calling them and let them know the next time I do my whipcracking practice. Sounds like I have got some more people converted to our church of whipcracking!! haha. Here are some photos from that night...

Here's Adam... he was pretty good. Just showed him once and gave him some directions about making a loop behind him instead of the front of him (seems like everyone makes this mistake in fear of getting hit), and he was able to crack it right away. Once he got used to it, he was able to crack the whip with ease.

Mike had a bit of problem at first (looping in front again and sticking his butt out the other way to avoid getting hit), but I corrected his posture and "CRACK!!" he went.

Mike's wife wanted to try. (Oh boy Mike's in trouble..haha). Same thing... Taught her how to hold it, showed her a good posture.... gave her the speech "Respect the whip, but DO NOT FEAR the whip." She gave it a couple try and all of a sudden "CRRRACK!!" and I was able to take the photo right when her first crack went off. She went "HOLY MOLLY!! That was LOOOUD!!" She almost soiled herself right there.. haha.