I recently ordered my 1st Wested (see my 1st post here: http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5715) and would like to know what experiences otehrs have had on the "Authentic Goatskin" jacket for use and care products. From what I ahve read there is considerable experience for cow hide and special info on lambskin. However I havn't found anything regarding the goat yet specifically. Therefore while I wait impatiently for my new jacket I thought it best to investigate.
Also if the care of Goat is anything like Lamb and the best product for such is not "available" to use due to it being in spray cans then I believe I can bypass that problem. (I have friends all over the world including some not far from Wested's). Having a case or so shipped over via surface shouldn't be a huge problem if others want some as well.
Also has anyone done testing yet on "distressing" a goat like I have seen done to the Lamb? (sneaking up on the jacket and yelling BOO I doubt will work )
I bow to those w/more expertiese in these matters.
It's recommened to use the JELL version. The positive is that it'll soften up the leather a bit, but the drawback(for some) is that it'll darken the colour of your jacket.
I used the same stuff that I put on my Authentic Lambskin, the LOTION version. I didn't use the standard stuf cause I heard it'll stiffen up the jacket and from personal use, it'll at the very least, darken the jacket.
The lotion seems to work fine. Today it rained and rained hard. Between the distance I had to walk to get to my car, I got drenched. When I got in my car, I looked at my jacket and it was just filled with water. But I started to drive anyway. A minute later, I looked down at my jacket and it was free of any water spots or evidence of water.
I don't know if that was good or bad since it should have repelled the water and not absorb it.
Hmm.. I'd have to guess that's a bad thing actually
I definately don't want the new goatskin to absorb water..and given the way I wear my current leather (old Korean cowhide A2) i'm quite sure my new Wested's will see everything from sunshine to blizzard conditions. 8-[
From all I've heard goatskin is naturally water repellant but I'm sure using a proper lotion/etc on it will add to that. However Pecards works extremely well on cowhide (based on info in this forum and a few other sources) but no one seems to have tested it on the new goat.
Hence the questions as to what others have tried and what results they have found so far. If "Leather groom" is what works best for it same as the Lamb then I'll import some! (More than one can if others want it as well... ahh the advantages of knowing others overseas:) ). Or if something local works best grab that
Also.. anyone tried distressing the "authentic goat" yet as i've seen done to the lamb? :