He's right folks. After years of reading M banging on about Pecard I finally got some delivered over here. A big 32 oz container. It works a treat. No smell - just the leather oozing its sincere thank you.
I own around 12 hide jackets (only 2 Indys) so I might just be able to spread it around.
The leather goes all soft and amazing. I've used Lexol, dubbin, saddle soap, and innumerable others, but this is special.
lantzn wrote:Which variety did you get. I'm interested and see there are a number of choices.
I got the standard Leather Dressing which looks like a creamy jelly. I understand that many of their products are the same thing marketed to different markets.
I went into a Redwings boot shop and asked if they sold Pecards. The owner said they didn't, but they had Redwing conditioner and that it would be the same because he was pretty sure that Redwing MAKES Pecards.
He got his information twisted...it's the other way round. Redwings has never produced it's own leather care products. They make boots, and nothing more. They sell a LOT of subcontracted product under their namebrand, though.
Yeah, that does make much more sense. However, if it is the same stuff, and since I live right near a Redwings store, it sounds like if I ever need Pecard in a pinch, I can just grab the Redwings stuff.
If you read above, you can see that Redwings conditioner is the same stuff, so if you can find a boot shop that sells Redwings boots, they should have it. It won't be called Pecards, but it is Pecards.
Little-known fact. It was I who actually gave Michaelson his very first sample of Pecards back in the late 90's, in exchange for a can of Letaps Leather Cleaner smuggled into the US on a transatlantic flight from England. True story!
after much reading on here I bought a 16 oz tub at the start of this year, having found nothing comparable in Australia. I can confirm - there really is nothing comparable in Australia. To anyone else dithering about whether to get some pecards, just go for it, you will not regret it.
Good advice Michael, I need to go get a 32 oz. tub then.
Tundrarider wrote:
TreacleMiner wrote:I wanted to get a 16oz tub of Pecard's online (from davidmorgan.com) - but the shipping costs TWICE as much as the product itself
Does anyone know of any retail chains that usually carry Pecard's? Or Obenauf's?
Hey TreacleMiner! I was surprised to read this, as I did an exhaustive search on-line for the cheapest shipping when I bought my 32 oz tub. Pecards (website) shipping was expensive, and the site doesn't tell you how much shipping is until deep into the ordering process.
I found David Morgan to be reasonable at $8.00 for the 32 oz tub.
The shipping for the 16 oz tub is also $8.00 which is HALF as much as the 16 oz product which is $16.00. That's probably what you meant; I just want to be fair to David Morgans prices.
As with anything, you get a better deal buying in quanity, so I highly recommend the 32 oz tub at 24.00 from David Morgan. If you have a full set of gear (or more) it won't go to waste!