Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

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Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by baldahark2 »

Here's a tear jerker for ya- :-({|=
So I was driving over to my parents to drop off my cat- I was moving to a new place and thought I'd leave him in their quiet home while I moved all my big stuff- and he HATED riding in cars. I had him in his original cardboard carrying case from when I got him at the shelter (never took him anywhere besides the first ride home, so I had no real carrying case) and since he's apparently claustrophobic, he screamed and yelled the whole way and even ripped out of his cardboard carrying case and was loose in my car for most of the trip! Stupid cat.
So ANYWAY, there is a reason im posting this on the gear care & distressing page- you may see it coming already...
He's now demolished his box and hiding under my drivers seat until I pull into their driveway. I had no choice but to actually carry him kicking and screaming from the car the house.
One important detail: I'm wearing my very first custom Wested that I've had for about 7 years.
So as you may have guessed, he's flinging his back legs all over the place and he manages to get one claw into my chest and RIP it all the way down do the pocket! I don't have pics, but the tear looks like a big upside down "V". It took alot of convincing not to just leave him there PERMANENTLY.
Sorry about the long story, but I was just so amazed that he ripped his way out of his box, using his head, no less!
Has anyone had luck repairing rips in lambskin?

Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by whipwarrior »

No, but I hear that the damage can be fixed using a catskin patch. So you might give that a shot and see how it works... Be sure to let us know hot it turns out. :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by CairoIndy »

Image :lol:
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Ranger36 »

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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Holt »

cut the lining open were the tear is. find a leather patch, clue it on the inside of the tear under the lining. sew the lining shut and your good to go.
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Kt Templar »

You can get into the lining of the jacket via one of the sleeves, you'll find that the lining is sewn together from the outside on one of the arms.

Then find yourself a leather repair kit, should cost about $20, will include coloured liquid plastic bonding and leather grain sheets to help the liquid dry to something that hopefully blends in. Never used it, but the blurb sounds good!

This is the second Cat v Jacket story I've heard... better not be a trend.


eg: http://www.repairproducts.co.uk/page3.htm
Last edited by Kt Templar on Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Painful to hear these pet vs. gear stories. #-o :cry: Too many of the "my dog/cat/pet monkey did _____ to my _____."

And they say pet ownership is supposed to lessen stress and lower blood pressure? :-k :roll:


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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by enigmata_wood »

just sew it up clumsily like Indy might do 'in the field' - it's part of the Jacket's history - think of it as free distressing!
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Michaelson »

Agreed, you could do that. Use strong catgut thread. (Did I actually type that? #-o :anxious: )

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Has Indy ever killed a cat before?

Post by Dragonlady Jones »

Michaelson wrote:Agreed, you could do that. Use strong catgut thread. (Did I actually type that? #-o :anxious: )

Regards! Michaelson
Now that's funny. :)
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