Latel ast year, I had the super rare opportunity to have Steve reblock two Christys. I wanted a Raiders of course. Because of time passing and the debut of his new vintage Raiders block, patience was truly a virtue. The other Christys was too big to work on his block. so it was cut down and made into another fav of mine. That I will show off in another thread. Here it is after coming back from Comic Con. I will be bashing this more into a SOC since I have an Magnoli HJ Idol grab already.
Thats the best darn Christy's I have seen. The sweatband and ribbon are put on very well and they way it should be. It only took a master like Steve to make this hat look good. Great job Steve.
I could nt have said it any better my self. That is THE BEST Christy's I've ever seen and it is becuase it really isn't a Christy's. THAT is a Raiders hat. Steve truly is a master. It looks fantastic.
YGH, that isn't a regular Christy's. Don't buy a Christy's and expect it to look like that. That hat was reblocked and shaped by Steve. He also put SA ribbon on there too. This isn't a stock Christy's.
It may not be a stock Christys but after having seen Mark Seven's Christys i can honestly say there are some things i love about this hat.
The felt actually looks a lot nicer than expected and the colour is beautiful. IMHO the colour is very SA to the Raiders hat. I think of all the hats i've seen, the ABD has the best colour and the Christys is a pretty similar colour.
Also i hear you can request a lower crown seeing as a stock Christys is 5.75" and would be too tall for some folk. My personal feelings about dimensions are that the hat should proportionally fit the wearer NOT be exactly the same as the SU hat. Those dimensions were designed with HF in mind and wouldn't suit everyone.
Also i think the Christys definately needs a reblock as there is quite a lot of taper.
DR Ulloa wrote:YGH, that isn't a regular Christy's. Don't buy a Christy's and expect it to look like that. That hat was reblocked and shaped by Steve. He also put SA ribbon on there too. This isn't a stock Christy's.
Yes to Dave you listen to! I had a really rare opportunity with this and this is not what you will get. The taper is great for LC and TOD, but for Raiders it will need to be reblocked for the stovepipe look. Still a wonderful hat.