New J. Crews

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New J. Crews

Post by House Detective »

Saw all the posts here about the J. Crews. So, ordered me a pair. WOW! great deal, very nice boot. And for only $40, what's not to love? I've worn them now for 3 days. Finally got a pic to share. Next week they get the Pecards treatment, darker color, conditioning, and a new set of darker laces. More pics to come........

Thanks for the tip guys!
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These are great boots and run true to size and for $40.00 you just can't go wrong.I may order a second pair and just put them up for the future.

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Post by Jack Tanner »

I just got my pair in the other day too. Indy Magnoli was right when he said they were stiff out of the box, but after four days, they've already broken in (I was pretty much sleeping in them)! :D
Kidding aside, these are great boots for a great deal. I think, like sharpetoys, that I'm going to order another pair before they disappear.

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Post by Herr Doktor »

Ditto to all of the above. The only problem I've encountered with the newness is in driving. A little stiff around the ankle, adds a little discomfort when dropping the hammer. :wink:

I will be ordering a 2nd pair shortly.


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Post by IndyBlues »

I just checked the JCrew website, and couldn't find them. Where are you folks buying these from?
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Post by Herr Doktor »

IndyBlues wrote:I just checked the JCrew website, and couldn't find them. Where are you folks buying these from?
They are a "final sale" item, so they're not overtly advertised. Here's the link (at least this one works for me): ... stid=21154

Total (including shipping to South Jersey) was just under $48.

Hope this helps.


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Post by Mr. Das »

Has anyone had a problem with the UPS tracking number J Crews gave them? For two days now, it's showing up as invalid and to make sure it's the correct one. I tried manually punching it in as well.
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Post by House Detective »

No, I just checked the UPS order on my 2nd pair. Ordered last week, tracking number shows they're in Indiana at the moment.....hmmmmm, interesting place to be, huh? :roll:

Shows a delivery date of the 18th of this month. Actually this order seems to be taking a few days longer than my first pair, they arrived in only 4 days. :P
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Boot Size

Post by RIKRAK »

I also ordered these JCrews Decker boots. I've read that the size is right-on however they list the width as only Medium. I have a wide foot and normally wear an 8 1/2 wide, so I tried the size 9 as I've found that my toes get smashed in a short narrow (for me) shoe/boot. Have any others here had experience with this? I don't want to get a shoe that doesn't fit :oops: if I can help it.... however, I guess the proverbial checks in the mail. :shock: :shock:
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Post by Lindiana »

I just ordered mine, now the question is what do I have to do to make them darker and what type of pecards to use on them.
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I have 2 pair and they run true to size and you can't return them!!! I used dark brown leather dye and then black shoe polish then brown polish and they have a slight maroon tint to them.I think they look better than the baby= brown that they come in.

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Post by JerseyJones »

Do these things run narrow or wide ?

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Post by Tollan »

I went to the site and took a look at these boots.... they're really cool!!! Soooo i wrote to them asking how much shipping would be to the UK where I live..... Much to my dissmay, they wrote back saying that they don't ship to the UK!!!!! Only the US, Canada and US military bases!!!???

:evil: :evil: :x :cry:
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Post by House Detective »

The pair I ordered was an 11H, or 11 1/2, medium width. I normally try to buy wider shoes/boots because I have a slightly wider foot than normal. I found the J Crew's to be very comfortable and slightly wider than a normal width. Much to my satisfaction. I also have orthodic shoe/boot inserts that I wear in all my shoes and the J Crews accomodated them just fine. I'm most happy with them. 8)
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Just Arrived

Post by House Detective »

My second pair of J Crews just arrived. They took a few days longer than the last, but finally made it. I'll be sticking this pair in the back of the closet for future use. If you haven't noticed, there is an extra pair of laces included in the box, the other laces more closely match the boot color.

Also, if you don't wish to mail order Pecards for your leather products, you can find the same identical Leather Conditioner at a local Red Wings shoe retailer. I ordered the stuff from Pecards, and also bought the stuff from a Red Wing dealer here in town. Exact same stuff!!! Even the same container, only with the Red Wing logo on it.

I checked Pecards website and they mention right up front that they outsource their products to other companies and simply change the name. Here's a direct quote from their site "An acknowledgement of that quality is our strong private label product line for such companies as: Red Wing Shoe Company, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Filson Boot Company and many more." So, if you're in a hurry, or don't wish to pay shipping, check it out. Oh yeah.....the same size 6 ounce conditioner at Red Wings was $1.00 cheaper than at Pecards. :D
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Post by RIKRAK »

Thanks all for the tip. I ordered a pair of these shoe Saturday and found them on the porch Wednesday. I did get the size 9 as opposed to an 8 1/2 as I have a very wide foot and that seems to have been a good choice for me. I'll know more about fit after I break them in a bit, they are very stiff. I found the color to be kinda orange lookin' :roll: . I used a dark brown plain ol' shoe wax which I caked on kind of thick, especially on seams and stitching. I then just "gooed" on lots of Picard's "Cream" and kind of just let it soak overnight. It didn't all soak in in such a short time but it darkened the shoes quite a bit and I feel gave a very nice sort of "aged" brown look :lol: color wise, anyway!

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Post by Herr Doktor »

After reading some of the posts about the boots, and the various theories they were laced a certain way, I figured I'd post something from my own experience. Plus...I don't own any other IndyGear this is all I have experience with. Take it for what you will. :wink:

I've been wearing my new JCrew boots (can't afford Aldens until I hit the lottery) for about 2 weeks or so now. Usually, as the day wears on, my ankles start to get bothered by the tops of the boots. I attributed this to the new condition, and figured they'd get broken in in short order. Driving home from work was always the worst, with switching between the gas and brake pedals, etc.

This morning I was in a rush, and did not lace the boots all the way up. I only caught the first row of hooks, not both. Not sure if I was half asleep when I did it either, as I don't recall doing it on purpose. Gotta ankles feel fine, no pain as yet.

Maybe that's the reason HF laced them the way he did? I know there's a difference in height of the boots, but the theory is the same. You can't leave the laces loose...or the whole boot won't fit right and will be flopping around on your feet. Tieing them all the way up constricts the leather at the top of the boot, making it cut into your ankle. By tieing them one row below the top, you can tighten them to your comfort level, and still have some flexibility in the tops.

But again, this is just my theory from experience, others mileage may vary.


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Post by Michaelson »

The size and shape of folks ankles do too! Speaking for myself, I can't NOT tie them all the way to the top, as my Aldens are then to loose, but then I have pretty thin ankles, and have no problems with the high top boots. As you say, to paraphrase, it's different for different folks. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by House Detective »

Agreed, everyone's fit is a wee bit different. I enjoy mine tight about the ankle. The JC's fit me just fine there and I wear them all day long with no bother at all. :wink:

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Post by Herr Doktor »

I'm not about to argue with that. I totally agree that everyone is different, and having footwear that fits and is comfortable it one of the more important things in life.

I just happened to be thinking about how much better my ankles feel today, and thought..."Hey, maybe that's the reason they're not laced all the way up in Raiders...comfort!" and figured I'd share my "discovery." :)


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