Help with UK web belt suppliers.

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Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

This is just a quick query to the UK members. Does anyone know where I can get a web belt in dark brown in the UK? I've scoured the internet for army surplus suppliers and have drawn a blank so far. I'm surprised at this to be honest, since I thought they'd be easy to come by. Most of the sites I've tried don't do the Indy style belt at all. I know Wested do the khaki LC/CS version, but I'm going for a Raiders/ToD look, and I'd really prefer the brown. I need to get one pretty quickly for a party at the end of the month.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers! :TOH:
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Indiana Joosse »

This might be due to the fact that the original belts were khaki.

The brown ones are just Indy, and have no historical basis.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Satipo »

Soldier City is a US supplier, but I'm pretty sure I bought mine online from here years ago: ... 6?ckw=belt

Email them to see if they still ship to the UK.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Kt Templar »

I spent ages looking for the right belts over here.

In the end Todd seems the best bet. Try to minimise your postage by combining items. I actually had a friend in the US send them to me. Avoided any 'Imperial' entanglements.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

Kt Templar wrote:Try to minimise your postage by combining items. I actually had a friend in the US send them to me. Avoided any 'Imperial' entanglements.
"That's the trick, isn't it?" ;) Yep, you guessed it, I'm trying to cut the costs down (ok, I'm Scottish - I admit to being tight-fisted). I've tried non army surplus sites too, but any civillian web belts tend to be covered in logos these days. The couple of UK surplus suppliers who do them do provide different colours, just not brown. I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and order from the states. If I do find a supplier here I'll pass on the info.

Cheers Chaps!
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Kt Templar »

Primark and Claire's Accessories had brown belts with antiqued buckles when I was looking a few years ago. The Claires ones were pretty flimsy and the Primark ones were a bit too thick but both were inexpensive.

It is worth getting a real military one though, you can wear it day in day out for years.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Indiana Dymond »

Why don't you just dye a khaki,the webbing on these belts is cotton so it should work without any problems.Fabric dye is easy to come by in any hardware store or sewing shop.

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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by matt black »

If you type in 'Indiana jones web belt' on ebay, there is a guy in the U.S that does both the khaki and the brown. Both come with aged buckles. The belts are about £2.00 and postage if I remember correctly was about £3.00. I have two of his belts and I am very happy with them.

:tup: Good luck.

I just checked and his are the first ones on there. They deliver pretty quick too.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Canyon »

Hey there. :TOH:

How about H&M?
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

Thanks for the input folks! :tup:
Canyon wrote:Hey there. :TOH:

How about H&M?
Kt Templar wrote:Primark and Claire's Accessories had brown belts with antiqued buckles when I was looking a few years ago. The Claires ones were pretty flimsy and the Primark ones were a bit too thick but both were inexpensive.

It is worth getting a real military one though, you can wear it day in day out for years.
I'm going to try the usual high street suspects tonight, I'll let you know if I make any significant discoveries. I had a look on Primark's site, but they don't actually show you any products - which is helpful!

Having had a a look at Top Man, M&S etc. online it appears that this season's must have colours for web belts are fluorescent yellow and pink! :-0

The Ebay guy sounds like a good bet, and I have thought about dying one. The great thing about these belts is they're cheap enough to mess around with.

If I'm going to go the Todd's route, can anyone give me a rough idea how much any Customs & Excise duty I'd have to pay if they picked on me? From what I understand, I assume it would be quite a lot no matter what the item was.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by matt black »

On an item of this price I do not believe you would have to pay any customs charges. You only have to pay if it it over a certain amount and I believe that to be about the £30 mark. You can check all this info online if you type in 'customs charges for the U.K'.
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

matt black wrote:On an item of this price I do not believe you would have to pay any customs charges. You only have to pay if it it over a certain amount and I believe that to be about the £30 mark. You can check all this info online if you type in 'customs charges for the U.K'.
Brilliant! Thanks for the info. :TOH: (I love this smiley!)
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

Just a little update. I scoured Manchester city centre from end to end at the weekend and drew a blank. The closest I got was in Marks & Spencers - unfortunately their brown web belts come with tasteful turquoise edges!

Looks like I'll have to order from the US. Thanks for all the useful pointers folks. :)
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Re: Help with UK web belt suppliers.

Post by Montana Hannah »

Well I've ordered a belt from Todd's Costumes - along with a pair of gloves (just for a treat!). Hopefully they'll get here by the bank holiday weekend. I'm not too worried, I read good things about Todd's.

For anyone who's interested, I found out that, at the moment, import duty on goods from the US is only charged on items over the vaule of £18 (pretty random figure that!), so in this instance I should be ok.

Had to resist the urge to get a whip and a pair of boots too! They can wait 'til Halloween. :)
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