and yet you guys seem to have escaped pretty well.
Which surprised Marc and I. I kept waiting for the contract to arrive, which never did. Then found out later, it is the rule rather than the exception that a vendor signs an agreement. One vendor, who worked for another film kept getting the agreement in the mail, but ignored it, until it was too late, as that particular film had started, and his ware was already on film. So, he never signed one, on purpose. And could sell what he furnished for this film, and did!
I just have a feeling, if they do another one, we may see those contracts though. But, it would only be for an Indy 5 hat. But if the 4th is the same as the 5th......what would they do? It may be that we just won't be able to use the the fact that we made the hats, on our sites, like we do now. That is, mention Indy on the site.
I know alot of hatters and hat retailers got a cease and desist letter during the filming of Indy 4. Everyone had to take their reference to Indy down! Except the ads for the Official Hats. Including me and Magnoli. So, I changed my site, and then used Indy again, SINCE, nothing was signed, and we made the hats! HJ was allowed to use Indy with their own line, because they made those hats that were used in the film. So, it may be, there is nothing they can do. I guess we may find out, if Indy 5 comes about.
Since in my many conversations with Bernie, this never came up, it may be that the big boys don't care, and might just let the original makers of the costume to offer them for sale. I really don't know for sure. But, they let Bernie mention us and Tony on the dvd, so......that makes me feel positive about another one. Time will tell. Fedora