My first wested just arrived

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My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

My first wested just arrived and as soon as I got it I immediately wanted to share it with you. \:D/
This is my first ever wested and I'm very satisfied. It's a little too big though, and it has the dreaded flying squirrel effect, but it's not something that I'm insanely bothered by.

But without any further ado, here's the pictures you've come to see:
Front: ... ket001.jpg ... ket002.jpg

Back: ... ket003.jpg
(a bit blurred, sorry about that)

Side: ... ket004.jpg

aaaand the squrriel: ... ket005.jpg

Hope you like it, despite the squirrel effect :)
Now here's where I would like some advice. The jacket is too big. While most people are afraid of their jackets shrinking I actually want mine to shrink. So what should I do? Soak it in hot water?
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by crismans »

That's a very nice color and it looks like you'll get some nice sleeve creases with a little bit of wear. What leather is that? Is it OTR or custom?

It is a shame about that squirrel effect. I know it's been the topic of several discussions on what causes that.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

I think the squirrel effect comes from a mixture of the jacket being slightly too big and me being very slim, especially across the chest.

The leather is authentic lambskin and it's a custom, I used many of the specs agent 5 posted.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by rbinko2001 »

I think the jacket looks good. I wouldn't worry about the "squirrel effect" unless you walk around normally with your arms out like that.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Michaelson »

Is it off the rack, or custom?

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Kevin Anderson »

I don't think it looks too big at all, and the squirrelage is very minimal. I'd be very happy with a jacket that looks that good. :)
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by TheExit148 »

The jacket does look good. The squirrel effect isn't bad unless you raise your arms and the jacket is done up. If you wear it unzipped, or half zipped like in the Raven bar and Truck chase scenes you probably will never notice it. Nice work with the jacket :tup:
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

Take my advice. ypur jacket is how a raiders jacket is suppose to fit. a cross between baggy and fitting. I think it looks GREAT on you! did you ask for anything done about the collar length?

and what squirrel effect? there is least that what you have in the jacket is not something to worrie about. ;)

DONT shrink it!

I know how you can shrink it, but I wont tell you, you must not do it. With wear and tear over time,(rain,storm,snow,sun) it will break in and 'shrink' to your body type. thats what lambskins do..

what size is it and how long is it?
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Michaelson: It's a custom, used Agent 5's specs as a base, but I adjusted them so they would fit me.

Holt: I will take your advice, I won't shrink it - it sounds like you guys know what you're talking about. And strangely enough it's like the jacket gets better looking every minute I wear it, I'm actually more happy with it now than from the moment I got it, which was just a few hour ago.

The size is a 44, but I asked Peter to follow the sizes I use for my shirts so I would imagine that the sleeves are longer and the chest is slimmer than an OTR.

All my specs are posted in the thread I made some time ago when I was about to order the jacket.

Anyway, I'm glad you guys like it :)

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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

Thats good to hear. whats you chest size?
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Wow, that was a fast answer!

The measurement's I sent Peter had the chest at 39 inches
the waist was 35 inches, sleeves 26, shoulders 19 (single shoulder was 6,7) and an overall length of 28,5 inches.

by the way, I did ask for a Holt collar - from what I can see it matches the movie jacket quite good.

I should probably also add that I am very satisfied with the service Wested provided. They always answered my e-mails (and I bombarded them with mail after mail after mail, often with only small messages of things I wanted instead of something I had previously stated). Quite embarrassingly actually :)

It looks like Peter followed through on all the specs too - I'm especially satisfied with the back.
Last edited by Greatdane on Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by St. Dumas »

Dane, that squirrel effect is minimal. I'd consider that almost non-squirrel if it fit like that on me. I like the length too. I ordered a TOD from Peter to be that length on my frame.

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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Satipo »

The jacket looks great, Dane! ( ;) ) Very Raiders.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Tibor »

I agree with a bunch of others... I see very little squirrel effect worth worrying about and I think the jacket is a great fit on you. Very nice.

I won't try to discourage you from the grail-like jacket quest if that draws you in, but I think you will have a tough time doing a better job finding the right look and fit. Enjoy.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by CM »

Looks good to me. That aint no flying squirrel... The fit is absolutely fine.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

hey. can I ask you what the half shoulder is on your jacket?
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Indiana Holt wrote:hey. can I ask you what the half shoulder is on your jacket?
It's 17cm. 6.7 inches

Tibor: I am one of those guys who buys the best of what I can find so that I won't end up with one jacket or hat after the other and not be satisfied with either one anyway. I really wanted the greatest looking Raiders jacket I could find, so that I didn't need to buy more than one. I knew there was a little bit of squirrel effect in a jacket that was matched, but I was still surprised when I put it on and zipped it up. I did expect less squirrel effect. So I thought I messed up with my measurements. But from the response here I now know that it's how it supposed to look like and the more I wear it, the more I like it. I've received some looks already, people who look like they're thinking: "That jacket looks so familiar. I know I've seen it before but I can't remember where" :lol:
Especially today where I wore my adventurebilt shirt and shoulder bag too.

So I'm very happy with the jacket, I don't think I'm gonna order another Raiders... but maybe I'll order an LC jacket next time ;)
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Greatdane wrote:......

The size is a 44, but I asked Peter to follow the sizes I use for my shirts so I would imagine that the sleeves are longer and the chest is slimmer than an OTR.

Greatdane wrote:....

The measurement's I sent Peter had the chest at 39 inches
the waist was 35 inches, sleeves 26, shoulders 19 (single shoulder was 6,7) and an overall length of 28,5 inches.

So your chest measures 39" but the jacket is labeled for a 44" chest? What does this jacket measure on the flat, under the arm side to side? About 24"?

The back length is actually 28.5"? Are you very tall or have a long torso? 28.5" is longer than a tall USWings.
In your photos it's hard to determine the look of the length because your shirt is untucked. Could you take photos with your shirt tucked in?
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

maby he measured from the top of the collar? then it would make sence, I agree it looks shorter then 28.5'' backlength...which would have been a 'car coat' length...

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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Here be some more pics, with added measurements.

Front: ... et007a.jpg
From armpit to armpit it measures 26 inches.

Back: ... et008a.jpg

RCSignals: the jacket (back)length measures 28.7 inches.

for the chest size I measured the jacket like this: ... ket011.jpg - from armpit to arm pit. Exactly where the seams meet. Measured it from the inside as well with the same result.

And here's one with an open jacket and me having tucked my shirt: ... ket006.jpg

I'm 192cm tall (6.3)
Dunno about my torso, but many family members have told me I long very long legs.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

26'' ?????

what is UP with wested these days. it should be 24''

your shoulder is 7'' and the yoke is 20''
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Baldwyn »

Indiana Holt wrote:26'' ?????

what is UP with wested these days. it should be 24''
24??? I was thinking 22!
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

nope. a size 44 has to have 4'' of movement room. That means 24'' pit to pit x 2 : 48'', take of 4'' and you have 44, divide this by 2 and you have 24'' pit to pit.

If a 44 would have 22'' pit to pit there would be no extra room and it would be like a second skin.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

I also must say that lambskin colour looks really good.kinda deep brown with a duller finish. very nice.

did you ask for anything to be done with the yoke?

could you also measure the top sleeve for me? ( bicep area) measure carefully. I need exact measurements, no stretching the leather..

and the cuff ending while your ad it.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Baldwyn »

Indiana Holt wrote:nope. a size 44 has to have 4'' of movement room. That means 24'' pit to pit x 2 : 48'', take of 4'' and you have 44, divide this by 2 and you have 24'' pit to pit.

If a 44 would have 22'' pit to pit there would be no extra room and it would be like a second skin.
Oh, I was thinking of it as he had a 39 chest, figured Wested would round up to 40, and give him a jacket with a 22" pit to pit :)
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

saddly, wested dont work like this all the time, only if your lucky. The chances of that happening everytime would be like throwing a ball of a moving train hoping it will land in the bucket, but where's the bucket? know what I mean? ;)

no its not that bad, Im joking...its like playing hit and miss...

luckely (for me) I dont need to worrie all that much anymore, peter knows what I want and how I want it...... (knock the table)
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Indiana Holt wrote:I also must say that lambskin colour looks really good.kinda deep brown with a duller finish. very nice.

did you ask for anything to be done with the yoke?

could you also measure the top sleeve for me? ( bicep area) measure carefully. I need exact measurements, no stretching the leather..

and the cuff ending while your ad it.
Dunno exactly how to measure these things. The top sleeve, well I measured from the shoulder seam at the "top" of the shoulder and measured to the cuff:

Here's a picture of how I measured it. I hope it's the right way of doing it. ... sleeve.jpg (sorry it's a bit blurry)
the sleeve measured 68cm (from seam to end of the cuffs) - but if you include the bit of leather inside the cuffs then it's 71cm.
The cuff's diameter is 15cm.

I asked for the arm seam to be placed 1" below the yoke seam and it looks like Wested listened. I also got the high 'Holt' yolk I asked for.

Also got a name label with my first name spelled wrong :D - gonna get it framed.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

I mean like this my friend. ( flat on bicep) ... icep-1.jpg
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Baldwyn wrote:
Indiana Holt wrote:26'' ?????

what is UP with wested these days. it should be 24''
24??? I was thinking 22!
Yes for a 39" or 40" chest the jacket should be about 22"
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

Indiana Holt wrote:I mean like this my friend. ( flat on bicep) ... icep-1.jpg
Looks like 8,7" - 22cm
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Kt Templar »

Fact of the matter is: it fits.

Despite the seeming disparity between his size and the label, the tape measure, and all our 'double it and add 30' guestimation.

So put the tape down, and just wear it. Fits great.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by orb »

The fit looks good but to be honest a good jacket maker wouldn't send out jackets with such a mistake like the flying squirrel effect.


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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Dunross76 »

I agree with Orb completely! There is no excuse for the squirrel effect. Stuff like that should never happen.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

well, they original jacket did have the squirrel effect to. it is when the jacket is oversized the squirrel effect becomes bigger.THATS were wested fails when making the jacket. they add TOO much chest room. like it was in my jacket from way back.


if the jacket is cut with 4'' or a little less with chest room you get the same suirrel effect like the movie jacket.

also, a little squirrel effect comes natural when lifting you arms to the side when you have side straps on a jacket. if these straps werent there, there would be no squirrel effect going on.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by orb »

I'm not with you Holt when it's about the squirrel effect. My TN Raiders jacket is about 6" wider as my actual chest size and I don't have a bit of a squirrel effect.
You maybe right when it's about Westeds and this screen cap doesn't proof anything. It could be or could be not.
There's no excuse for an odd cut jacket and I don't like or want goofy jacket cuts at all.


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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by TheExit148 »

I must say that with my Wested ROLA jacket, I have no squirrel effect at all, and its because the jacket fits me perfectly in the chest. I have a 38 chest size exactly, ordered that, and the jacket measurement across the chest is exactly 21" as it should be. When I lift my arms up to the side with the jacket done up, the jacket lifts up entirely and no squirrel effect. Its just like this screen here: ... 389299679/ (Hope you don't mind agent5, I used it from you Flickr set)

IMO if the jacket fits YOUR size, you won't get that effect at all. Another spin on this could also be that even though the chest size is bigger then what your size is, the waist may be properly sized to your waist size which will give you the squirrel effect. A bigger chest size AND bigger waist of what would fit you probably wouldn't (or shouldn't) give you the squirrel effect. Plus, the bigger the arm holes as well will give you the effect, again this should be sized accordingly to your personal measurements.

Basically what it comes down to is, buy what fits YOU. Whatever other jacket makers offer in their own pattern, be it a bigger size which doesn't do this, or this maker's does this doesn't matter if you get it fitted to your correct size and not to how you think it should fit. In turn, you will not have this issue. :)

Now I'm also not saying that what GreatDane has here is big issue with his jacket, it looks good to me, and if he likes it, then thats all that really matters :TOH:
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Indiana Holt wrote:well, they original jacket did have the squirrel effect to. it is when the jacket is oversized the squirrel effect becomes bigger.THATS were wested fails when making the jacket. they add TOO much chest room. like it was in my jacket from way back.


if the jacket is cut with 4'' or a little less with chest room you get the same suirrel effect like the movie jacket.

also, a little squirrel effect comes natural when lifting you arms to the side when you have side straps on a jacket. if these straps werent there, there would be no squirrel effect going on.
That's not squirrel effect, that jacket isn't even zipped up. You are seeing natural movement to the side of an unzipped jacket when the arm is raised.

The low side straps have little to do with jacket fit around the chest, although if tightened will give the jacket more of a tapered look.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by CM »

orb wrote:The fit looks good but to be honest a good jacket maker wouldn't send out jackets with such a mistake like the flying squirrel effect.


That's wrong, actually. Most short leather jackets (certainly 8 of mine - not Wested) do the flying squirrel. Even the legendary Aeros do it. Only sometimes do you get a jacket that does it to a somewhat lesser degree.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

CM wrote:
orb wrote:The fit looks good but to be honest a good jacket maker wouldn't send out jackets with such a mistake like the flying squirrel effect.


That's wrong, actually. Most short leather jackets (certainly 8 of mine - not Wested) do the flying squirrel. Even the legendary Aeros do it. Only sometimes do you get a jacket that does it to a somewhat lesser degree.
Do your jackets really have 'flying squirrel' or do you have normal chest room space that most jackets have?

Jacket length doesn't necessarily have much to do with it, chest size and waist size of the jacket does

'Flying squirrel' usually refers to the underarm 'web' effect one gets when they have say a 40 inch chest and wear a jacket with room for a 52 inch chest (often accompanied with the jacket having a more fitting waist size for the wearer) .
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by coronado3 »

That's not squirrel effect, that jacket isn't even zipped up. You are seeing natural movement to the side of an unzipped jacket when the arm is raised.
I believe the jacket was zipped up all through this truck sequence. Although, there could have been a mistake as his mk7 kept switching sides... Not his whip though!
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

coronado3 wrote:
That's not squirrel effect, that jacket isn't even zipped up. You are seeing natural movement to the side of an unzipped jacket when the arm is raised.
I believe the jacket was zipped up all through this truck sequence. Although, there could have been a mistake as his mk7 kept switching sides... Not his whip though!
Take a look at the photo again. It's clearly not zipped up

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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Mac »

Your jacket is very nice Greatdane, congratulations! It fits you quite well.
rbinko2001 wrote:I wouldn't worry about the "squirrel effect" unless you walk around normally with your arms out like that.
RCSignals wrote:Take a look at the photo again. It's clearly not zipped up
Actually the jacket is partially zipped in that scene and throughout the entire truck sequence, from the horseback chase through the truck drag and back into the cab, probably to maintain continuity with the truck drag scene where the jacket needed to be zipped for protection.

My experience with Westeds that have the squirrel effect has been that merely zipping the jacket at the bottom an inch or so is enough to evidence squirrellage when one's arms are raised horizontally.

There are other scenes where the jacket is clearly zipped that tend to support Holt's contention that the film jackets exhibited some degree of flying squirrel effect.

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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Mac wrote:....
There are other scenes where the jacket is clearly zipped that tend to support Holt's contention that the film jackets exhibited some degree of flying squirrel effect.

- Mac
That's still not 'flying squirrel effect' (great amounts of leather under the arms forming a 'web' wing) it's the natural effect of any jacket that isn't sized to be form fitting skin tight.

Now this photo shows more of it, however who is it in the photo and what jacket is he wearing? ... 185354.jpg
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Mac wrote:
rbinko2001 wrote:I wouldn't worry about the "squirrel effect" unless you walk around normally with your arms out like that.

- Mac
rbinko2001 is correct. Many photographs taken are of people in the most odd and unnatural poses :lol:
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Holt »

RCSignals wrote:
Mac wrote:....
There are other scenes where the jacket is clearly zipped that tend to support Holt's contention that the film jackets exhibited some degree of flying squirrel effect.

- Mac
That's still not 'flying squirrel effect' (great amounts of leather under the arms forming a 'web' wing) it's the natural effect of any jacket that isn't sized to be form fitting skin tight.

Now this photo shows more of it, however who is it in the photo and what jacket is he wearing? ... 185354.jpg
yes this is exactly the flying squirrel. my jacket does exactly that when it is almost zipped up like above. when all the way ziped it is much less noticeable. becasue the jacket rides more up under the arms when its zipped while lifting you arms to the side....

Thanx Mac!
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Hatch »

Holt, not buying that till we see the pic of you 'hanging off a moving truck'......... :shock: :lol:
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by RCSignals »

Poor Holt, he's been bitten by a Flying squirrel and see them everywhere now :lol:
Tyrloch wrote:I hope Holt doesn't mind the borrowing of his pic, but here is an example of no flying squirrel effect and the flying squirrel effect side by side...

According to all the latest, the jacket on the left has it too.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

My jacket doesn't fit as well as the left picture, but it's not as bas as on the right picture. So all in all. It could be worse. The jacket is also getting distressed nicely. I did shower it and it worked well, and the other day it got a few hours of rain as well (had to work outside)

But I think the rest of the distressing will be all natural.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by frogman »

Hi, new guy here...

Nice jacket you got there. Congrats!
Maybe a little too big? I 'd prefer a more tight fit, but that's just me.
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Re: My first wested just arrived

Post by Greatdane »

frogman wrote:Hi, new guy here...

Nice jacket you got there. Congrats!
Maybe a little too big? I 'd prefer a more tight fit, but that's just me.

Yeah the jacket is a little bit too big, but not much. And it could have been a lot worse. But all I need to do is build some muscle and I'll fill out the jacket just perfect :)
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