It probably would be less of a hassle to just resell it. At times it can be a pain to contact the seller and negotiate with them. You never know exactly what treatment you are going to get when dealing with one. Yeah, if you're a collector it may be worth just keeping it and doing what Michaelson says, or if you happen to have an ozone machine handy that would expedite the process somewhat.
Great choice for a Sinatraesque hat from my recent research! I personally don't think a black hat would look good on me, and I know he favored a variety of other colored hats. Someone can correct me, but I think Hombergs have a funny outer upturned brim (Kris Kringle hat).
I would imagine yours is more of the stingy brim fedora variety? It's also very similar to one favored by Harry S. Truman. However, the Truman link states that his hat was a Homberg.
Here's a pic of the one I purchased, an old royal stetson. eBay item no. 270412487851 Just closed on it yesterday in fact.