As some of you may remember, I mentioned a while ago that I was working on a Raiders bullwhip for Dan "Bullwhip" Borton. This was my third attempt at materializing his dream "Raiders" bullwhip, hence the MK 3 designation. The basic parameter was to make the closest thing to one of the bullwhips used in ROTLA, that was documented by our late Sergei. For more info on the story of this whip please check this link:
Crafting this bullwhip took a considerable time, patience, minute attention to detail, and careful planning. It was both a challenge and a pain, but I think in the end all the hard work paid off, and I am very pleased with the results. I think I met all of Dan's specs, and I added a few more details on my own to make the whip look as close as possible to the original.
Most of the external dimensions are spot on, and others are very close. The complete list of features is too long to list, but some of the external details include:
-Overall slimmer diameter.
-The correct handle shape and diameter.
-Shape, height, width and orientation of the main Turk's head, in relation to the thong and the wrist loop.
-Shape, height, width and location of the ring knot.
-Width, length and orientation of the wrist loop.
-Length, width and knot orientation of the lace tag in the wrist loop.
You'll be able to see the similarities to the original whip in the photos below. The next thing to make this whip look closer to the original, is to crack it and make it see some action. I am confident that Dan will be more than happy to carry out the mission.

I look forward to hearing your comments!
