As some of you may know, my first and (at the time of the most recent Finger Lakes summit this past weekend) my only whip I owned was one that I had bought online some years ago from Texas Bullwhips. At first, the whip didn't crack very well, but after time, and after finally learning to do the forward crack

Over the years, I was planning to get a whip, either from Winrich, Pagey or Giovanni Celeste (an Italian whipmaker) but never quite got around to it.

Chewbacca Jones was kind enough to make a small tub of pecards leather dressing from the large tub that he has and told me "here is your pecards, along with your new whip".

Chewie, darling. Thank you so much for this unexpected gift. You never cease to amaze me, honey.

Yeah, yeah, I know... ;0 I will get some posted soon.

Mike, thanks once again! You've made me a very happy woman!