http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t167 ... er/ABL.jpg
http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t167 ... er/ABF.jpg
...and the mysterious (until now) addition, a completely custom-built, and perhaps first of its kind hat-block hat-stand made completely by Ohio Jones!

http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t167 ... stand2.jpg
http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t167 ... stand3.jpg
I had earlier decided that I would hold off on posting pictures until I finished my 'display', which still needs a glass case, but when I opened that Fedex parcel by Ohio Jones, it really was just too beautiful to contain!
My hat is off (and on the stand, it seems) to both Fedora and Ohio for their amazing works of art! I just cannot thank both enough, as you can plainly see in these photos what they have produced goes above and beyond even the highest caliber of hand-made items, and certainly does "belong in a museum!"
I really will have to especially give props to Ohio Jones, who somehow seems to be able to go under the radar when this guy should be walking loudly alongside the finest of our ranks! Just ask Indy G, or even Penman, and I'm sure they will back me up in saying Ohio is a rare individual indeed! He's an incredible craftsman, and was unbelievably patient in working with me to come up with what I think might be the first of its kind, and perhaps the only thing worthy of Fedora's fedora- a hat block hat stand!
Thank you Steve and thank you Matt, what you have both individually achieved is simply phenomenal!