The AB FINAL Raiders block

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Dutch_jones »

Steve, for those who can't afford a $300 Christys, what do you recommend the fans order in terms of specs for the standard Christys?
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by DR Ulloa »

:shock: Whoa! That is in no way a $300 Christy's.

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Steve, for those who can't afford a $300 Christys, what do you recommend the fans order in terms of specs for the standard Christys?
You know Dutch, some of these Christy hats posted here on COW look pretty good, "as is". Others look like the HJs, with too much taper. So, if you can get one of the straighter ones, that should please most folks that shop with the price in mind.

I just reblocked another Christy, for a fan here who sent 2 to me last year. These were new hats, one a size 7 1/2 and the other a 62 cm. I noticed that these hats came with a 5 1/2 inch open crown height, instead of the 5 3/4 height of the HJs I get in for Magnoli. I also noticed that the Christy did not suddenly shrink when I reset the new block shape. I was quite pleased with this, as I figured the hat would end up too short, going by the HJs I reblock. Since these two Christy hats are larger hats, I was surprised to find the brim was cut to 2 1/2 on the sides, and they really need 2 5/8 there. So, I could not touch the brim at all, but the factory cut is really quite nice. So, I think I would try to get a Christy with the 2 7/8 by 2 5/8 brim, like the one that I bought. I don't know enough about these hats to figure out why mine had a larger brim than the two sent to me last year. And my Christy was a 7 3/8.

THe HJ and the Christy seem to be the same felt, but the Christy has not been stretched out that extra quarter of an inch in the crown, and this actually makes a big difference in the stability of the felt. So, I would think a stock Christy versus a stock HJ, would have Christy winning that battle, if shrinkage was an issue to the owner.

The materials for both of these hats seem to be identical, liner material, sweat leather and felt. Course, the same factory makes both, so this is to be expected.

I think the Christy is a big value hat. But, this company should also offer a Deluxe version, with the nice sweat this factory also has, along with a little better liner material, and more time spent of fashioning the bow. I bet they could sell it for 25 bucks more than the standard version now available. And if they looked like some I have seen here, the less tapered ones, it would be a hot seller. And if they would flange those reeded sweats, so you got a nice flare, that would be a plus too. Some of these factories no longer do the flange on the reeded sweat, and that is a shame. That's what reeds are for!

I only agreed to do these two Christy reblocks last year, so I could see what block they were using. The ones I got in, both had the HJ blockshape, but with the shorter 5 1/2 open crown height. That is a perfect height, and matches the Raiders fedora more because of this lower height. They seem to be better at offering the original Indy hat than the original maker-HJ. I find this ludicrous. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Ok, the request to show what blocks influenced my final Raiders block are uploaded and ready to show and tell. Ain't this stuff fun?

Here are two different blocks, that I used parts of to arrive at what I ended up with. Front shot.


Here are the same blocks from the side view. Notice the different degree of taper when you compare blocks.


The block on the left in this pic here is the same as the one above, on the left. Another block has been placed on the right. They look the same to some folks, but the hatters here will see the nuanced differences.


Here are the same two from the side.


Now, my new block is not a copy of either one, but I used the design from all 3 blocks to arrive at my last and final Raiders block.

Off topic of this thread, but I thought you might get a kick out of seeing the bottom of the CS block used in the film. It also is my screen name! :lol: I had to use some fullers earth so it would show up well.


And lastly, here is an English block with someones initials on the bottom. They were almost worn off, and you can barely make them out. I had to really rub some earth in them to get them to show up. The size of this block is a 7 1/2 UK size, but that translates to a 7 5/8 American size. Looks like HTP, HIP, or HJP to me, but hard to call it. You don't see these personalized blocks very often, in fact, this is the only one that I own. It was custom made for some guy years ago apparently. Stetson used to do that too. What is amusing to me is it is identical to my new Raiders block, or practically identical. I could use it for a 7 5/8 Raiders fedora it is so close. And probably will, since I love using vintage blocks. When I saw the initials, I knew it was a custom made block for some hat wearer who really knew what hat he wanted. Back then, I guess some folks were really picky about their hats. This guy probably only wore this style of hat, and if he creased it like the Raiders fedora, he would have been one of the early Indyesque Englishmen. Since this hat is a large size, he was a rare breed way back. Most men had smaller heads in the old days. A hat this large would have been kinda rare. Our heads have gotten larger over the years, on average. And it is kinda creepy in a way to own another dead man's custom hat block! If I start seeing ghosts, I will get rid of it! :lol: Waiit! Maybe those initials are RIP!!! Now that would be weird.

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Michaelson »

And it is kinda creepy in a way to own another dead man's custom hat block! If I start seeing ghosts, I will get rid of it!
That crosses my mind everytime I pull out one of my old pocket watches that have somones engraved initials on the back, Steve.

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Erri »

Those initials do look like reading RIP... :Forrestal: :Forrestal:
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by DR Ulloa »

Steve, when I read that last post about your CS block I went :shock: . The vintage hat block I bough a couple months ago also has the word FEDORA printed on the bottom. Is it possible we have the same block or is this something that was printed often on the bottom of blocks? I think I also see the number 51 imprinted there, but I'm not sure. I would love to know what I have here. What do you think?

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Dr._J »

Michaelson wrote:
And it is kinda creepy in a way to own another dead man's custom hat block! If I start seeing ghosts, I will get rid of it!
That crosses my mind everytime I pull out one of my old pocket watches that have somones engraved initials on the back, Steve.

Regard! Michaelson
You don't own a pocket watch that belonged to a maintenance man on a certain luxury liner do you? ;) :[

Regards, Dr. J
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Michaelson »

Nope. He never asked for the time.
Heck, he never even bothered to say good morning... :-s ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Erri »

I've heard that if you say "bloody Fedora" three times he will appear in a mirror :Dietrich:
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by kiltie »

Very cool, Fedora.
It's neat to have a "timeless" job ( if you even wanna call it a job ). There are so few practical things one can do in which the processes and applications have changed little over time. Policemen, firemen... jobs with longstanding traditions and, when you get down to it, the nuts and bolts of the job are the same ( and even those jobs have been, I think, weighted down under the burden of "progress" ). About the only other thing I can think of off the top of my head would be a jeweler or a watchmaker/repair man. There are a lot of things you can do to stay in touch with the past: engineers who operate steam locomotives, period reinactors, etc... and even make money at it. But there are so few with modern, practical application. It's cool to have the vintage blocks, but even more so that some day YOUR blocks will be sought after collectibles with value outside the Indy subculture; that they're staged to become a part of history and Americana. AND that they'll still be useful many, many years on in quite a practical way.
Pretty neat, if you ask me.
Oh yeah - thanks for posting the pics.
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

think I also see the number 51 imprinted there, but I'm not sure. I would love to know what I have here. What do you think?
A number 51 block is very simliar to what was used to make Bogey's famous fedora, the one you saw him wear alot. It was his own hat. But with that said, the number on a block may not match up with another 51 block. Each blockmaker had his own number system, and that means your 51 may not match my 51 blocks. My 51 makes a splendid Bogey fedora. Most blocks come with a number, but the "fedora" blocks I have, did not come with the number, just the word imprinted on the bottom. I also have blocks that have "Columbia" on the bottom. Now, if you have done much reading of hats and hat history, you will see this Columbia style mentioned often. I think it was a western block, if I recall correctly. Or as Stetson called their western hats, "staple hats". Funny that ole JB Stetson never called his cowboy hats western, as that term came much later. Back then there were dress hats, and staple hats. And at the time, the dress hats were as stiff as can be, while the staple or western hats were soft! Over time, they reversed. :lol: Brought on by the advent of the soft felt fedora.

Back to your 51 block Dave. Is your tall, tapered with a pointy tip? (top of crown) If so, you have the perfect Bogey block. That pointy tip creases down really deep to form a great C Dent top crease. And much of the taper creases out. You would not think so just by looking at the block. But it does. Those old blockmakers knew how to finesse a block, to arrive at a particular look that was desired. It is indeed an art, when they used to hand carve these blocks, and then replicate the master on a machine in the various sizes. And this is why you will see really old blocks that are not CNC perfect, but still make great hats.

I would just about bet Barons still have Bogart's fav fedora block in stock. Over time though they may have just mixed in it with their other blocks. May still have his initials on the bottom though. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by indyjonesstudent1 »

Hey fedora! I was wondering how much it would cost me for you to redo my christys like the one in the pic. thanks :)
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Hey fedora! I was wondering how much it would cost me for you to redo my christys like the one in the pic. thanks

So sorry to say I just don't have the time these days. But no doubt, one day I will. I reblocked mine, and then last year had agreed to do a couple for another guy, just so I could see the blockshape they were using, as some of the Christies looked good. And with my luck, I got the HJ looking Christy instead of the straighter sided ones. All 3 of them! Thanks for asking though. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Dutch_jones »

Fedora, have you ever considered making a CS hat on your new final block? I am kinda wondering how that woul look, with a more correct height. Don't you agree? : \:D/ TOH
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Dutch_jones wrote:Fedora, have you ever considered making a CS hat on your new final block? I am kinda wondering how that woul look, with a more correct height. Don't you agree? : \:D/ TOH
How would a CS hat be at a "more correct height" for a CS hat if it was made on a non-CS block? Don't you just mean how would a hat from the new block look with CS creases/bash?
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by DR Ulloa »

Fedora wrote:
think I also see the number 51 imprinted there, but I'm not sure. I would love to know what I have here. What do you think?
A number 51 block is very simliar to what was used to make Bogey's famous fedora, the one you saw him wear alot. It was his own hat. But with that said, the number on a block may not match up with another 51 block. Each blockmaker had his own number system, and that means your 51 may not match my 51 blocks. My 51 makes a splendid Bogey fedora. Most blocks come with a number, but the "fedora" blocks I have, did not come with the number, just the word imprinted on the bottom. I also have blocks that have "Columbia" on the bottom. Now, if you have done much reading of hats and hat history, you will see this Columbia style mentioned often. I think it was a western block, if I recall correctly. Or as Stetson called their western hats, "staple hats". Funny that ole JB Stetson never called his cowboy hats western, as that term came much later. Back then there were dress hats, and staple hats. And at the time, the dress hats were as stiff as can be, while the staple or western hats were soft! Over time, they reversed. :lol: Brought on by the advent of the soft felt fedora.

Back to your 51 block Dave. Is your tall, tapered with a pointy tip? (top of crown) If so, you have the perfect Bogey block. That pointy tip creases down really deep to form a great C Dent top crease. And much of the taper creases out. You would not think so just by looking at the block. But it does. Those old blockmakers knew how to finesse a block, to arrive at a particular look that was desired. It is indeed an art, when they used to hand carve these blocks, and then replicate the master on a machine in the various sizes. And this is why you will see really old blocks that are not CNC perfect, but still make great hats.

I would just about bet Barons still have Bogart's fav fedora block in stock. Over time though they may have just mixed in it with their other blocks. May still have his initials on the bottom though. Fedora
The block is 5 3/4'' tall and not very tapered at all with very little dome. I guess I don't have the same 51 block as you. I think it says 51. It could be 57. I can't really tell becuase it is so old and the numbers are worn out. I do think it looks more like 51 than 57, though. I reblocked my Christy's on it and it gave me a pretty straight sided hat even without creasing it. I have pictures of the reblocked Christy's in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39108 . What puzzles me about this block is that it has a strip of paper taped to the bottom that has the numbers 5390 printed on it. Don't know what that is about. It does make a good C dent as I recreased the hat that way after a downpour. The hat tapered. Even though the felt shrunk up after the reblock, it still tapered something good. Man this felt *****!


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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Fedora, have you ever considered making a CS hat on your new final block? I am kinda wondering how that woul look, with a more correct height. Don't you agree? :

ow would a CS hat be at a "more correct height" for a CS hat if it was made on a non-CS block? Don't you just mean how would a hat from the new block look with CS creases/bash?
Dutch_jones wrote:Fedora, have you ever considered making a CS hat on your new final block? I am kinda wondering how that woul look, with a more correct height. Don't you agree? : \:D/ TOH
How would a CS hat be at a "more correct height" for a CS hat if it was made on a non-CS block? Don't you just mean how would a hat from the new block look with CS creases/bash?

I think Dutch is making the point that the CS hat was taller than the Raiders? Or at least the 5 1/2 open crown heights used for the CS film. There was a 5 1/4 open crown height in the CS film as well and that could be confusing when referring to the CS fedoras.

Dutch, for me, I am not really curious how my Raiders block would look with the CS creases. Since the blocks are different, a Raiders blocked CS would not look like anything we have seen, at least in my AB line. And since my Raiders hats will always be a 5 1/2 open crown height, a CS hat would not be shorter, using the Raider block. Now, I do adjust crown heights for head size, so not all Raider fedoras will come 5 1/2.

I have to trust what Bernie came up with when he measured the hats he had, all film hats. They were 5 1/2 open crown, and that is good enough for me. IF the CS fedora had the same height on the front and back as the Raiders hat did, it would not appear as tall. When you put the top crease in deeper and drop the front and back down to the Raiders specs, it of course shortens the crown up. It's all in the way you style the hat.

But, no doubt some of the Raider hats had shrunk up and became shorter during the filming. I feel pretty certain they all started out right at 5 1/2 though. We see various crown heights in Raiders. Probaby some shrunk to 5 1/4 open crown in the heat. So, anything from 5 1/4 to 5 1/2 is pretty accurate. You see the same thing in TLC too. One of those hats in TLC looked to be 5 inches open crown to me. But some were taller.

Another thing that enters into the equation is head shape. I can't wear a 5 1/4 open crown hat creased to the Raider look. My head pushes out the top crease. Ford could wear that height though, as he doesn't have much skull above the brows. And more folks have heads like mine than like his. So 5 3/8 to 5 1/2 is the minimum we can wear, without having the top crease push out. It would be easier if we all had Indy's head shape I guess. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

The block is 5 3/4'' tall and not very tapered at all with very little dome. I guess I don't have the same 51 block as you. I think it says 51. It could be 57. I can't really tell becuase it is so old and the numbers are worn out. I do think it looks more like 51 than 57, though. I reblocked my Christy's on it and it gave me a pretty straight sided hat even without creasing it. I have pictures of the reblocked Christy's in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39108 . What puzzles me about this block is that it has a strip of paper taped to the bottom that has the numbers 5390 printed on it. Don't know what that is about. It does make a good C dent as I recreased the hat that way after a downpour. The hat tapered. Even though the felt shrunk up after the reblock, it still tapered something good. Man this felt *****!
Well, there you go. I first found this out about the block numbers not matching from Lamode. He told me that a 52 block number meant very little to him as there were various shaped blocks that used the same number, from blockmaker to blockmaker. So, he would have to see the block, and I ended up sending it to him a few years ago. Not the 52, but the 51 because I wanted a complete set of Bogey blocks.

Yeah that felt you mentioned is not the most stable felt out there. But, the key is to buy a hat that is 2 or 3 sizes larger than you wear. Then, pull it over your block and tie it off at the bottom. Get an iron that will get hot enough to scorch the felt, and iron the hat right below the scorching point, after you hit it with your damp hatters sponge. It will shock and shrink up a good 1/4 an inch, and the oversize body will suddenly fit the block tightly. Let it cool and do this as many times as the hat will take it, without becomeing too short in crown height. On the HJs, I can do it twice. This will thicken up the felt because of the shrinkage. Once you pounce out your iron job, leave it on the block and soak it down with a good water repellant treatment, which will help keep the tapers out later on. Let it dry with this treatment while still on the block. If not, even the evaporation of the treatment will taper this kind of felt. I tell you this in case you want to try it again, with a new hat that you want to reblock before you wear it. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by jbbowers »

Ah, I just love block talk!

Just to give you an idea how different block numbers can be, here's a 6-inch #51 block I have. In this profile shot, note that the peak of the dome is not centered, but is about a third of the way in from the right. Also note the inward taper at the base of the block. A very pain-in-the-butt block to work with, but makes for an interesting hat.


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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by DR Ulloa »

Fedora wrote:
The block is 5 3/4'' tall and not very tapered at all with very little dome. I guess I don't have the same 51 block as you. I think it says 51. It could be 57. I can't really tell becuase it is so old and the numbers are worn out. I do think it looks more like 51 than 57, though. I reblocked my Christy's on it and it gave me a pretty straight sided hat even without creasing it. I have pictures of the reblocked Christy's in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=39108 . What puzzles me about this block is that it has a strip of paper taped to the bottom that has the numbers 5390 printed on it. Don't know what that is about. It does make a good C dent as I recreased the hat that way after a downpour. The hat tapered. Even though the felt shrunk up after the reblock, it still tapered something good. Man this felt *****!
Well, there you go. I first found this out about the block numbers not matching from Lamode. He told me that a 52 block number meant very little to him as there were various shaped blocks that used the same number, from blockmaker to blockmaker. So, he would have to see the block, and I ended up sending it to him a few years ago. Not the 52, but the 51 because I wanted a complete set of Bogey blocks.

Yeah that felt you mentioned is not the most stable felt out there. But, the key is to buy a hat that is 2 or 3 sizes larger than you wear. Then, pull it over your block and tie it off at the bottom. Get an iron that will get hot enough to scorch the felt, and iron the hat right below the scorching point, after you hit it with your damp hatters sponge. It will shock and shrink up a good 1/4 an inch, and the oversize body will suddenly fit the block tightly. Let it cool and do this as many times as the hat will take it, without becomeing too short in crown height. On the HJs, I can do it twice. This will thicken up the felt because of the shrinkage. Once you pounce out your iron job, leave it on the block and soak it down with a good water repellant treatment, which will help keep the tapers out later on. Let it dry with this treatment while still on the block. If not, even the evaporation of the treatment will taper this kind of felt. I tell you this in case you want to try it again, with a new hat that you want to reblock before you wear it. Fedora
Will this work with a new hat body? I will probably be ordering some rabbit bodies soon to start from scratch and would like to stabillize the felt as much as possible.

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

[quoteHey Steve, did you get those Raiders photos that I mailed to you? I hope they find a place of honor on the walls of your hat studio. ][/quote]

Yes and thank you!! I have many of these type of items from folks, along with so many other things my customers and friends have given me over the years. I cherish each one of them. I recently got a backpack, like the one in Indy 4. I use it every day!!

You guys are just great.

On the final block, I am pleased with it, and don't even have any urges to tweak it anymore. That is a first for me. I am satisfied with it.

The asymetrical approach works very, very well too. And most of my vintage HJs had the asymetrical shape, but whether they morphed into this, or came that way is open for debate. LLS thinks they came that way, while I am not sure. I know his blocks make a great Raiders fedora though. But, I like mine as well.

All I did was to move to a more classic fedora block, and it works, so I am satisfied. After making the block, it was a big surprise to find I had one identical to it, in my stable of vintage blocks. Never used it for a hat, but it was there, in the collection. So, I just did alot of unnecessary sanding, when all I had to do was to go through the collection and grab that one. My luck.

If you have a large collection of vintage blocks, no doubt there is one there that matches the Raiders block decently. I doubt the Raiders block was anything special, in that this shape was owned by most hat companies. Not much new under the hatting sun is what I mean to say.

So my Raiders block now, is simply a very old vintage block that existed at one point in time. Is it the exact same block as used by HJ? Who knows? But, I like what it yields, and being an old vintage block suits me too. But, I would have never recognized it as such, without all of the blockmaking I have been doing over the last 5 years. So, my effort was worth it. I learned alot about blocks in the process, and what does not work, and what does work. Within certain parameters, quite a few vintage blocks make great Raider fedoras. The main trouble is, most hat companies retired those blocks when they culled down on their variety. What was kept by them most of the time had too much taper, and too much dome. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by JulianK »

Ok so now that I've been inundated with block talk...I'm completely unsure which block to ask for! Steve, you stated earlier that you were offering a choice of either block. Some of us however may not be equipped (mentally) to chose wisely. In my hat order a few months ago I included pics of me and my round mug! I'd hate to add any more to your workload though but can I (and those that care to to) trust you to chose the best block for our individual noggin shapes/sizes? Right now i'm thinking of asking for the new block but I'm just not that sure if it would suit me better or worse.

Darn!...I hate these dilemas!!!
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Darn!...I hate these dilemas!!!

The old block works better for the wider faces. The new block works better for slim to regular faces. This is due to the old block being closer to the CS block than the new one. Hope that helps. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by RCSignals »

And lastly, here is an English block with someones initials on the bottom. They were almost worn off, and you can barely make them out. I had to really rub some earth in them to get them to show up. The size of this block is a 7 1/2 UK size, but that translates to a 7 5/8 American size. Looks like HTP, HIP, or HJP to me, but hard to call it. You don't see these personalized blocks very often, in fact, this is the only one that I own. It was custom made for some guy years ago apparently. Stetson used to do that too. What is amusing to me is it is identical to my new Raiders block, or practically identical. I could use it for a 7 5/8 Raiders fedora it is so close.
:-k Maybe it is HJP. 'Herbert Johnson Property' ?
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by gwyddion »

RCSignals wrote:
And lastly, here is an English block with someones initials on the bottom. They were almost worn off, and you can barely make them out. I had to really rub some earth in them to get them to show up. The size of this block is a 7 1/2 UK size, but that translates to a 7 5/8 American size. Looks like HTP, HIP, or HJP to me, but hard to call it. You don't see these personalized blocks very often, in fact, this is the only one that I own. It was custom made for some guy years ago apparently. Stetson used to do that too. What is amusing to me is it is identical to my new Raiders block, or practically identical. I could use it for a 7 5/8 Raiders fedora it is so close.
:-k Maybe it is HJP. 'Herbert Johnson Property' ?
Kind of tempting to say Herbert Johnson Poet, isn't it? ;)

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by RCSignals »

gwyddion wrote:
RCSignals wrote:
And lastly, here is an English block with someones initials on the bottom. They were almost worn off, and you can barely make them out. I had to really rub some earth in them to get them to show up. The size of this block is a 7 1/2 UK size, but that translates to a 7 5/8 American size. Looks like HTP, HIP, or HJP to me, but hard to call it. You don't see these personalized blocks very often, in fact, this is the only one that I own. It was custom made for some guy years ago apparently. Stetson used to do that too. What is amusing to me is it is identical to my new Raiders block, or practically identical. I could use it for a 7 5/8 Raiders fedora it is so close.
:-k Maybe it is HJP. 'Herbert Johnson Property' ?
Kind of tempting to say Herbert Johnson Poet, isn't it? ;)

Regards, Geert
Yes it is. I wanted to leave that for someone else though ;)
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

ind of tempting to say Herbert Johnson Poet, isn't it?
Hmmm. Never thought of that, but alas, no way. Those initials are always denoting a man's particular hat block. It was custom made just for whomever that was. I have a couple of other, custom blocks, made for probably a rich guy who just had to have his own block for his hats. They always put the initials on the block. I bet if Barons has Bogies block, you would find his initials on the bottom too. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by gwyddion »

Fedora wrote:
ind of tempting to say Herbert Johnson Poet, isn't it?
Hmmm. Never thought of that, but alas, no way. Those initials are always denoting a man's particular hat block. It was custom made just for whomever that was. I have a couple of other, custom blocks, made for probably a rich guy who just had to have his own block for his hats. They always put the initials on the block. I bet if Barons has Bogies block, you would find his initials on the bottom too. Fedora
Oh, I didn't think it would actualy mean that, but since we were playing around with those initials it was just too tempting not to mention ;) Just goofing around, that's all :lol:

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Snapbrim76 »

All this block talk is making my head hurt. I'll leave the hard stuff to the likes of Steve, Marc, Stefan, John and co... :notworthy: Dont think I'll ever make it as a hat maker!
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Texan Scott »

A 'charicature' is an exaggeration. If immitation is the highest form of flattery, comedians perform charicatures by exaggerating speech patterns and/or mannerisms of an actor, or another famous person for humor. The humor is in distorting these mannerisms. Jim Carey's charicature of Shatner as Jim Kirk in 'Ace Ventura' is an example, and there are certainly many others.

I don't think that the Raiders fedora was a charicature of a 1930's fedora, I just think that they purposefully were going for a very disctinctive look that set it apart from others, a one-of-a-kind style for this specific movie. Otherwise, it would have been just another vintage, 1930's fedora. Same with members. I don't think we want a 'charicature' of a Raiders fedora, but like all other articles of the gear, I think most people want a fedora that looks just like the one-of-a-kind fedora that they saw on film. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. :P
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by jkdbuck76 »

Michaelson wrote:
And it is kinda creepy in a way to own another dead man's custom hat block! If I start seeing ghosts, I will get rid of it!
That crosses my mind everytime I pull out one of my old pocket watches that have somones engraved initials on the back, Steve.

Regard! Michaelson

You just might be visited by the ghost of hatblock past, the ghost of hatblock present and the ghost of hatblock future.
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

You just might be visited by the ghost of hatblock past, the ghost of hatblock present and the ghost of hatblock future.

Well, in my block collection, I have several that were made for different folks. But to date, no ghosts yet!! :lol: Always wanted to see one, but guess I just ain't lucky like the Ghost Hunters are! Same with UFOs. I want to see one-badly. But they always appear at the places I don't live!!
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Michaelson »

One day you need to head out and stay for a night or two on the Queen Mary, Steve! You may be surprised. ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by DR Ulloa »

I've seen UFOs, Steve. No one ever believes you when you say you have. Doesn't sway me. I know what I've seen. Finally, two days ago, I saw one and my wife was in the car with she believes me. :lol:

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by BendingOak »

Michaelson wrote:One day you need to head out and stay for a night or two on the Queen Mary, Steve! You may be surprised. ;)

Regards! Michaelson

We saw the tricks behind the ghosts at the QM. Neat tricks.
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by RaidersBash »

Fedora wrote: I moved away from the straight bowler style of block, to more of a fedora styled block. To me, this is what I missed in my earlier replications. But, many fedora blocks have a domey top, which the Raiders fedora did not have. Peculiarly English is all I can say about it.
Steve, Can you elaborate on this? If the block doesn't have a slightly domey top, what is it...flat?

ty ty ty for everything.
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Mac »

RaidersBash wrote:Steve, Can you elaborate on this? If the block doesn't have a slightly domey top, what is it...flat?
See this post RaidersBash:


* Illustration by ANJALI

- Mac
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Fedora »

Mac, you did the work for me! And thank you for doing it. You did it better with the pics too. I would have just used words. Thanks. Fedora
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Michaelson »

BendingOak wrote:
Michaelson wrote:One day you need to head out and stay for a night or two on the Queen Mary, Steve! You may be surprised. ;)

Regards! Michaelson

We saw the tricks behind the ghosts at the QM. Neat tricks.
Cool. I saw that too when I was there....but it had nothing to do with what I saw up on deck that one trip. ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by RaidersBash »

Mac wrote:
RaidersBash wrote:Steve, Can you elaborate on this? If the block doesn't have a slightly domey top, what is it...flat?
See this post RaidersBash:


* Illustration by ANJALI

- Mac
Fedora wrote:Mac, you did the work for me! And thank you for doing it. You did it better with the pics too. I would have just used words. Thanks. Fedora
Mac, Steve:

Thanks for that. Pictures really are worth a thousand words. Now i SEE it and that's a huge help!!!

Thanks again to you both.
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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by Johnny Fedora »

BendingOak wrote:
Michaelson wrote:One day you need to head out and stay for a night or two on the Queen Mary, Steve! You may be surprised. ;)

Regards! Michaelson

We saw the tricks behind the ghosts at the QM. Neat tricks.

Shut-Up John!!! :lol:

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Re: The AB FINAL Raiders block

Post by BendingOak »

Johnny Fedora wrote:
BendingOak wrote:
Michaelson wrote:One day you need to head out and stay for a night or two on the Queen Mary, Steve! You may be surprised. ;)

Regards! Michaelson

We saw the tricks behind the ghosts at the QM. Neat tricks.

Shut-Up John!!! :lol:


Isn't it past your bed time?
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