RCSignals wrote:
But you obviously do have an opinion on it, or you wouldn't be constantly arguing about it and stating an opinion.
"But when someone like yourself speaks to something as if it is fact when it is not, I will argue against that

Someone like me? I'd have more respect for that if I saw you posting the same way to the people who insist that the jacket was not shrunken lamb. Have I just missed those posts from you?
What is it you are arguing against? The fact that you do not accept it as fact? Will you ever accept it as fact? I have my doubts that you will. You are only arguing for arguments sake?
"While it may seem like I am arguing against the shrunken lamb, I would be the first person to question what Peter says about the leather too, just because he has been consistent with his answers" Do you mean 'consisent' or 'inconsistent' .
Have you questioned Peter when he makes his claim, with the voracity you question shrunken lamb? You have had the opportunity.
You are good at the word twisting. Let me explain.
When I say this... I mean, the debate on if it is shrunken or not. And that's to say that I don't think it is one or the other. I am not arguing that it is or isn't. My opinion is that it doesn't look like the dyno hide first presented to us and it doesn't look like the smooth hide that Peter makes his in either.
Someone like yourself, isn't saying anything bad about you, more meaning, "people" who are arguing anything as fact that isn't. If you read my post, you will note that they include comments about the leather not being smooth either. Although I haven't read one yet where someone is saying that "it is, positively without fail, smooth skin hide". Maybe those post are out there but I haven't read them.
What is my argument? I think I have stated it plenty of times. But I have no issue if it turns out that it is fact. Heck that would be awesome news, now we know! We can rejoice and moved onto something else to debate lol.
Regarding Peter, my bad, I meant "inconsistent"
I have not questioned Peter because in all honesty I already don't fully trust his memory on the subject and not only that but the questions had already been asked in Yohimbo's thread, so it made no logic at that time to ask it again. It is clear that Peter's answers have not been consistent, that right off the bat makes me question the smooth hide.
While we have mainly read Tony's opinion of the leather through many other people, the information has been pretty consistent from what I can tell. The biggest question is that TN initially said it was that the leather was that dyno hide and most people have gotten away from that. If he is correct, it would seem that many TN jacket owners either don't think the assessment is correct or they don't like that answer, one of the two, either way, I haven't seen too many people get it in that hide. Even Chris King replaced his. That leads me to believe that there is some question about that hide.