Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

Most of us did not have the benefit of SA, at the time, but we gave it our best guess and found a close enough, of what was available at the time, so I thought it would be fun to take a look back and revisit yesteryear, those glorious adventures of old. Post your photos of your first indy hat if you got 'em!
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Indiana Leon »

Here's a pic of my old Mayser. My new Adventurer looks much more SA.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

My first hat looked alot like the Mayser you posted. I was going to a halloween party one year and went to a discount store to find a fedora looking hat. Next, I went to the shop and covered the hat with lots of spider webs found in the corners of the rafters. With some old work clothes which had been slapped around on the ground, my green and gray Mexican whip, a close enough jacket, and a BB pistol, it was quite a site.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Travelsonic »

My first hat was a DP - which now, sadly(?) has shrunken and fallen apart. Last summer I re-shaped it and it looked MUCH better for a wool hat than it did off the shelf.

Now I have a Peters Bros. custom fedora - Temple of Doom - and am looking at an Adventurebilt "Henry"
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Zendragon »

My first fedora was a DP, I think I still have it somewhere. Not sure if I have a photo though.

Since then I have acquired various Feds, Keppler's and an AB.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by agent5 »

Passed down from my Gramps. Halloween 1981.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by cowboy827 »

My first fedora was a wool hat that I bought at Burlington Coat Factory about 20 years ago. It cost me $11.00. Shrank up something awful, but was still a fun hat. So much so that it was stolen.

My next fedora was an officially licensed wool Indy hat. It was a gift from my brother, purchased sometime after the first hat was stolen. I wore it on-and-off for years.

From there, I went into a Stetson Temple, which I've since given to my father. Tapered way too much for my taste.

Then I bought an original Akubra Fed Dlx, which I still own. It's a great hat, but I haven't even pulled it out of the box since getting my AB Henry a few months ago.

I also have an Akubra Fed IV in carbon gray that I wear with navy, black or gray suits.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by cowboy827 »

I did post a photo of my son wearing my Fed Dlx in the Henry Owners discussion thread. I guess it's now his first fedora.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

Great pics and stories, folks! :tup:
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by backstagejack »

I don't have a pic I don't think.....but my first hat was some canvas affair bought from JC Penny's. I begged my mom telling her it was just like Indy's hat so she let me buy it.

I found it a few years back and a 2 inch brim and a brown leather band....and of course doesn't look anything like it. I remember wearing it with a jean jacket and looping a long piece of rope through my left belt loop in order to have a "whip". Then I'd strap our camera bag on my shoulder and go out hiking.....*sigh* thank god for Indygear..... :D
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Indy35 »

My first lid was a DP, and i still have it and its still wearable. It was a little tight when i bought it, so i stretched it and wore it kind of loose and reshaped it like a TOD to make it pass. I plan to pass it on one day. About a month after i bought my DP, i managed to get ahold of a "used" raiders PB from a guy who had worn it four times and put it in his closet for three years. It fits my head like a glove, but the ribbon needs work after my abuse of it. I love it to death, its tough as nails, and as stiff as one too.

After these i purchased the Fed IV and the Henry, so i may not have run the gamut like some, but the end result is all that matters. I love my Henry.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Canyon »

Awww, Agent5, don't you just look adorable there! :mrgreen: *pinches cheek*
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by jacksdad »

my first Indy hat was a real black fedora my grandpa had but sadly and this is true my dog ate it. My second hat was a 12.00 wal-mart hat,then a fed from a memeber here then and my current and last hat a CS from John Penman. :D
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Mississippi Jones »

My first Indy hat came from the Disney Land ride. I was about 10, I believe. My mom picked it up for me when she went to California.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by DR Ulloa »

My parents bought me a DP at Disney World when I was about six years old. I've given it to my brother, who wears it a lot. It's still hanging in there.

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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Solent MKIII »

High school camp, 1984 - gotta love those 80's hairstyles!

I think this is the only picture I have of my first Indy hat. Picked it up from Sears back in the day. It looked right ( heck, it was brown ), and me and my buddies were still riding the TOD wave and I wanted that hat! I think it had a bound brim, too - can't remember who made it , though. :-k Image
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Tron7960 »

More Freddy Kruger than Indy :oops: 1989
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by alphared6 »

I've been wearing fedoras since the early 70's. The oldest pictures I could find is the the one you see here. This was taken in perhaps 1984 or 5 in Berchdesgarten Germany on the back nine of a mountain golf course, that's right ... in the mountains! Behind me is the Kehlstein.

Just took a look and LO & BEHOLD, I still have that old fedora!
The old, unknown maker is on the left, my Fed IV is on the right ... that's my dog in the middle, he seldom wears hats.

As you can see I wore the old hat so much the ribbon faded!

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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

Awesome pics and stories, guys and gals. Keep them coming!
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Risu »

My first hat was from Disneyland. I gave it to my ex cuz she looked good in it and it hadn't fit me since I was 10. We all know what they look like though.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Hollowpond »

I'll have to see if I can find pics but my first hat was a black stingy brim fedora with some sort of woven brown hat band. I know, I know super SA :roll: . But considering my first Indy costume consisted of tennis shoes, khaki pants, a white shirt, that hat, a grey Members Only jacket, a leather tool bag for my shoulder bag, and a jump rope with the handle removed on one end for a whip, SA was not a concern.

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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Greatdane »

I got this hat from my dad, who was a hunter at the time, when I was a kid, must have been about 9-10 years ago. ... G_0001.jpg

Technically, it still is my primary Indy hat, but just wait until my AB arrives :D
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by jacksparrow900 »

my first indy hat was a dp that i bought at disney world it was much better at the time than the fedora i bought at a costume place that was hard as rock. I don't even have my dp anymore i really abused it to the point of tapering so much. Now so many years later and thinking of purchasing another magnoli herbert johnson.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by sithspawn »

My first Indy hat was an old vintage 30's -40's fedora. Bought it in September of 81 from a vintage clothes store called Greystone Gardens. When I wore it out I replaced it with a TOD Stetson in 84.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Michaelson »

Solent MKIII wrote:- can't remember who made it , though. :-k
If it came from Sears, it was made by Bailey.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by jts1031 »

My first was the Stetson Indy hat that came out around the time of Temple of Doom, in a youth model. I was on top of the world with that hat. It had an Indiana Jones pin and everything. Couldn't get more official than that.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by morethanatimelord »

Solent MKIII wrote:High school camp, 1984 - gotta love those 80's hairstyles!

I think this is the only picture I have of my first Indy hat. Picked it up from Sears back in the day. It looked right ( heck, it was brown ), and me and my buddies were still riding the TOD wave and I wanted that hat! I think it had a bound brim, too - can't remember who made it , though. :-k Image
Please dont take this the wrong way but this pic reminds me of Camp Crystal lake :D

your all about to be slain by Jason any minute :D
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by viper80134 »

It took some digging and going to my mom’s house to scan some pictures but here they are. I found enough to show how long I’ve been wearing an Indy fedora. I've all ways wanted his hat from the first time I saw the movies. My first hat :D was when they first opened the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland. And of course all the gift shops that now barred Indy were opened as well. So my first hat was a Disneyland hat which forgive me if I'm wrong is a Dorffman I think.


After that every year we went back I'd have to buy a new one because I would grow out of it and had to get a larger size for a while. Luckily my head stopped growing finally :rolling:.



Once I got older and had my own job I finally bought a PB and have been wearing it to this day.


Currently I wait patiently for my AB-Deluxe that will grace my door step one day.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

Great timeline of pics. Is that a PB custom LC?
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Fedora »

My first Indy fedora was made by Bee Line Hats, and was called the Indy 500. It was rabbit, and the most accurate looking hat I have ever owned from a factory. Trouble was, it was too sizes too large, and the last one on the shelf. And, it had been in the outdoor store for years, and they no longer could get them. I wish I had taken pics, but this was before Indy Fan, and I saw no reason to do so. I don't know what happened to it, but I can't find it in my collection that I have stored in a rental storage building.

This hat was the most accurate factory Raiders fedora that I ever owned, but was cheaply made, as I think it cost me around 40 bucks at the time in the late 80's. Being too large, and me being inexperienced, I most just stared at it as it sit on my mantle above my fireplace.

My first wearable Indy fedora was really bad. Not even close. It was made in Canada, and the name brand escapes me at the moment. I bought it from a catalog, and they featured the Bridge Hat from TOD as the selling photo. It looking nothing like it!!! :lol: Crown height pre creases was 4 inches!! I could not bring myself to wear it much, but did wear it some until I bought a Stetson Nostalgia that was a big improvement. Fedora
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Baldwyn »

Here's my crushable, travel fedora that I bought because it was Indy-ish. Served me well, there's something about a hat that can be packed up in luggage.

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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Solent MKIII »

morethanatimelord wrote:Please dont take this the wrong way but this pic reminds me of Camp Crystal lake :D

your all about to be slain by Jason any minute :D
Come to think of it, we DID have a lake....... :Dietrich: Image
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by jlee562 »

My first Indy hat was a DP from Disneyland that I bought on a whim. Actually, I blame Crystal Skull for inflaming my Indy passion...anyways, so I bought the DP, wore it around for a while, and decided I wanted a real hat....that led me here, which led me to my Christy's, which I'm quite satisfied with.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by matt black »

I got my first Indy hat when I was about 18. They were having a big clear out at the place that I worked at the time and in a pile of junk I spotted a Fedora. I asked the boss if they meant to throw it out and he said it was his and did'nt want it anymore so I was welcome to it. Not quite the same as having it placed onto your head by a treasure hunter that you will grow up to follow in his footsteps I know ;) . It was a Lock & Co.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by viper80134 »

Texan Scott wrote:Great timeline of pics. Is that a PB custom LC?
Thanks, I don't think I'll ever stop wearing fedoras so I'll have many more pics to add over the years. Yup that what I had them style it in. Though it was before PB offered a pure beaver felt.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

i don't have any pics but i used to take my uncle's blue straw hats (he had no felts) and wear it while running around the house while the movie played.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by shagger999uk »

Here's mine, Jan 91: ... /hat91.jpg

I've subsequently bought a couple of wool felt fedoras and have just ordered a Christy's Adventurer.

Edited to tidy up picture link!
Last edited by shagger999uk on Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

shagger999uk wrote:Here's mine, Jan 91: ... =hat91.jpg ... /hat91.jpg

I've subsequently bought a couple of wool felt fedoras and have just ordered a Christy's Adventurer.
I just cleaned up the links to the photos. Should work now. Thanks for posting!
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Ranger36 »

Mine was a DP. Sadly, I still use it. :cry: :Dietrich:
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Darth Indiana »

my first Indy hat was a wool felt from Cabela's. I wore that thing all day every day for two years, rain or shine. It was with me through summer camp, camping, exploring the woods, everything. While I was at school it was in my backpack. If I was out of bed and that hat wasn't with me you could assume that i was either dead or being taken by the Black Sleep of Kali. it was MY hat. Sadly I lost this hat years ago, and have no idea where, it just seemed to disappear.

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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Texan Scott »

That's great! These hats may not have been 100% SA, but it was the spirit that counted!
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Indiana Jeff »

My LL Bean 100% wool fedora circa 1989 bought for $19.99 and has been serving me happily until my Penman arrived a few weeks ago.


And, no, I don't keep my hats on the lamps permanently, this was the most convenient way to do side by side shots.


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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Indiana Kev »

The first hat I got was a DP from Disneyworld. I wore that hat until it no longer fit me. Love that hat. ... G_0983.jpg

Several DPs later I finally got my first AB when Steve offered the rabbit deal. The AB is great, but that first DP has a special place in my heart.

Now I have the rabbit and a CS AB and soon I'll be putting in an order for a Penman. ... 010960.jpg
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Lord_Clarence »

jts1031 wrote:My first was the Stetson Indy hat that came out around the time of Temple of Doom, in a youth model. I was on top of the world with that hat. It had an Indiana Jones pin and everything. Couldn't get more official than that.
My first was this same hat, a gift from my uncle who collected hats. (Have pics kicking around somewhere, just not here at work.) I still have it, pin and all. It actually remains my most SA hat (it's not bad if you re-bash it), since I sold my Fed Deluxe that was too small.

To those who have had or still wear the DP crushable fedora--don't knock it! My DP outback hat is my go-to lid for adventure. It's durable, water-resistant, packable, and doesn't look half bad since the original band disintegrated and I put a custom ribbon on it.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by jkdbuck76 »

My first was a Temple Stetson. :-({|=

I slaved (I was 11) delivering papers, mowing, taking out the trash.
I even saved money I found in the water at the beach (always someone losing a few dollars or two here and there).

I sent off for it...... And after two lifetimes, it finally showed up. I ripped the box open and

was 110% disapointed!

It was too dark-brown. The ribbon was lighter than the hat! The brim was angled down (all 1" of it) and not flat at all. It was t3h sux0r as they say. There will big, ugly knots holding the ribbon on the hat.

My sister's friend said "that hat looks more like Indy's father's hat."

And I said to myself This is no indy hat!!!

But inside the hat, there was that white round Indy emblem... and the official Mucasfilm emblem assuring me that this, indeed, was THE OFFICIAL Indiana Jones hat.
HA! A blind tubeworm with a sewing machine and a drinking problem could have made a better hat!

I felt like little Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" when the secret code said "Drink more Oveltine". I was crushed. However, I made it through school with my v---ginity intact.

Years later, I tried to take a hat from WalMart and morph it into an Indy hat. The first attempt didn't look too bad (read my comment above about the tubeworm), but it tapered horribly. After a few months, It looked worse than the TOD hat up in the plane (we're not sinking! We're crashing!).

At the age of 31, I found this website and all about Hatsdirect. I've enjoyed my Feds and they look a lot better than the Temple Stetson did.

The moral of the story: don't give up until you find what you really really want! Oh....and don't by anything from Stetson.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by BendingOak »

I can't remember what my first one was. :-k It might have been a stetson. I don't have a warm place for it. I was never happy with it from the start. That started my long search. Where have we heard that story before. :-k I have a warm spot for my first AB from Steve. It's the first hat I was happy with.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by Ohio Jones »

Mine was an Indy hat from the Bowman Hat factory outside of Reading Pa...Reamstown actually. It was way to big...but I wore it for ever. I loved running around the woods with that on...and had a fascination with wearing it in the rain. I guess I like the sound of it hitting the brim.

My next was a DP about 4 years ago....I thought i was the bomb when i got this. The only time I could wear it with out getting harassed was on Halloween.

Three years later I found this site and boy oh boy was that DP about 4 timezones behind the quality of what was offered on here.
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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by thecoolmiester »

my first was a wool DP from a hat store in Vegas.
i wore it on Halloween.


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Re: Your first indy hat, a nostalgic look back....

Post by darthbish »

morethanatimelord wrote:
Solent MKIII wrote:High school camp, 1984 - gotta love those 80's hairstyles!

I think this is the only picture I have of my first Indy hat. Picked it up from Sears back in the day. It looked right ( heck, it was brown ), and me and my buddies were still riding the TOD wave and I wanted that hat! I think it had a bound brim, too - can't remember who made it , though. :-k Image
Please dont take this the wrong way but this pic reminds me of Camp Crystal lake :D

your all about to be slain by Jason any minute :D

All except the blonde that's front-n-centre.........she's too cute to be slain.
She can be the survivor that makes it into the sequel :M:
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