From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Feast your eyes on my new 22 foot nylon whip-which I think I will affectionately dub the Cannon! This thing cracks just like a cannon and its not because you have to muscle it, but you have to muscle it to get it to roll all the way out! Forum friend Adam allowed me to play with one of his on my visit with him and I just had to have one. I love it and plan on learning to do a cattlemans and an over head-well I plan on trying anyway-pain and bruising allowed.
Well after working with the Cannon (its name) for the last couple of weeks, I can really crack it! I can even do the forward and back somewhat okay. So feeling all full of myself I gave a side arm crack a shot, and after a couple of attempts got a couple of them off. Well after that, well it was time to move to the side yard, where I have about a 100 foot open circle of grass and gave an overhead crack an attempt. The first one landed me on my backside! I tried to wind it up with my body and only succeeded in tangling it around my feet setting me down hard. But hurting, pride a bit tattered I resolved to try again, doing it the old fashioned way, with my arm. I wound it up, hesitated long enough for it to catch up and reversed direction-CRACK!!!!! To be sure of myself I went a second time-CRACK!! I also noticed that my arm seemed to be about 6 inches longer than when I had started. Anybody know a good orthopedic surgeon??
ST wrote:Adam Winrich made that? I'm surprised he let the seam go so crooked. Looks like fun though.
Doubtful. I don't think Adam works in Nylon, (yeah, I'm sure he can, just doesn't.)
He USES Florida Cow Whips in his shows, but generally they're made by other folks, (I think he bought his first 20+ foot one that became the "Big Black Bullwhip of Death" from John Bailey back in '05.)
Bob's whip was made by Bob Duke of Florida (not Robert Duke of Texas). I own two similar whips by Bob Duke, and bobm2004 got to crack both of them and was inspired to order his own.
So far I've made a few nylon whips, but only short white ones that I intended to use in my performances.
Adam of course is 100% correct, after cracking his 22 footers and getting a taste of the power and weight of one I had to have one. You see my fellow forum friends, I can never, ever do anything half way, I must do it to the maximum overdone category. And since I started on a 14 footer, the 22 footer seemed a natural go to whip! Adam was able to hook me up, a few very pleasant emails back and forth with John Bailey, and the whip was made Bob Duke.
I have been practicing the overhead crack and scary as it is to do I am getting comfortable with it. Today I tried a cattlemans for the first time and it was frightening. I completely could not get it. I will have to work on it so more!
Would love to accommodate the video request, need video camera though! I will work on it.
Tried the cattlemans again and all I get is a face full of whip-it just kind of falls on me, can't seem to get it to form overhead and rotate back. Must need more muscle.