Hi folks,
I have searched the posts and did not see a topic like this so I just thought I would run this by you guys and see what you thought. I have been experimenting for a while with many various types of threads and poly twines for poppers. Like the others here, I was noticing some died out too quickly, or wore down too fast. So I decided to give my poppers a new "twist"

.... sorry... couldn't help that one. This is a take on Dan's tutorial (Thank You! BTW), it is one part poly (Dazzle Twine from Lowes) and (5) part thread (purchased from Joe Strains site). The thread is twisted together like the tutorial, then coupled with the poly and twisted again for the final assembly. It pops very uniquely in the sense that I noticed one of the major drawbacks was that some poppers would "pop" correctly with slow techniques and others sometimes would not. With this popper combo, if you are a big fan of "less is more" like I am, you can get off a nice "quiet" crack without the neighbors forming a lynching party, however, if you like to "shake the heavens", the poly will more than accommodate your request. If anyone is interested in trying this and would like to see how I did it, I am putting together a tutorial (mainly so I don't forget...). Anyway, here are the pics, one is tied to my Joe Strain (which I really love!) and the others are close up shots of the prototype when I first made them.
Joe Strain:
Popper close up:
Popper that has been used:
Crack On!