From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hello everyone,
I was hoping someone could help me figure something out. I want to know the specs for the Alex Green Zorro whip, like the thong length, handle length and where the silver ring is placed
if anyone can help thank you
The official one is 6,5 ft, 16 plt, black roo hide, 12" handle, 7x6 bigger turkshead, 5x4 smaller turskheads, The ring is placed at the end of handle ( I don't know the exact length of handle before the ring).
Alex, there is a lot of good information about the official whips in the "Zorro Whip" thread and the "Zorro's Black Whip!" thread.
tomek, the official whip is 12 plait. The screen used one was 16 plait.
There are a few of us on here that can help you out with more info if needed. Paul Nolan makes the Son of Zorro whip, while Joe Strain makes the Official Zorro whip.
Alex, the silver band on my Zorro whip is placed about 9 ¼ inches up from the bottom of the handle. Here are a couple links to other threads on these whips that might help you find the rest of the info your looking for.
BullWhipBorton wrote:Alex, the silver band on my Zorro whip is placed about 9 ¼ inches up from the bottom of the handle. Here are a couple links to other threads on these whips that might help you find the rest of the info your looking for.
FloatinJoe wrote:
Dan, did you just not like the way I posted the links to the same two threads? I always use the thread subject as the link.
I think after they redid the forum software a while ago, links no longer appear with a different color font, so they simply look like part of the text in the post unless you just happen to skim your mouse over them to see that your pointer changes. I also didn't think anyone had posted any links in this thread until your most recent post, and I went back to your previous post and just happened to find them by skimming my mouse over.
Anyway, maybe there's an option in the forum software that could be changed to allow links to appear in a different color.
Just giving you a hard time. I've got to post over in feedback about the colors. They work when the link is in bold like all of the that are part of the forum, but the standard links that are inserted by us, it doesn't work to well.