Cheap Indy type jacket at..

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Cheap Indy type jacket at..

Post by IndyBlues »

Target, of all places. I was at the local Target this afternoon, and I was looking through the jacket section, and lo and behold, an Indy style leather jacket. Now it's not screen accurate, and no way near as nice as a Wested, but for about $100.00, it would do nicely for those folks that can't shell out the big bucks yet.(like me, unfortunatly :roll: )

I don't have a pic, but it seems like a cool enough jacket. I would have picked one up, but they didn't have my size. ANyhoo, I just thought I'd give aheads up.
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Post by IndyBlues »

I just went over to the Target website, and under mens outerwear, you can find a small pic. The stores have it it 2 colors, a dark brown, and a light brown. The picture at their site seems to be the lighter one.
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Post by IndyBlues »

That's the little guy! AT their site, they have an "enlarge picture' option.
What do you folks think? I know it's no way near accurate, but close enough for the economicaly strapped.
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Post by TheReverend »

I have a similar jacket made by Cherokee that's black leather and not suede, looks quite like Indy's, and I got it for 100 bucks. I've had it for almost 2 years now. These serve quite well, even though I've beaten the living heck out of mine. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing, seeing as it now is naturally distressed. Not bad jackets, and quite warm.
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THis is all i could find at ... B0000B0EOM
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