Here are some "before" shots:

And some "after" shots (shade & sunlight):

John did a fantastic job with this hat. I even had the sweatband replaced as the 'wire' reeding in the original one had gotten kinks in it from me trying to soften the hat using the smooshing in your hands method. The kinks didn't come out so it sort of un-belled the sweatband, flatening it against the forehead. So with that oops corrected it is fantastic to wear. Thank you John for a fantastic reblocking job!

Another note of what I like about the change is the color. It went from a bluish grey to a brownish grey in the process. I'm not sure how, but I like it just the same. Now I can see where the debate came from.

John, if you could chime in on your thought on this project it would be greatly appreciated. Again, you did a fantastic job on this hat & I hope that it will give some hope tho others that may have been disappointed in their lids that this hat is a fantastic one, it just needed a little nudge in the right direction & John is just the person to nudge the hat out of the shadows.
