It doesn't work the same, I know, I recently used Todds on my MKVII and that bag can take a beating. The german rucksack that Jens has found and sold to some of us (thanks again Jens for the hard work

Once I started it i had to see it through, I had to do the process twice just so the pack was evenly bleached out. You'll see what I mean when you check out the picks below.
So this was the process I used.
1st: wet bag for half hour, then beat the bajezzus out of it.
2nd: bleached the bag (twice)
3rd: rinsed bag
4th: used a wire brush along w/2nd bleach/distressing
5th: rinsed bag again
6th: used ritt dye colors taupe w/mix of drk brown. Didn't do to much, it gave it some color but was still to tan. tried mixing in some drk grn, this help but still not there yet. What I wanted was a slight olive drap look.
7th" made a custom color: 1 bag kelly green, half cup of taupe, mixed in drk brown. All long I'm using some white swatches to get that drak OD color, cause I know the bag will take it differently.
8th: let bag dry
9th: used an artist brush to high lite w/drk brown some of the seams. (all of the dye process was done while bag was wet and dye was hot) w/artist brush was done when bag was dry.
10th: put in dryer w/low heat for 30min to get the dye to set.
It was a heck of a process and one I wasn't epexting to have taken, but in the end I think the bag looks to have been on many an adveture. I know, I know theres nothing like good ol real time adventures to give your items that SA look, but I don't have that many oppertuntys to do so. Plus distressing my gear is relaxing and I enjoy it. (sorry Michealson) Well I've blabed on enough, heres the pics.


Wet and beat up:

W/Todds bleach:

In a bucket of dirt (so I could use a wire brush w/bleach to break it in)

Bleached out:

W/1st dye process ( while bag was wet w/hot water I used a brush w/hot dye):

W/2nd dye process (did the same way:


Pic taken outside on a slightly cloudy day:

Hopefully the mods will allow this many pics, at least for a liitle while so people can see the process.