we drove over to his shop in el segundo which was just south of the airport. at that time i was just in my little world of being star struck just because of all of the hollywood stars he's schmoozed with

i'm sure those that visited tony know he loves throwing jackets on people and getting them to pose for a picture......even if they don't fit

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2703.jpg
http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2706.jpg
http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212 ... CT2707.jpg
after that, we just chewed the fat for a while. the subject of the conversation went to the whole shrunken lamb debate......now i'm not going to entertain any shrunken lamb debates on this thread, but please feel free to post them on the other thread where they belong (mr. holt, man the flak cannons please

after that, tony was preoccupied with current business issues which allowed me to look around his shop some more. tucked away in the back i found some leather that tony recently used on a secret endeavour but did not use that type of leather on a jacket for years. he custom specified the leather long ago to build jackets out of but never used them to make anything indy. it was a flat matte leather that kind of looked predistressed until you examine it closer.....the distressed mark's were all NATURAL. tony found me poking around that leather pile and he asked me, "what did you find now???"......he took a sample of this stuff and he brought it to his table to test it.......we found that the sample, when 'prepped' would lose all of it's distressed markings, turning it back into a matte dark brown that was uniform across the hide....... and it only took a small pull of the leather to bring the lighter brown undertones back! the hide distressed on a dime, to put it simply. not only that, it was tough. it was a tough, stiff cowhide as it sits by itself but when tony massaged it and rubbed it around, it softened up extremely quick. it felt like how those oilskin jackets felt but it wasn't oily at all........strangest leather i've ever seen.....but man, was it a dead ringer for the colour of the raiders jacket!!!!
"this is the stuff.....i want this stuff on my jacket please".........tony was a little hesitant as he likes to test all of hides before he offers it to the public. he put the hide through a test treatment that would take some time to get the results. this was a good time to break for lunch

when we got back he released his manufacturing crew on the task. ricardo, a man that has been cutting tony's patterns for decades cut out the 38 pieces that it took to make an indy jacket. the leather was reinforced and awaited the sewing. that was the end of the day so tony brought me back to my hotel for some much needed rest and to plan the next days events.
the following day i hit downtown LA, west hollywood (the beverly centre shopping mall), beverly hills (including anto's, where they made the CS shirts.......look in the general gear section...and i'm willing to give info to select members here interested in the shirt....those that didn't tick me off in the past....but there isn't too much info to share anyways), and the santa monica pier. i called tony when i was on rodeo dr late in the afternoon and he told me the jacket was done!!! geez, that was quick!!! louise is the man responsible for sewing the jackets and not only is he precise, he is extremely fast. he is another gent that's been working with tony for years. both ricardo and louise were extremely pleasant gentlemen and i want to thank them for all the care they put in my jacket. with these 2 highly skilled craftsmen, and several other 'behind the scene' individuals, tony acts as the director to orchestrate all of the efforts.....and in the endy....indy magic

we decided to call the hide 'DIRTY OIL' cowhide.....quite befitting as i work in the 'dirty oil' patch of alberta

so if you're still awake, off to the pictures:
here's how it looked in big tony's shop.......

here's how it looked today.........

the last day of my trip is when i went to pick up the jacket. tony and i spent the whole day talking about indy, about family and about life. we also took a bunch of his jackets to the supermarket to weigh on the produce scale

out of all the fun stuff i did, including all the indy jacket stuff that i saw and touched, all the sights and sounds of LA LA land......my most favourite memory will be of myself and tony sitting on a bench outside the supermarket eating our dinners. talking about manny ramirez and his 50 game suspension (his subject)...talking about which canadian teams are left in the stanley cup playoff (my subject)....talking about the old days of 'pumping iron' with arnold, and basically talking about our families in general.
he was a kind a gracious host to me, and i am truly greatful to have made a friend with this man. the quality of his products are only overshadowed by the quality of his character. thank you for everything tony