Brand New Adventurebilt

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by Shorty »

Hey all,

I ordered an Adventurebilt in August of 2007, and I received it about a month ago. I figure it's about time to share it with all of you, since I know that you'll appreciated it. When it showed it up it was way bent out of shape from the shipping, but I think I've got all of the major kinks out. I ordered a raven bar, and I think that Steve did a bang-up job. :)

My only problem is that it might be a tad too large. When I wear it, the hat rests right on the top of my ears, to the point where I've worn two little patches into the felt. So my question to all of you is when you wear the hat, is the top of your head supposed to be touching the bottom of the center dent? Or should the fit alone be tight enough to stay on your head about your ears. Also, if you have any bashing advice, lay it on me since I had to re-do it myself after the battering it took during shipping. Thanks guys!

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by gwyddion »

It looks like it is indeed a tad too large for you. Have you tried putting some paper towels under the sweat to make it a bit tighter? This way you could let it sit on your head without your head touching the center dent and your ears touching the brim.

Regards, Geert
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by mrkaboom »

Hi there shorty, first of all let me say that you have a great looking hat there and welcome to the mad, topsy turvey world of COW. I joined last tear and am still reeling from all the gear i have now! I too have an AB and it is a tad too large. I think the advice you have been given is sound but i would also encourage you to wear the hat as often as you can as there is a little natural shrinkage as the hat moulds itself to the shape of your noggin. Love the shirt too and hope that your hat size stablises soon so you can enjoy it to the full.

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by mrkaboom »


Heres my hat after some natural shrinkage - fits great :)

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by nicktheguy »

The hat appears a wee bit large - but still looks great -
Your shirt looks great too. Which one is that? I can't tell if it's a Todds or an AB
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by serrecuir »

Beautiful lid, James!!

I have to ask the same question - what shirt is that? It looks like an AB, but it has dark buttons. It looks great under natural sunlight, whatever it is. And are those Persol sunglasses you're wearing? Very nice! Reminds me of Steve McQueen, rest his soul. He was the essence of cool!

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by BendingOak »

Is that how you wear you hat all the time tilted back like that? Where would the hat sit if you even the hat out? down a little in the front and up a little in the back. I don't know if thats clear but maybe you get what I'm talking about.
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by Mitch LaRue »

serrecuir wrote:I have to ask the same question - what shirt is that? It looks like an AB, but it has dark buttons. It looks great under natural sunlight, whatever it is.
Just a quick note (Off-Topic from the hat...but the question WAS asked...))
I think I know what James might answer to this question... That shirt looks just like my Magnoli Adventure Shirt in 100% Cotton Twill (in STONE Color) that I received just last week... IT also has slightly darker buttons than previous incarnations of it that I've seen...
I LOVE this shirt!
(And frankly, I'll be surprised if that's not what it is... but if I've learned anything from my time here at C.O.W., it's that I'm always getting surprises...)
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by Shorty »

Thanks for the tips, guys. Mitch guessed it, it is a Magnoli adventure shirt, and it really is a great looking shirt. What's odd is that the buttons on mine are clear up close, it's only from far away that they take on that really dark look that you see in the pictures.

Oak, I don't always wear the hat at such a rakish angle. I have been doing it lately because when it sits level on my head it rests right on the top of my ears, which turns them red. This phenomena kind of takes the macho-ness out of the look, no? :P

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I don't know why, but when I recieved my AB for the first time, it also felt too large for my head, and often ended up on my ears. However, after a few months of hardly any wear, when I put it back on, it felt quite snug. I'm not quite sure why that is: I stored it in a cool, dark place, and I don't think it was my hair either, as I had just had a haircut when I put it on the second time round...

In any event, I was pretty pleased! Maybe the same will happen for you? ;)
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by DR Ulloa »

You were visited by the AB fairy, Castor. Looks exactly like Steve only 1/8th his size and instead of a wand carries a measuring tape. I thought I saw the AB fairy the other night...nope, I didn't. :[

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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by Indycrazy5187 »

Boy would I love to be visited by the AB fairy.
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by jedidentist »

I chose not to wait for the AB Adventurebilt is being "rebuilt" as I type :D
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Re: Brand New Adventurebilt

Post by DR Ulloa »

Thats customer service. I know Steve may not be the easiest guy to get a hold of, but he makes himself available as best he can. I've never waited more than two days for a response to my e-mails. I usually get a response the very next day and sometimes on the same day. All I know is that working with Steve with my order has been a pleasure. I can't wait until I have mine in hand.

Just wanted to reiterate what I had said earlier. Shorty, that a beautiful hat!

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