From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
After working through both of our busy schedules, I had the extreme pleasure of making a short journey north to the woods of northern Wisconsin to spend the day cracking whips with forum friend Adam Winrich. I have to tell you it was a real treat and a very humbling experience to get to work out with Adam for an entire day. We started the day using a bullock whip which is a 5 foot handle and an 8 foot whip-a la a stock whip on steroids. I managed to hurt myself pretty good with it! Next it was on to using a pair of 22 footers!! And yes I was able to reasonably toss them and get louder than rifle cracks out of them! Tons of other whips, targeting, two handed-almost 8 hours of cracking in all!
I did bring my whips, in my new Bernardo Del Carpio travel case:
In the end I was offered this fine pair of Russell Schultz 5 foot stock whips, with which to attempt some two handed cracking!
The firewhip picture turned out really well, and so did the pics of the Schultz stockwhips. I'd almost be jealous that you have those whips if I wasn't staring at all the whips I hafe left
Great Photos Bob, Especially the last one with the fire whip
It looks like you an Adam had a great time over the weekend. Your lucky to be so close to such a talented whip handler. Congratulations on the new acquisitions too, Those Russell Shultz stock whips look great. Russel does excellent work and I think you will do very well with them.
BTW, I like the DCW whip case, It looks like your getting a pretty nice whip collection together!
Gorgeous stockwhips! And learning from Adam himself... How about that bullock whip? I thought I was the only crazy guy who wanted to have one to crack... Perhaps I'll make mine someday...
Good you had a great time with Adam. And kids... don't try using firewhips at home...